2nd August Screens

Do what ever you like. I personally find it boring. Very. It adds nothing. I am waiting kto play the game and after thirty hours of playing will have a good idea of whatthis game really can do. Trying to decipher what the game will be like from screenshots is for me pointless.

Crap. No one said anythng about cant or not allowed. I gave my personal opinion of it being useless. My opinion. Do whatever you want......

If you find it boring then don't comment? Other people were discussing it so what's the problem? Keep your opinion to yourself then lol. Also just to add you say it's boring and adds nothing? I think the conversation about the screenshot was a lot more interesting than people posting "omg ross amazing announcement? announcement? date? release date?" x100

Screenshots can be used to praise and brag about the game but can't be used to predict a shortcoming in game. Thats double standard.

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If you find it boring then don't comment? Other people were discussing it so what's the problem? Keep your opinion to yourself then lol.


Kind of undermines your own argument really doesnt it?
Kind of undermines your own argument really doesnt it?

No not really, I find it amusing that you decide to give your opinion of being "bored" because of a discussion some members are having like your opinion matters or something
Excellenty put. I know my place now for sure.


I find the whole discussion of trying to decipher whether the game will be good or not by discecting screenshots pointless. That others dont find it pointless is fair enough and they can go ahead and do that. I find it boring to read through and stated that. It is my opinion.

Now if you argue that I must respect other peoples opinion by stating that I cannot express it, then you are arguing against your own principal.

And yes my opinion does matter, to me. Therefore I decided to state it. The joys of democracy and a free internet..
Excellenty put. I know my place now for sure.


I find the whole discussion of trying to decipher whether the game will be good or not by discecting screenshots pointless. That others dont find it pointless is fair enough and they can go ahead and do that. I find it boring to read through and stated that. It is my opinion.

Now if you argue that I must respect other peoples opinion by stating that I cannot express it, then you are arguing against your own principal.

And yes my opinion does matter, to me. Therefore I decided to state it. The joys of democracy and a free internet..

No one said the game was going to be bad...they were merely questioning why that fielder was reacting to such a shot which brings me to my point people are just discussing about the screenshots (what else are you meant to do at this point?) but I feel because it's a slightly negative discussion you feel to say it's boring and what not. Which is totally fine but it's unecessary to post that like trying to belittle the discussion because you find it boring? I've seen TONS of posts and discussions in threads which are far far more "boring" than this but then what kind of a place would the forums be if everyone thought "oh I find their discussion boring let me post that in every thread"

what I'm trying to say is when I read something boring I just skip over it

Also by your logic then no one should discuss anything at all then? you said you're waiting to play the game then you'll know if it's good or bad so then the people saying how good it is are having conversation that adds nothing as you said?
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Yeah people get so defensive if you say one thing against the game, I'm with you it is odd that there's a fielder catching that and look at people trying to justify it by saying it's an edge...stop

You guys are just guessing that's it, here is my guess ok.:D
The bowler ran in as normal with a rash between his legs but still gave a 100% with the delivery. The batmen( not batter ross:p) went for a backfoot drive and hit the ball( edge maybe or not) then the fielder dived to try to catch or stop the ball. Did he catch it or stop it or miss it, who knows. Then the bowler put cream on his rash to help the pain. THE END.:p

PS You can see the ups and downs in a screenshot but not much else mate.
Now Dutch has a way with people that only him and maybe Biggs have in common.:eek:
I like the fact you can turn on "Beast Mode" for fielders :thumbs We may get a decent contest from AI once we have mastered the game by making the fielders "super reflexive" :yes
I like the fact you can turn on "Beast Mode" for fielders :thumbs We may get a decent contest from AI once we have mastered the game by making the fielders "super reflexive" :yes

I hope for no ic2010 fielders, I have nightmares about the wicketkeeper in that game. We will find out soon but I do feel people are just guessing, there is no way in hell that fielder is going to catch that ball. PS Only ross knows for now.
I hope for no ic2010 fielders, I have nightmares about the wicketkeeper in that game. We will find out soon but I do feel people are just guessing, there is no way in hell that fielder is going to catch that ball. PS Only ross knows for now.

