Well I always get Pidgey

Only cause Pidgeotto was one of my favourite pokemon in the first generation. Hmm, I'm trying to think of my favourite pokemon from each type.
Fire: Charizard or Ninetales (Ninetales used to be my favourite pokemon

Water: Squirtle/Blastoise or Seel (Don't really like Wartortle and used to love Seel)
Flying: Pidgeotto/Pidgeot
Electric: Pikachu! and Zapdos and I like Jolteon a lot as well (Who can't love Pikachu

Rock: Tough one, probably Onix
Ground: Don't really have one.
Grass: Sceptile or Celebi, don't really like grass pokemon
Pyschic: Espeon
Dragon: Dragonite probably or Garchomp from the newer generations
Ice: Suicune, although he's water as well and Articuno
Yeah and don't really have a favourite Dark/Ghost Pokemon.