Australia needs a new captain

Hi guys i just wanted to say tha Australia would be a lot better of without Ricky Ponting at the helm.:help

They need to rebuild their team and for that i feel they need a new captain , i could suggest Brett Lee as a captain .

He is the only guy in the team who has a likable attitude and also a great champion bowler.

I think he would make a great captain .:cheers

What do you guys think???

Being a nice guy might be good for the media conferences, but it doesn't necessarily make you a good leader. In fact you are probably better off not being a nice guy in many cases. Ian Chappell would be an example.

Yeah well give me Warne and Mcgrath and i will win you all the world cups you want.

Well to break it gently: Warne did not play in either of the world cups captained by Ponting!!!!!!!

McGrath played in both, but each time he was missing a key lieutenant. Gillespie in 2003 and Lee in 2007.

So yeah, the attack was hardly an out of this world prospect. We had Andy Bichel in 2003 for crying out loud...must have been Ricky's captaincy that got us over the line :cool:

I've got mixed feelings about Pontings captaincy. Watching games he seems to try quite a few things - two short midwickets to Broom the other night just the latest example on the top of my head. Those who argue he lacks imagination or smarts are mostly wrong IMO. And he doesn't let a game drift as badly as Kumble used to do, for example. On the other hand, some things he does are a little confusing and the Nagpur debacle was among the worst pieces of captaincy ever.

But watching the Allan Border Medal last night reminded me of how few captaincy changes Australia has had. 25 years ago Allan Border took the captaincy, since then there has been Mark Taylor, Steve Waugh and Ponting. That's it - in 25 years. So it's highly unlikely Ponting will be turfed before he retires. If we lose in both South Africa and England, there will be a lot of muttering though. If we win those series or even draw, he's probably got the job for life.
Lol at all the indians discussing this, purely because they don't like him and are using the excuse of his team going badly to try and whinge and get rid of him.

He is their best batsman and a good captain. The fact that Australia are loosing is to do with their good players retiring and a general form slump. It has nothing to do with his captaincy.

As if our opinions are going to help in getting rid of him. Its a freakin' discussion mate! Ponting is not able to arrest the slide of his team (which is falling big now). The sounds are getting louder and louder. He himself has not been in the best of forms (he is given a forced rest (read drop!) which is something).
MS Dhoni is being praised as one of the greatest captains in India history, but the only reason he's been successful is because of the team around him, Dhoni would not have been able to have done much better than Ponting did in India last year if he had that team.
Umm... Kumble had essentially the same team that Dhoni has (in fact, one may argue that he had a stronger team since he and Ganguly were part of it) but he was not able to extract the same sort of performance out of his players. Captains are as good as their team, but good captains inspire their players to perform at their best, is my opinion.

Ponting has many good qualities such as being a fighter, standing up for his players, and playing the game with his heart on his sleeve. However, it appears that these same traits affect him a bit when things are not going his way. Sometimes, you need to be a little coolheaded to be a good captain.
CAM WHITE FOR NEXT CAPTAIN HE IS A FANTASTIC CAPTAIN. Knows when to make the bowling changes.
They need to rebuild their team and for that i feel they need a new captain , i could suggest Brett Lee as a captain .

I see, strip the captaincy away from your best, and most senior player, and give it to a bowler who has shown time and time again that he has no cricket smarts whatsoever, and will struggle to get back into the side after his injury, as he was lucky to be in it before the injury.

Some people should keep their opinions to themselves.
I can't see why everyone is arguing who should be Australia's next captain. Ponting is not solely to blame for the current run of form. A combination of new young players gaining experience and some of the more senior guys being a touch out of form is not going to be solved by bringing in a new captain.

A good captain does not become a bad captain overnight.

There is no arguement as to who Australia's next captain will be, Michael Clarke has the job in the bag when Ponting eventually does retire
Ricky Ponting is by far the best choice for captian of the Australian side, he knows how to lead and certainly how to win, though he has certainly learned a few things this summer. Any side that loses seven key members of a side over the period of 24 months is going to have a bit of work to do and to keep pace with both india and South Africa at the height of their powers with an understrength and lets face facts under performing side is I believe a tribute to the man (lets not forget if we hold four crucial catches both the test and one day series vs South Africa go to Australia). It will not be too long before we once again see an Australian side with strong self belief that will take the asendancy in tight situations and create those all important momentum shifting moments. Ricky Ponting and Tim Nelson have a tough road ahead of them grooming the next generation of Matt Haydens and Glen McGraths as Rachel Hunter likes to say "it won't happen overnight but it will happen"
As if our opinions are going to help in getting rid of him. Its a freakin' discussion mate! Ponting is not able to arrest the slide of his team (which is falling big now).

