AFL 2006

pffft Pettifer.........give it to Chappy :D

Pointlessly interesting fact: On Sunday when Geelong play Port Adelaide at Skilled Stadium it will be exactly a year to the day that the same teams met at the same venue, 16 July...weird.

We hammered them that day aswell :p
genghis_khan said:
pffft Pettifer.........give it to Chappy :D

Pointlessly interesting fact: On Sunday when Geelong play Port Adelaide at Skilled Stadium it will be exactly a year to the day that the same teams met at the same venue, 16 July...weird.

We hammered them that day aswell :p
Oh yeah and i was there....was a **** day though, rained a fair bit
lol yeh cool fact.
how funny was it ablett ran out of petrol! maybe chapman should start driving him around again :p definetly put him on the other half forward flank. him and ablett in the all australian team... lets show the rest of aus what they are missing :p
i just mentioned pettifer to get some other teams involved in the discussion, but i'm perfectly happy if it stays a Geelong dominated discussion. By the way, we only had 1 player get less than 10 posessions on saturday, and that was Scarlett with 7
Ben Graham is getting a lap of honour on sunday. Will be there for sure

what a champ
M.Di Venuto said:
lol yeh cool fact.
how funny was it ablett ran out of petrol! maybe chapman should start driving him around again :p definetly put him on the other half forward flank. him and ablett in the all australian team... lets show the rest of aus what they are missing :p
Goodesy plays on the flank. If he can't sneak a spot in front of Ablett then I'll be surprised. Big fan of Chapman though (provides me with great dream team points too)
cricketmad09 said:
Goodes is a wingman.
Spends a bit of time on the wing, but he does it all, the great man. Think he is normally listed at HFF though.
Coke Make Your Mark forums for AFL fans.

its just the name Juzzyp rings a bell of someone from there's email this is complicated lol
i may have joined that and then forgot about it. Sounds like somethin i'd do
anyone else here about benny graham on the footy show last night? apparently he just signed a new $7 million 7 year contract. not bad aye. sounds like fev might be heading over after footy as well
cool. They are going to show Ben Graham's NFL highlights on the screen at Skilled Stadium on Sunday. Should be interesting seeing him play NFL

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