Adam Gilchrist's book (merged threads)

Has anyone actually read this book? You're making assumptions through twisted newspaper articles. Then again, if you do buy his book to make sure, you could be confirming his intentions to sell copies. Then again, you could find what was written in the paper wasn't true. It's a vicious circle...
To be honest, his "opinion" is bordering on slander. You can't go around publicly releasing documents that slander someone's image and hide behind the cover of "honest opinion".
Gilchrist will now call Ganguly and clarify things with him, and all will end well.....

Frankly, I dont care anymore what Gilchrist writes. When he took on Sachin, I definitely lost my respect for him. I consider him as the same anymore. And I wont defend him saying "these things sell more, and so its fine to do it". the image that Gilchrist has of a clean and decent cricketer, these things bring a big damage to that image.

Had this been Matthew Hayden writing, I wouldnt have cared about what such idiots write. But this is GILCHRIST! Thats why it is hard to believe. I personally feel Ganguly should take offense of it and not say what Sachin said "He spoke with me, and we sorted it out" etc etc etc.
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Once my exams finish i'm gonna buy one and read. Maybe i might pick up something the media missed:D
Had this been Matthew Hayden writing, I wouldnt have cared about what such idiots write. But this is GILCHRIST! Thats why it is hard to believe. I personally feel Ganguly should take offense of it and not say what Sachin said "He spoke with me, and we sorted it out" etc etc etc.
Hayden wasn't any different to Gilchrist to begin with. They are upright and both tell it like it is and that's what makes them bigger then any Indian fan or player.

Sensitive Indians such as yourself can't handle the truth, that's why you dislike players like Gilly and Haydos. I guareente that they know allot more about what they're talking about then what you do so just shut up and stop slandering our legends, when you've got no evidence.
Sensitive Indians such as yourself can't handle the truth, that's why you dislike players like Gilly and Haydos. I guareente that they know allot more about what they're talking about then what you do so just shut up and stop slandering our legends, when you've got no evidence.
Good post;)

It's funny how its only a headline in India. If it wasn't for these threads i wouldn't even of known he wrote a book, so its obviously not a publicity stunt, he's just speaking the truth.

But its the same old story, Indians will never ever believe that their very own players are just as bad (or worse) than most teams out there.
It's not a headline in India. I was unaware of Gilchrist's book until Sid posted a link to an Australian news website regarding some controversy.
The Australian media has been trying to feed off the book by publishing it in full view to the Indian viewers out there who will outpour their obviosu angst because Gilchrist is posting nonsense based on his own interpretations. He is posting like the normal Aussie fan that you see in these forums, but he is using his book and his status as a cult cricketer to the fullest extent.

Indian fans take objection to it because we believe Gilchrist does not have the evidence to back up his claims. We are not blinded by our stars (and you dont tell that to us, because we can say the same nonsense that you're blinded by your own stars like Gilchrist). I HAVE LOST RESPECT FOR GILCHRIST, and there is nothing yet to change my opinion (and its highly unlikely that I will get anything to make me change mine)!
Well atleast he doesn't whinge when the umpiring goes against him.

*Cough* Sydney *Cough*

I think when Aussie are on field to play a match they don't need a umpire their Punter can take the job :)

we can't sat anything on this as it's all Journalist reports waiting for the book to be released(?) or read it on net then i ll get into this thread!! haha :D
I think when Aussie are on field to play a match they don't need a umpire their Punter can take the job :)

we can't sat anything on this as it's all Journalist reports waiting for the book to be released(?) or read it on net then i ll get into this thread!! haha :D

And they also have their future captain claiming a catch that wasnt one in the first place. They have their wicketkeeper (saint) who also claims catches that arent out, but wears the 'honesty' robe by walking after nicking. They have a bowler who gets so frustrated at being scored easily, that he irritates the batsman with his constant chatter and abuse. They had a captain who can write a book on how to win matches by talking to the opposition rather than by using their own cricketing skills (he has coined the term 'mental disintegration').
He's being honest. It's good to see someone being honest in their autobiographies. These days, you just read the same thing from every player.

It's good to see Gilly stir the pot a bit. I can't wait to get some money to buy the book.

Gilly Fan added 1 Minutes and 58 Seconds later...

So really, noone here has read the book yet, we're still talking about newspaper articles.

Someone on another forum has. Here is a bit of what he had to say.

Finished it today. Really good read, it has a little more depth than your general get an autobiography out before everyone forgets who you are sort of book. Very open and honest about everything and gave some really good insights, I enjoyed reading the bits and pieces about Damien Martyn throughout the book, He's always been a bit on an enigmatic character and it was interesting to read Gilly's thoughts.

There was a few lines about the dramas Damien went through when he replaced Tom Moody as WA Captain only to have the Captaincy taken from him once again. That back in those days he struggled trying to be the big personality you need to be as a Skipper, the bloke that the Western Australian selectors wanted him to be when in reality he was a quiet, shy bloke who didn't like the lime light. There was one story where team rules were that all players had to bunk with a different team mate each time they travelled for bonding purposes, except the Captain who shared a room with Gilly each time because he was too shy/reserved to bunk with anyone other than one of his best mates.

I think another interesting thing for me was the stuff Gilly wrote about replacing Warney, that he knew it was a bit of a publicity stunt to shut up the people complaining about Warney's off field behaviour and it was a very awkward time for everyone.
Unless you have read the actual book you should all be ashamed of yourselves for slandering Gilchrist's great name. Journalists are journalists and will manipulate whatever they can to sell newspapers.

Aside from that though, regardless of what Gilchrist meant, or what it reads in context, it's his autobiography and he can write what he wants. People who lose respect for him because he slandered their favourite player's good names are being stupid, especially since they haven't read the book.

What he writes in his book is up to him, and it would be boring as anything if he didn't write in anything controversial. He's getting things off his chest, which he's entitled to do.
Idians hardly buy books. and specially autobiographys. I have not read even single one.

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