Your Cricket Your fastest delivery

Dalek said:
Any one watch New zeland and west indies other day well, Kallis sends the stumps flying, while leaving a 1.5 inch botom bit of the stumps left in the groudn snapped of the stump!! and hes not even a fast bowler!, must be firmly in the ground!

I've no idea how fast I bowl, broke some stumps with an inswinging yorker once, was the best I'd ever bowled until I did it again with my first ball of a new spell later in the match.
I reached 58mph today several times which is better than my previous best of 55 earlier this year once.
Some bowlers dont read high but looks very fast, Mahmood for example
A_Whitey said:
I've no idea how fast I bowl, broke some stumps with an inswinging yorker once, was the best I'd ever bowled until I did it again with my first ball of a new spell later in the match.

:p broke a set of bails once,only a cheap set though set up on my front lawn...,although i do get stumps to cartwheel quite regularly with the yorker i'm working on.
I once broke a mans shin into 345634890563958635 pieces, therefore I'm the fastest thing ever seen.
i love my bowling atm its quick but ive been told by people ive bowled at in the nets what gets them is im similar to stuart clark in where its hard to pick my bouncer from a yorker out of the hand and with my action i play indoor tonight ill see how quick i can bowl in there if we have centre court
I turned 17 about 3 months ago, and I've been in our first 11 for 3 years. In about Dec I had a growth spurt and got up to 6'2. I've always been a medium pacer who bowled but now i'm the quickest in our team by far and quicker than anyone else we played. Most people think i would be around 120 KPH, which is 75MPH, but we haven't played in a month now and I started doing weights and I feel even quicker again atleast 125KPH maybe more. I weigh 86 KG now so I have the mass behind me, I just want to know if im quick.
your not to quick just a bit under me but it doesnt matter how quick you are if you can bowl the right bowls ive taught myself how to bowl off cutters leg cutters in swingers outswingers i can pretty much do everything and thats what gets me wickets not my speed
offdriven4 said:
:p broke a set of bails once,only a cheap set though set up on my front lawn...,although i do get stumps to cartwheel quite regularly with the yorker i'm working on.

i highly doubt you can get the stumps to fall over with a yorker :S it doesnt work that way... do you even play cricket?
rickyp said:
i highly doubt you can get the stumps to fall over with a yorker :S it doesnt work that way... do you even play cricket?
:p did he just get owned there and made a fool of himself by lieing bad
Drewska said:
Mahmood looks slow and bowls fast...and crap most of the time.

It's because he's not skiddy off the track. Bowlers like Lee and Tait always look quicker as they have skiddy actions.

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