Falling big? I disagree. They could have won any of the matches in the fantastic test series. In the ODIs, they suffered from injuries, bad luck and a form slump from a few of the players. All teams go through it. Tell me, exactly how is Ponting the one to blame for this? ...... Because you don't like him, right?

He himself has not been in the best of forms (he is given a forced rest (read drop!) which is something).

He was joint winner of the Alan Border Medal; hardly bad form.

You want to know why Australia aren't the best in the world? Because McGrath, Warne, Langer, Hayden and Gilchrist left all too soon within each other. Ponting has been, and still is their best batsman and the right person to captain the team. End of story. Yes, the guy comes across as arrogant and bossy, but he is a bloody good player and a fine captain.
CAM WHITE FOR NEXT CAPTAIN HE IS A FANTASTIC CAPTAIN. Knows when to make the bowling changes.

How about Australian squad fully with only Bushrangers ??? :rolleyes:
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Being a nice guy might be good for the media conferences, but it doesn't necessarily make you a good leader. In fact you are probably better off not being a nice guy in many cases. Ian Chappell would be an example.

Well to break it gently: Warne did not play in either of the world cups captained by Ponting!!!!!!!

McGrath played in both, but each time he was missing a key lieutenant. Gillespie in 2003 and Lee in 2007.

So yeah, the attack was hardly an out of this world prospect. We had Andy Bichel in 2003 for crying out loud...must have been Ricky's captaincy that got us over the line :cool:

I've got mixed feelings about Pontings captaincy. Watching games he seems to try quite a few things - two short midwickets to Broom the other night just the latest example on the top of my head. Those who argue he lacks imagination or smarts are mostly wrong IMO. And he doesn't let a game drift as badly as Kumble used to do, for example. On the other hand, some things he does are a little confusing and the Nagpur debacle was among the worst pieces of captaincy ever.

But watching the Allan Border Medal last night reminded me of how few captaincy changes Australia has had. 25 years ago Allan Border took the captaincy, since then there has been Mark Taylor, Steve Waugh and Ponting. That's it - in 25 years. So it's highly unlikely Ponting will be turfed before he retires. If we lose in both South Africa and England, there will be a lot of muttering though. If we win those series or even draw, he's probably got the job for life.
Good post overall.

However a slight lack of agreement regarding McGrath lacking support in the WCs. In 2003, he had Andy Bichel who was simply Mendisque in that cup. In 2007, he had Tait's services. So McG did not lack support as such.

And as to Ponting's captaincy, the sooner Australia realises that Ponting's captaincy is still stuck in the golden years, the better, and hence they would do well to bring in a seismic change at the top by bringing in a non-delusional, no-nonsense captain at the top. A captain, who would not draw undue attention to himself, unlike what Ponting's been doing these days, particularly in the Haddin case. My suggestion would be Simon Katich. He has shown the fighting spirit that Aussies lacked in the last one year. And his hard but not-in-your-face aggression is exactly what Aussies need right now.

Precambrian added 2 Minutes and 16 Seconds later...

Ricky should stay as a captain

He won two worldcups for us and 16 test victories in a row
By that logic, Bradman should have continued to play post 1950, Doesnt he?

Please come out of 2007. We are in 2009, and the cricketing world has turned literally topsy turvy.

Ponting did both because of the team he had, and not merely because he was a good captain.

And don't try to come back at me quoting what MS Dhoni has done, because I don;t rate him highly as well (atleast until he wins a WC with probably the strongest ODI side we had ever, that is now).

Precambrian added 3 Minutes and 46 Seconds later...

Falling big? I disagree. They could have won any of the matches in the fantastic test series. In the ODIs, they suffered from injuries, bad luck and a form slump from a few of the players. All teams go through it. Tell me, exactly how is Ponting the one to blame for this? ...... Because you don't like him, right?

He was joint winner of the Alan Border Medal; hardly bad form.

