Adam Gilchrist's book (merged threads)

Sachin is not a villian who needs to be shown his true colors in front of the people. Its in people's best interests that all this issue is kept in the closet. .

Are you suggesting that it is in peoples best intrest for the truth to be hidden? Wow, you'd go down a storm back home in the political arena.

Gilchrist wanted to write a book which shows his experiences in the Australian cricket team. This issue is one of them. So he included it. Sachin was never named as a villian and like I said earlier, nearly all cricketers have done much worse than what Sachin has been accused of doing at one stage or another. It honestly seems like you can't comprehend that Sachin Tendulkar is just as capable of making a mistake or looking like a fool as we all are. Stop idolising the poor guy.

I honestly can not see the big deal in this story at all. What Tendulkar has been said to have done isn't even that bad and I'm not in the least bit suprised that he could well of done something unsavory.

The funny thing is though, if this story really makes it big, it will be because of the Indian press. If the Indian cricket team/fans think the issue wasn't worth mentioning on Gilchrists behalf, they shouldn't blow up about it because that is a sure fire way to alarm everyone in the world about this incident.

This story wont have anymore than a paragraph in the Australian papers, and it wont even appear in the papers of other cricketing nations. However it very will do so if the Indians make a fuss because their top boy was "insulted".
Every one is free to express his opinion... Gilly can say whatever he likes...

Yes whether false or true you do it without thinking :rolleyes:
it's flashing on news apologising Sachin on Phone

he said to Master that "Papers have misunderstood or shown my point the wrong way and i m sorry if that hurts you "

Mind Game :rolleyes:
The media are most unforgiving and a substantiated story of Tendulkar's unsportsmanship will be the most cutting edge of all - but the media have not succeeded in finding one blip against his record. Is this a coincidence? Do they favour him? No, unless you want to believe in some pro-Tendulkar conspiracy. Gilchrist manages to cite instances that cannot be backed up with evidence, as the stories in the Sydney debacle were cloudy at best and no one can refute the claim that Tendulkar was not there to shake hands - how convinient. I am not suggesting that Gilchrist has plain lied, but that he has taken incidents which need not be backed by evidence and can be written through his personal experience and surrounding emotional rhetoric.

Moreover, Gilchrist as a great human being because he is a walker? Give me a break. I am not going to argue that it is disrespectful to umpires, etc or cite the Dravid incident at Sydney but rather that walking does not make someone a perfect being; heck, it doesn't even guarantee honesty. Gilchrist walks because he thinks that it is the right thing to do - this is not an entirely pure motive. Put in different terms, he walks because he wants to - he does not ever want to stay and then his conscience grabs a hold of him and wrestles his body off the field, as that is a ridiculous notion.
oh!! You say he he didn't gave any press conf about it? His books says it ..wy would he say in Public His book said it & That's it ...

poor attempt to disturb Indians : :rolleyes:
saisrini80 said:
Excuse me - we have forgotten about it long ago. Your most celebrated player who recently retired decides to bring up old wounds and tries to use it to his advantage.
OMG, actually read my post! The Age journalist read his book and published parts of it!

aus5892 said:
So what you're saying is that Gilchrist wrote an autobiography (which would have taken him at least a year from start to finish) as a cover for trying to upset Tendulkar the next time Australia played them?

Or do you think that he just added in that chapter because of this series and timed the release date perfectly to unsettle Sachin?

You seem to be missing the point here - Gilchrist has not made any public comments whatsoever, this is journalists reporting what they read in a book. Gilly wanted to write a long, honest account of his life and career, and part of that is reporting the negatives

You guys are so hung up on Tendulkar being perfect that you're just making things up to discredit Gilchrist's name. As I have said 5 times, Gilchrist has made no public comments about this, it was journalists who read his autobiography. And if you believe that he released his book just to unsettle India... :help

aus5892 added 2 Minutes and 21 Seconds later...

The media are most unforgiving and a substantiated story of Tendulkar's unsportsmanship will be the most cutting edge of all - but the media have not succeeded in finding one blip against his record. Is this a coincidence? Do they favour him? No, unless you want to believe in some pro-Tendulkar conspiracy. Gilchrist manages to cite instances that cannot be backed up with evidence, as the stories in the Sydney debacle were cloudy at best and no one can refute the claim that Tendulkar was not there to shake hands - how convinient. I am not suggesting that Gilchrist has plain lied, but that he has taken incidents which need not be backed by evidence and can be written through his personal experience and surrounding emotional rhetoric.

Moreover, Gilchrist as a great human being because he is a walker? Give me a break. I am not going to argue that it is disrespectful to umpires, etc or cite the Dravid incident at Sydney but rather that walking does not make someone a perfect being; heck, it doesn't even guarantee honesty. Gilchrist walks because he thinks that it is the right thing to do - this is not an entirely pure motive. Put in different terms, he walks because he wants to - he does not ever want to stay and then his conscience grabs a hold of him and wrestles his body off the field, as that is a ridiculous notion.
Gilchrist walks because he is a good sport, and walking is a show of honesty. He is an honest person, as evidenced by his on field conduct. Being a good person comes from the way he conducts himself everywhere else, which is obvious to anyone who knows anything about cricket.

People are quick to attack someone because he agreed to let a newspaper publish an excerpt from his book.
Gilchrist walks because he is a good sport, and walking is a show of honesty. He is an honest person, as evidenced by his on field conduct. Being a good person comes from the way he conducts himself everywhere else, which is obvious to anyone who knows anything about cricket.

People are quick to attack someone because he agreed to let a newspaper publish an excerpt from his book.

