A Heart of Gold: A Pok?mon Story
Iridium - Part 6
The hiding I handed out to Team Rocket turned out to be very useful training for my Pokemon. The Gym was no longer being blocked by a Rocket Grunt, so my chance to get my second badge had finally come.
Azalea Town Gym
My research showed that the leader Bugsy was an expert in Bug-type Pokemon. To prepare for this, I toughened Spearow and Geodude a little bit to get them battle ready.
And boy had they gone nuts on the whole bug theme. There were trees inside and these massive spider karts that ran along these bridges. I hopped onto the middle on and it took me to a Bug Catcher called Al. He was super stoked to be able to battle but his eagerness didn't translate to good battle skills as Spearow had little trouble against his Caterpie and Weedle.
The kart on the right took me to a dead-end but the one on the left took me to the next area where I faced off against Benny. He sent out a Weedle which Spearow took out with one Peck. Next was his Kakuna, which took a little longer due to it using Harden. Last of all was his Beedrill, which was a much tougher opponent. Spearow hit it with Peck but Beedrill struck back with a Fury Attack. Spearow was being pummelled but managed to evade Beedrill and hit home the final Peck.
The next kart led me to a set of twins, Amy and May, who insisted on having a double battle. I had never taken part in such a battle so I was keen to give it a bash. They sent out a Ledyba and a Spinarak whilst I used Spearow and Geodude. Things didn't start off well. Spinarak used Poison Sting on my Spearow, poisoning it and to make matters worse my Geodude fell into confusion when Ledyba used Supersonic. Things looked bleak but Spearow fought through the pain and the poison to take out both Pokemon. I cursed myself for not having an Antidote so I was forced to retreat to the Pokemon Centre.
After my quick dash, I returned and faced one last trainer, Josh. His Paras however was ruthlessly taken out as my Spearow's Peck dealt 4x the damage due to it's type advantage.
There were no other trainers left. Now it was Bugsy's turn.
-Leader Bugsy-
Iridium v Bugsy
When I fist saw Bugsy, and this is no joke, I thought he was a girl. When he spoke, only then did I realise that this 'she' was actually a 'he'. He claimed he had never lost when it came to Bug Pokemon. I was out to change that.
His opening move however, threw me a bit. He sent out his Scyther, his strongest Pokemon. This was apparently something that Gym Leader's rarely do. My battle strategy was thrown out the window and I would have to wing it from here on in. I started with Geodude and called for it to use Rock Throw. By the time the words had left my mouth, Scyther was already attacking with U-Turn, an attack that would allow it to strike and then retreat. Geodude was almost taken out but shook off attack and braced itself for it's next opponent.
Bugsy's Scyther | F | Lvl 17
A Metapod was sent out and Geodude's Rock Throw did massive damage but its high defence meant that it clung on. Bugsy used a Super Potion to restore HP to Metapod and I used the opportunity to do the same. Geodude upped the intensity and it's next attack dealt critical damage. Metapod was out.
Scyther was sent out again and I stuck with Geodude. However, Geodude is not the fastest Pokemon around and this didn't help against Scyther, who was blindingly quick. Geodude used Rock Throw and amazingly, it hit. Scyther was down and Bugsy cleverly told it to use U-Turn again. Geodude was hit and Scyther was retreated.
I recalled Geodude as Bugsy sent out Kakuna. Spearow was given the chance to fight. Spearow agility proved too much for Kakuna but not before it's Poison Sting poisoned my Spearow yet again. Spearow was fading fast and wouldn't last long against Scyther.
I had to find some way to slow it down and I knew just what to do. I recalled Spearow and sent out Mareep. My plan was to paralyze Scyther and hope that would slow it down. I called for TunderShock but Scyther dodged with ease. Scyther used Quick Attack and Mareep had no chance. In a stroke of good luck though, the static from Mareep wool was enough to cause paralysis in Scyther. This was the break I needed.
Geodude was sent out and the difference was stark. Geodude was able to move freely while Scyther's movements were laboured and slow, its muscles struggling to respond due to the paralysis. Geodude used Rock Throw and Sycther couldn't dodge in time. However, it mustered up the strength to deliver a U-Turn attack. Both Pokemon were now down to their last ounces of strength. The next Pokemon to be hit would lose. Geodude used Rock Throw but Scyther had started comign forward for a Quick Attack, but was held back by its status ailment. Scyther resigned itself to defeat and the battle was ours.
Bugsy acknowledged he still had a lot to learn about Pokemon and gave me the Hive Badge:
Bugsy also gave me TM89 (U-Turn), the move which had proved so very powerful in our battle.
With two badges now in my possession, I turned my thoughts to where I could get my next one.
Seen: 36 | Obatained: 14
Totodile - Lvl 17
Spearow - Lvl 15
Geodude - Lvl 16
Mareep - Lvl 13
Bellsprout - Lvl 8
Credit for pictures go to Marriland and Bulbapedia
Iridium - Part 6
The hiding I handed out to Team Rocket turned out to be very useful training for my Pokemon. The Gym was no longer being blocked by a Rocket Grunt, so my chance to get my second badge had finally come.
Azalea Town Gym
My research showed that the leader Bugsy was an expert in Bug-type Pokemon. To prepare for this, I toughened Spearow and Geodude a little bit to get them battle ready.
And boy had they gone nuts on the whole bug theme. There were trees inside and these massive spider karts that ran along these bridges. I hopped onto the middle on and it took me to a Bug Catcher called Al. He was super stoked to be able to battle but his eagerness didn't translate to good battle skills as Spearow had little trouble against his Caterpie and Weedle.
The kart on the right took me to a dead-end but the one on the left took me to the next area where I faced off against Benny. He sent out a Weedle which Spearow took out with one Peck. Next was his Kakuna, which took a little longer due to it using Harden. Last of all was his Beedrill, which was a much tougher opponent. Spearow hit it with Peck but Beedrill struck back with a Fury Attack. Spearow was being pummelled but managed to evade Beedrill and hit home the final Peck.
The next kart led me to a set of twins, Amy and May, who insisted on having a double battle. I had never taken part in such a battle so I was keen to give it a bash. They sent out a Ledyba and a Spinarak whilst I used Spearow and Geodude. Things didn't start off well. Spinarak used Poison Sting on my Spearow, poisoning it and to make matters worse my Geodude fell into confusion when Ledyba used Supersonic. Things looked bleak but Spearow fought through the pain and the poison to take out both Pokemon. I cursed myself for not having an Antidote so I was forced to retreat to the Pokemon Centre.
After my quick dash, I returned and faced one last trainer, Josh. His Paras however was ruthlessly taken out as my Spearow's Peck dealt 4x the damage due to it's type advantage.
There were no other trainers left. Now it was Bugsy's turn.
-Leader Bugsy-

