A Heart of Gold: A Pok?mon Story (Chewie v Iridium v Hedger)

Well I'll evolve it sometime :p

The only pokemon that I've never evolved was Mudkip. I had a level 100 Mudkip on Ruby :p
I never really liked him. Was annoying to battle it as well - kept raising the team's defence with Light Screen.

Metronome is awesome. Togetic won me a badge once just because of it. Think it was the 4th gym, if memory serves correctly.

Also, are the re-makes just improved graphics, or is there some new content added to the games?
Hmm, there seems to be a few changes. I see that you can access a Safari Zone now. Might buy a copy in the summer, actually.
There's not much until the next gym. Maybe up until you reach Goldenrod, and then the next one can be Goldenrod + Gym
Trying to figure out my end team:

Feraligatr - Physical Water
Gengar - Special Ghost/Poison
Togekiss - Special Normal/Flying
Magnezone/Machamp Special Electric/Steel or Physical Fighting
Tyranitar - Physical Rock/Dark
Dragonite - Physical Dragon/Flying

Physical/Special means what type of moves they are more suited for
Is this your final team for competitive battling, or the Elite 4? Cos I'm pretty sure that Larvitar was only accessible in Mount Silver, which opens up after you win the League.
Larvitar is available in the Safari Zone in HGSS apparently :)
A safari park? In Pokemon Gold and Silver? Oh, the humanity! No longer will kids train their ass of to reach Fuscia City, only be immensley dissappoined.
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