I think you are missing the point. Folks are saying, and rightly so, that a fielder so close to the bat should not even be reacting the way he is doing. The first reaction of a close-in fielder is to protect himself as soon as he sees the batsman play a full blooded shot in his direction. In this case the fielder is clearly attempting to make a catch, be it edged, mishit or well timed.

I am hoping this reaction only occurs when fielders are in some sort of "god" mode, which is good for offline mode IMO, but in normal/hard mode the close-in fielder should not be attempting such a catch.
I hope for no ic2010 fielders, I have nightmares about the wicketkeeper in that game. We will find out soon but I do feel people are just guessing, there is no way in hell that fielder is going to catch that ball. PS Only ross knows for now.

Haha I remember the keeper throwing himself and actually catching slip catches at spin bowling :lol :lol
Haha I remember the keeper throwing himself and actually catching slip catches at spin bowling :lol :lol

SO DO I :mad


I think you are missing the point. Folks are saying, and rightly so, that a fielder so close to the bat should not even be reacting the way he is doing. The first reaction of a close-in fielder is to protect himself as soon as he sees the batsman play a full blooded shot in his direction. In this case the fielder is clearly attempting to make a catch, be it edged, mishit or well timed.

I am hoping this reaction only occurs when fielders are in some sort of "god" mode, which is good for offline mode IMO, but in normal/hard mode the close-in fielder should not be attempting such a catch.

I do see your point but to my eyes he is trying to catch or stop the ball but the ball is like a metre away from him. He is never going to get close to it as the batsmen has not hit the ball at him. PS This is all just a guess also, only ross knows and he will be up in a few hours but just like others on here I do want the AI to catch me but not unrealistic like in ic2010.

Maybe like ricky ponting/jonty Rhodes/mark taylor type of level would be fine. PS I do not want to see a full drive hit so hard and caught like a lollipop as much as anyone else on here. PS Dutch would love this little chat at the moment, I bet he is sleeping in his old mans rocking chair.:lol
I do see your point but to my eyes he is trying to catch or stop the ball but the ball is like a metre away from him. He is never going to get close to it as the batsmen has not hit the ball at him. PS This is all just a guess also, only ross knows and he will be up in a few hours but just like others on here I do want the AI to catch me but not unrealistic like in ic2010.

Maybe like ricky ponting/jonty Rhodes/mark taylor type of level would be fine. PS I do not want to see a full drive hit so hard and caught like a lollipop as much as anyone else on here. PS Dutch would love this little chat at the moment, I bet he is sleeping in his old mans rocking chair.:lol

When you are fielding close to the batsman, a full blooded shot played in your direction is enough for you to take evasive action... doesn't matter whether the ball is hit at you, close to you or mishit, as soon as you see the batsman winding like that to play a shot in your direction you duck.

And I'm talking from experience of having to be forced by my school coach to field at forward short leg :mad Every time batsman tried to play a shot to the leg, even a glance I involuntarily turned my back. I guess you would know once you have tried fielding in a close-in position coz no matter what you want to do, as soon as the batsman winds up you duck.
Okay now I'm actually starting to agree with Dutchad, discussing all these intricacies is ridiculous, oh the bowler ran up and pitched it just back of a length, then the batsmen had an itch so missed-timed the shot...cmon man

I think the misunderstanding me and dutchad had was, I think it is fine questioning why the fielder is catching in that fashion from so close up, but when people start talking about what the weather was like, what the batsmen had for breakfast etc that is just retarded and I agree it is boring.
Let's ask ross what's going on if we are thinking dutch is right about something. PS call the Doctor out right now, PC members are sick.:p
Guys there is no point in discussing this as we all know nothing what is happening. The only person who can answer will be ross. Let him clarify the issue here.

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