Iridium v Bugsy

When I fist saw Bugsy, and this is no joke, I thought he was a girl. When he spoke, only then did I realise that this 'she' was actually a 'he'. He claimed he had never lost when it came to Bug Pokemon. I was out to change that.
His opening move however, threw me a bit. He sent out his Scyther, his strongest Pokemon. This was apparently something that Gym Leader's rarely do. My battle strategy was thrown out the window and I would have to wing it from here on in. I started with Geodude and called for it to use Rock Throw. By the time the words had left my mouth, Scyther was already attacking with U-Turn, an attack that would allow it to strike and then retreat. Geodude was almost taken out but shook off attack and braced itself for it's next opponent.

Bugsy's Scyther | F | Lvl 17
A Metapod was sent out and Geodude's Rock Throw did massive damage but its high defence meant that it clung on. Bugsy used a Super Potion to restore HP to Metapod and I used the opportunity to do the same. Geodude upped the intensity and it's next attack dealt critical damage. Metapod was out.
Scyther was sent out again and I stuck with Geodude. However, Geodude is not the fastest Pokemon around and this didn't help against Scyther, who was blindingly quick. Geodude used Rock Throw and amazingly, it hit. Scyther was down and Bugsy cleverly told it to use U-Turn again. Geodude was hit and Scyther was retreated.
I recalled Geodude as Bugsy sent out Kakuna. Spearow was given the chance to fight. Spearow agility proved too much for Kakuna but not before it's Poison Sting poisoned my Spearow yet again. Spearow was fading fast and wouldn't last long against Scyther.
I had to find some way to slow it down and I knew just what to do. I recalled Spearow and sent out Mareep. My plan was to paralyze Scyther and hope that would slow it down. I called for TunderShock but Scyther dodged with ease. Scyther used Quick Attack and Mareep had no chance. In a stroke of good luck though, the static from Mareep wool was enough to cause paralysis in Scyther. This was the break I needed.
Geodude was sent out and the difference was stark. Geodude was able to move freely while Scyther's movements were laboured and slow, its muscles struggling to respond due to the paralysis. Geodude used Rock Throw and Sycther couldn't dodge in time. However, it mustered up the strength to deliver a U-Turn attack. Both Pokemon were now down to their last ounces of strength. The next Pokemon to be hit would lose. Geodude used Rock Throw but Scyther had started comign forward for a Quick Attack, but was held back by its status ailment. Scyther resigned itself to defeat and the battle was ours.
Iridium defeated Leader Bugsy
Geodude - 912 exp
Spearow - 228 exp
Bugsy acknowledged he still had a lot to learn about Pokemon and gave me the Hive Badge:

Bugsy also gave me TM89 (U-Turn), the move which had proved so very powerful in our battle.
With two badges now in my possession, I turned my thoughts to where I could get my next one.
Seen: 36 | Obatained: 14

Totodile - Lvl 17
Spearow - Lvl 15
Geodude - Lvl 16
Mareep - Lvl 13
Bellsprout - Lvl 8
Credit for pictures go to Marriland and Bulbapedia
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