You want to know why Australia aren't the best in the world? Because McGrath, Warne, Langer, Hayden and Gilchrist left all too soon within each other. Ponting has been, and still is their best batsman and the right person to captain the team. End of story. Yes, the guy comes across as arrogant and bossy, but he is a bloody good player and a fine captain.

AB Medal is indicator of good form? Lolololol! That's just freaking stupid and funny as well. Ponting averaged much lesser than Katich or Clarke in the last year, and I don't get how the flippin he got that award. Especially in an year when Australia lost more marbles than it won.
We need a tough leader in these tough times and they don't come any tougher than Ricky Ponting.
Umm... Kumble had essentially the same team that Dhoni has (in fact, one may argue that he had a stronger team since he and Ganguly were part of it) but he was not able to extract the same sort of performance out of his players. Captains are as good as their team, but good captains inspire their players to perform at their best, is my opinion.

Hmm, personally I think it was just a matter of the younger guy coming in with the start of a new era and the beginning of a Honeymoon period. Dhoni's only been in charge for 4 Tests and 7 ODi's, and although he's unbeaten, I feel that India are still in that honeymoon period, and the fact they've not played outside the subcontinent since Dhoni has taken over has helped them get good results. Pietersen had a similar start, beating South Africa in a Test match and then smashing them 4-0 in the ODi series.

Dhoni's a good captain and leads from the front, but he's not really been tested yet. He had 2 Tests against a poorly selected Australian team, then 5 ODis and 2 Tests against a majorly undercooked and troubled England team. His big test will come away from India and also against South Africa. I'm not writing him off, but I'm not going to sing his praises until the honeymoon period is over and when they start winning outside the subcontinent.
Hmm, personally I think it was just a matter of the younger guy coming in with the start of a new era and the beginning of a Honeymoon period. Dhoni's only been in charge for 4 Tests and 7 ODi's, and although he's unbeaten, I feel that India are still in that honeymoon period, and the fact they've not played outside the subcontinent since Dhoni has taken over has helped them get good results. Pietersen had a similar start, beating South Africa in a Test match and then smashing them 4-0 in the ODi series.

Dhoni's a good captain and leads from the front, but he's not really been tested yet. He had 2 Tests against a poorly selected Australian team, then 5 ODis and 2 Tests against a majorly undercooked and troubled England team. His big test will come away from India and also against South Africa. I'm not writing him off, but I'm not going to sing his praises until the honeymoon period is over and when they start winning outside the subcontinent.
:hpraise:clap First time I agree to you wholly mate. Though Dhoni cannot control his opposition team;s composition, he done a reasonably admirable job so far. However, it is way too early to call him as a Great captain. Many captains have gone through such honeymoon periods only to be brought down crashing two seasons into it. So I would wait till he successfully undertakes a full tour outside the subcontinent. And NZ, where we have struggled, is an excellent start point.
Hmm, personally I think it was just a matter of the younger guy coming in with the start of a new era and the beginning of a Honeymoon period. Dhoni's only been in charge for 4 Tests and 7 ODi's, and although he's unbeaten, I feel that India are still in that honeymoon period, and the fact they've not played outside the subcontinent since Dhoni has taken over has helped them get good results. Pietersen had a similar start, beating South Africa in a Test match and then smashing them 4-0 in the ODi series.

Dhoni's a good captain and leads from the front, but he's not really been tested yet. He had 2 Tests against a poorly selected Australian team, then 5 ODis and 2 Tests against a majorly undercooked and troubled England team. His big test will come away from India and also against South Africa. I'm not writing him off, but I'm not going to sing his praises until the honeymoon period is over and when they start winning outside the subcontinent.

:eek::eek::eek: What do you do with newspapers? 7 ODI's!!! Where were you? Inside the White House?? Dhoni has been leading India in the ODI's since Oct 2007!!!
BTW, You want to say that defeating a full-strength Australian team (which had Gilchrist) 2-0 in the finals of CB series in Australia is nothing!!! Defeating more or less the same Sri Lankan team who were the runners-up of World Cup in Sri Lanka is nothing!!! Winning the T-20 Cup is nothing!!

I'm not a big fan of Precamb or his ideologies, but KP, no offence, you slam Precamb for his "India is great" sort of posts, i do not support them either, but I think you are the English version of Precambrian.

Really, you two are made for each other. Always slamming the other. Why can't you guys be friends?
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