Baselss deduction - I have never been a fan of the Gilchrist saint movement and this extract from his book is merely a reason for me to express these views - tbh, I couldn't care less, emotively, that he has attacked Tendulkar in this way. Part of being a good sport is surely accepting the actions of others in good faith, but I have seen Gilchrist verbally abuse batsmen for not walking - do batsmen have to walk? Are they obliged to walk? No.
Baselss deduction - I have never been a fan of the Gilchrist saint movement and this extract from his book is merely a reason for me to express these views - tbh, I couldn't care less, emotively, that he has attacked Tendulkar in this way. Part of being a good sport is surely accepting the actions of others in good faith, but I have seen Gilchrist verbally abuse batsmen for not walking - do batsmen have to walk? Are they obliged to walk? No.
So it's bad sportsmanship to criticise someone for holding their ground when they're clearly out? It's certainly more respectable sledging than the antics of Harbhajan and Zaheer Khan.
So it's bad sportsmanship to criticise someone for holding their ground when they're clearly out?

Yes - it is the umpire's job at the moment to decide if someone is out and it is within the batsman's right to stand his ground.

It's certainly more respectable sledging than the antics of Harbhajan and Zaheer Khan.

Good argument.
Banter will always exist, and I certainly don't think it's bad sportsmanship to tell someone they're out. I'm sure that Gilchrist doesn't expect him to actually walk, but he thinks he can perhaps draw out some guilt, or unsettle him. Why shouldn't he?
Banter will always exist, and I certainly don't think it's bad sportsmanship to tell someone they're out. I'm sure that Gilchrist doesn't expect him to actually walk, but he thinks he can perhaps draw out some guilt, or unsettle him. Why shouldn't he?

Nothing stopping him from doing so, but it shows that he is not the 'perfect sport' and that he is not whiter than white, so to speak - this is a cheap act to grab publicity and nothing more, imo.

manee added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

What do you mean? It was sarcasm?

Yes, and it was kinda agressive and I apologise for that.
Nothing stopping him from doing so, but it shows that he is not the 'perfect sport' and that he is not whiter than white, so to speak - this is a cheap act to grab publicity and nothing more, imo.

manee added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

Yes, and it was kinda agressive and I apologise for that.
No one is perfect, but I don't see something like that as bad sportsmanship at all, obviously we'll have to agree to disagree.

When you write an autobiography, and are retired, it is a chance to say everything you've thought over the years but didn't want to say out loud. For a detailed account of a batsman's career and life, you include those controversies. Yes, it sells copies, but it also gets it off your chest.

Whether Tendulkar has an excuse or not for changing his story is irrelevant - you can't blame Gilly for being annoyed that his teammate was distrusted because of changing testimonies and excuses.
No one is perfect, but I don't see something like that as bad sportsmanship at all, obviously we'll have to agree to disagree.


When you write an autobiography, and are retired, it is a chance to say everything you've thought over the years but didn't want to say out loud. For a detailed account of a batsman's career and life, you include those controversies. Yes, it sells copies, but it also gets it off your chest.

True to an extent, but he hardly laid into Tendulkar to get a burden off his chest, he unleashed a few cheap shots on a topic which will get people talking.

Whether Tendulkar has an excuse or not for changing his story is irrelevant - you can't blame Gilly for being annoyed that his teammate was distrusted because of changing testimonies and excuses.

Whether Tendulkar changed his story or not is a matter of debate, but the point is that he has minimal reason/evidence to be angry at Tendulkar and yet still writes slanderously about him to sell copies, something which I disagree vehemently with.
Geez some people are really blowing this way out of proportion. This was just Gilly's side of the story on what happened in Sydney. If you don't like it bad luck , its his book and he has a right to say what he wants.

Personally I believe Gilly. We wouldn't have made a big fuss if nothing was said. The whole story from India sounded like bullshit from the start. To me it sounds like Sachin lied to save his racist buddy and the BCCI held the game to ransom to defend their player.

Some people need to get a life. Gilly had a bit of a go at Sachin , so what ? If you don't like what he has to say just ignore it. Just because Sachin is a legend , god or whatever in India it doesn't mean that no one can have a crack at him. I don't think hes the saint that many people claim he is but thats not the point.

Can't wait to see what that idiot Gavaskar has to say about this. He won't be happy since Sachin is his lovechild. I bet he will somehow turn this into white western cricketers vs Asians AGAIN :rolleyes:

PS - For what its worth , Gilly is a better player and better person than Sachin. Maybe thats why Gilly got 3 worldcups and Sachin none. Karma is a bitch. :D jk
Geez some people are really blowing this way out of proportion. This was just Gilly's side of the story on what happened in Sydney. If you don't like it bad luck , its his book and he has a right to say what he wants.

Personally I believe Gilly. We wouldn't have made a big fuss if nothing was said. The whole story from India sounded like bullshit from the start. To me it sounds like Sachin lied to save his racist buddy and the BCCI held the game to ransom to defend their player.

Some people need to get a life. Gilly had a bit of a go at Sachin , so what ? If you don't like what he has to say just ignore it. Just because Sachin is a legend , god or whatever in India it doesn't mean that no one can have a crack at him. I don't think hes the saint that many people claim he is but thats not the point.

Can't wait to see what that idiot Gavaskar has to say about this. He won't be happy since Sachin is his lovechild. I bet he will somehow turn this into white western cricketers vs Asians AGAIN :rolleyes:

PS - For what its worth , Gilly is a better player and better person than Sachin. Maybe thats why Gilly got 3 worldcups and Sachin none. Karma is a bitch. :D jk
I have a problem with this extract being described as anything more than shameless publicity grabbing...

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