Ashes Cricket 2013 General Discussion

Narendra aka Naveenn
No Bevab, noo!!
You gotta be kidding me....

70 % members in this forum are Indians ( just a guess ) and you feel india isn't a good market...

Better reasons anyone?

It is not only us forum members who would make the game successful. And should we discuss again about the piracy issue?:noway

Btw I don't think you're getting any retailer whose allowing pre-order!! It'll only be available after a week or so IMO, and priced low too!!
I have realised that what you claim is new in ashes cricket 2013 is inaccurate as the ?new? feature of the bowlers stamina and confidence radar is actually in international cricket 2010 as well where if your bowlers stamina is in the red or orange zone which is low u get hit for more runs as where the same thing applies for his confidence..

The batters also have a radar where they can be timid and tired where u can get them out easier or they can be fearless and relaxed where they smash u around the park?.

The feature of the pitches waring and some stadiums offering better bowling or batting condition is complete bullshit as u can get good bowling tracks or batting tracks is also seen and include in the previous release international cricket 2010 as where the pitches ware e.g. in the Sydney cricket ground or lords u can get wickets a lot easier where if ur playing at cape town or harrare where the stadium is smaller it is a batting paradise as sixers and fours are more likely to be hit changes of getting out as its easier to score batters confidence is a lot higher where is at the larger grounds such as Brisbane you play yourself in you can?t get off to a flying start?.

Also as the ball gets older in internation cricket 2010 you can get reverse swing so please don?t say that is a new feature because once reverse swing is offering you can get batters our extremely quick..

PLEASE don?t change the fact that a batter can hit you anywhere off any ball I was extremely sick of ashes cricket 2009 where if I ball onto leg stump the batter will only hit u towards the leg side ill just set my field all onto the leg side and watch the computer struggle in 2010 I loved it even if I bowled a Yorker the batter found a way to dig it out and smash it for a 6 it is extremely challenging when the batters are always looking to score and not hitting it in the same areas?

C?mon I know you are using the same engine as 2010 because you guys have not added one complete new feature you are just tryna to sparkle up the old and dusted features in 2010?

You should of added interesting and more eluding features such as DRS or even implemented some RAIN into the cricket matches where its cloudy eg lords.. you really need to have a more official real feel to the game, not just get the same two boring licenses of Australia and England like u always do and the same kits and claim it to have a real feel because u managed to get two boring teams licenses as u do in every serious and claim ur games to have innovation it is honestly the same ---- every year with just a little more sparkles?.

How about working off cricket 2010 fixs the bugs add better feature like drs, rain, super over for t20 games more club teams more tournaments tour any country you would like a better and real feeling cricket game? den release the same crap as usual same ---- same everything such a shame u guys thin u can become rich of releasing the same ---- as usual trust me you would make a lot more money if u put more effort into your games
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You gotta be kidding me.... :facepalm

70 % members in this forum are Indians ( just a guess :p ) and you feel india isn't a good market...

Better reasons anyone?

Ok better reason, it's called ashes 2013 nothing to do with india. I bet they will release it a little bit after uk and aus release.
Ok better reason, it's called ashes 2013 nothing to do with india. I bet they will release it a little bit after uk and aus release.

So you are suggesting Indians on this forum not to buy this game Cuz it has nothing to do with india? ;)
That was the shittiest reason you could have given...

This is basically a cricket game. ... :facepalm
So you are suggesting Indians on this forum not to buy this game Cuz it has nothing to do with india? ;)
That was the shittiest reason you could have given...

This is basically a cricket game. ... :facepalm

I'm not saying it would not sell well in india mate, just saying as it's called ashes 2013 with the ashes being on tv then uk and aus first with other countries afterwards. It's a normal marketing plan, wait a minute ashes 2013 has the shittiest marketing I have ever seen, ok release the game in india first.:p
I remember back in 2010 when I purchased IC10, I got the game on the 15th despite the release date being 18th so hopefully its the same this time round.
I remember back in 2010 when I purchased IC10, I got the game on the 15th despite the release date being 18th so hopefully its the same this time round.

Yeah they could release the game a couple of days early, unless there is delay.:p


I have a feeling the first trailer is going to come out this Friday, the marketing people like Friday for some reason. Let's hope if this becomes true the trailer is more liked than the first screens.:spy
I'm not saying it would not sell well in india mate, just saying as it's called ashes 2013 with the ashes being on tv then uk and aus first with other countries afterwards. It's a normal marketing plan, wait a minute ashes 2013 has the shittiest marketing I have ever seen, ok release the game in india first.:p

Lol I can get your sarcasm in that comment....I don't know how this argument started but let me assure you be it any cricket game,if marketed well in India,the sales figure for both australia and England would be less than can expect that in a country which has a population of 1 billion and cricket is the most widely followed game.
Lol I can get your sarcasm in that comment....I don't know how this argument started but let me assure you be it any cricket game,if marketed well in India,the sales figure for both australia and England would be less than can expect that in a country which has a population of 1 billion and cricket is the most widely followed game.

Population of over a billion but the ps3 and xbox install base is maybe half a million at best throughout all of India. HD console gaming is a tiny, tiny niche in India still, almost negligible. Part of the problem is customs, consoles and games are way more expensive than their US and UK prices, and on top of that India isn't exactly known for having rich people everywhere.

PC gaming is big in India. If I were part of Ashes marketing team, I'd stress on the online multiplayer component with low PC requirements. Online multi will serve like a DRM where people will be forced to buy the original game and if the game is good, it will help generate a lot of copies. Maybe even get the publisher to organize a small money tournament after launch to help kick it off.

And lot of publishers are making big money off mobile gaming in India. Mobiles and PC have a huge install base in India, consoles..not so much.
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Hi Chief. Its my first question in the forum. Just had a quick thought if there would a pre match pitch report done by any specific individual or not?

Was just curious about it and I apologize if this has been answered before


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