Story Australia vs West Indies - Tests and 20/20 (RPIC - PS2)

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CricInfo - 0.1 McGrath to Chanderpaul OUT beautiful inswinger from McGrath Chanderpaul had No idea out for no score.
Left_Hander said:
Cricket_60: What is Cricinfo style? An explantion would be well appreciated.

Mostly like what tobes posted except with punctuation.

Cricinfo said:
2.6 Vaas to Marshall, OUT: pitches on off stump and comes back into the
right hander, tries to play it on the on side, hits on the pad,
huge shout for lbw, Nadeem Ghauri takes his time and raises his
finger up!
I cant believe you got Lara out for less then 100. I always bowled the Windies out for 101 on RPIC after Lara had made his not out ton of course. As Cricket 60 said you should do it like cricinfo that would make it look more realistic.
Cricinfo stlye would be a lot of effort and for a amatuer story writer like me, would really be hard.

SL: Lara had to attack as the Windies need about 20+ an over. That's why I got him out for 3. BTW I am playing on Test level.

Thanks for all the replies!

Match Presentation

Mark Nicholas: Hello and welcome to the presentation of the first 20/20 match played here in Trinidad. What a display from the Australians and they didn't let up on the Windies. I would like to call up Shivnarine Chanderpaul, captain of the West Indies.
:clap :clap :clap

MN: Well Shiv, you were totally outplayed by the Aussie today. Anything you can take from this match?

SC: Yes, I believe all bowlers did well to restrict Australia to a reasonble target but the boys thought we were playing test cricket and scored at less than 3 runs per over.

MN: You were probably the only one to make a decent score today. Do you wish that you could have gone on and helped your side?

SC: Oh yeah definetly. Making a big score for your country is always a good feeling and unfortunatley I couldn't do that.

MH: Have you talked to Dwight Yorke's Trindad and Tobago about their recent draw against Sweden?

SC: Yeah I saw the game and the boys are really happy for them. Hope they make the final 16.

MN: Thanks Shiv and good luck for the rest of the series. I would now like to call upon Ricky Ponting. Today's victorious captain.
:clap :clap :clap

MN: What was it like batting today?

RP: It was great, track was nice and they came out of the middle. It was fun. I could made more but the bowling was good.

MN: Have you spoken to any of the Socceroos about their upcoming game against Japan?

RP: Yeah. I spoke to Mark Viduka (Socceroos captain) and I gave him some advice. Do Australia proud, play hard and fair and don't lose. :D

MN: Thanks Ricky and good luck for the rest of the series. I would now like to call upon Glenn McGrath, he is today'##### of the match. :clap :clap :clap.
Now Glenn, what was it like bowling today?

GM: It was excellent the West Indies weren't scoring any off me, and that's the way I like it. And I also picked up Brian and I love getting him out. (Everyone laughs at Lara and he feels embrassed).
MN: How is your wife with her breast cancer issue?

GD: She is great. She is a real fighter it has risen more than once and she has taken it on the chin and got on with life. (Says hello to his kids and says "You shouldn't be watching this as it is past your bed-time")

MN: Well done on your performance today and good luck for the rest of the series.

Below: Today'##### of the - Glenn McGrath shows off his Man of the Match Award.


  • Glenn McGrath - Man of the Match.jpg
    Glenn McGrath - Man of the Match.jpg
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Lee is raring to go

Brett Lee is raring to go and he is joining the squad after he married his new wife, Liz Kemp. Left Hander caught up with 'Binga' and they had a good yarn.

LH: Hey Brett. What is it like being married?

BL: It's great. My wife (Liz Kemp) is really nice and she is really special to me.

LH: Are you ready to play against the Windies in this 20/20 series?

BL: Yeah definetly the ball is coming out really nicely and the break getting married and all that worked out really nice for me.

LH: Who is your main target for the series?

BL: Chris Gayle. I'll let Pigeon handle Brian. Chris Gayle is a rarely aggresive batsmen and I am a really aggresive bowler, so I believe it is going to be an exciting battle.

LH: Good luck for the series and good luck with your you marriage.

BL: Thanks mate. :cheers

Below: Brett Lee says he is raring to go against the Windies. Here he is pictured with his new wife, Liz Kemp.


  • Brett Lee & Liz Kemp.jpg
    Brett Lee & Liz Kemp.jpg
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I don't think so. Which conversation? Thanks for all the replies guys.

I got some good news and some bad news.

The good news: This story is starting up again as I have 3 weeks of school ;) holidays. A LOT more updates. :)

The bad news: If you don't like this story unfortunaetly for you it is starting up again, but that is tough luck. :p
Ok. I am going to scrap this story. I feel ashamed that I didn't finish it, but I am going to do a West Indian story and I plan to update that one. It will probably start on Monday.

thread closed. i hope the next one lasts
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