Your Cricket Your fastest delivery

rickyp said:
i highly doubt you can get the stumps to fall over with a yorker :S it doesnt work that way... do you even play cricket?

it is possible,once again depends on certain factors,etc...
he is a strike bowler he has his good days and his bad day
Maybe i was away when he was having his good day
everyone goes through bad patches and if this guy can hit 150 he must be worth something i think he would be the quickest bowler in england correct?
why is he to inneffective? and why havent the english coaches tryed to fix the problem?
he doesn't trouble batsmen and is inconsistent
offdriven4 said:
:p broke a set of bails once,only a cheap set though set up on my front lawn...,although i do get stumps to cartwheel quite regularly with the yorker i'm working on.
Are you even sticking them in the ground? Or is the spike only an inch long. It's extremely rare to get a stump to cartwheel from a true yorker length, regardless of how fast you bowl.

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