Your Cricket Your fastest delivery

i'm 13 and i bowl around about 100 kph and my fastest would be once when a guy hit a six off me then came up to me and said your poo (he acttully said the ruder version starting with S) so the next bowl i bowled a 125 kph Beamer!
You cant tell out on the field... and dont say they had speedos cause they wouldnt at a 13 year olds game i hate people who lie it makes your own personal achievements seem so bad..

and you shouldnt be proud about bowling a beamer... its the worst thing any bowler can do and i find it really embarassing that you are bragging about it

people like this make other aussies look bad
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87 is crazy crazy fast.mine is 79.7.i clearly remember it.
i'm 13 and i bowl around about 100 kph and my fastest would be once when a guy hit a six off me then came up to me and said your poo (he acttully said the ruder version starting with S) so the next bowl i bowled a 125 kph Beamer!

Look you usualy only get the guns at County matches. I get them at Yorkshire alot but i dont bowl sometimes:)
Look you usualy only get the guns at County matches. I get them at Yorkshire alot but i dont bowl sometimes:)

In my club in India we have "special days" or something where all the bowlers/allrounders are pitted against a gun. Once in two months or summthin.
Some kids hit 130, not accurate though. Work on that and they can spearhead india..
This really shows how far ahead Australia are because we have a left armer at our club who bowls 130 accuratly and he only plays 2nd grade in canberra and doesnt even open the bowling
I'm not in the first team, sometimes is under16's or 14's, absoloutley rapid bowlers

good stuff, keep it up, i didnt i fell to the vices of drink, drugs and women, believe me the last one is the worse.

these days with my crippled foot (rugby injury) i'd be luck to bowl at 65, i only ever get to bowl if i drop into the 2nd's if they need a bowler desperately, pity because i used to get a bit pace, now i stick it on middle stump and hope they miss.
i'm 13 and i bowl around about 100 kph and my fastest would be once when a guy hit a six off me then came up to me and said your poo (he acttully said the ruder version starting with S) so the next bowl i bowled a 125 kph Beamer!

Okay but I highly doubt thats possible unless you do some serious weight training and you were pretty pissed off.
To put some of the speeds quoted here into perspective, the average first XI (good standard) club bowler will bowl at between 70-77mph (112-120km/h).

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