Big Eye, Big Pitch, Big Wheel Screenshots

they can still have the time to fix these small bugs I believe.

Ross, get on it. Fix ALL the bugs.

Thanks Sureshy for catching them... totally cracked the code, your work here is done.

Done and I hope you cancel your pre-order too.

Yeah bro, cancelled them all. Putting my money into Amazonian Fly Catchers where it belongs.


Edit: Sureshy doesn't get sarcasm.
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The game will have bugs. All games do.

Oh Ross. People expect a perfect cricket game here with all the license, next gen realistic graphics and all bells and whistles with no bugs just like we have had games in the past

On a serious note, screenshots look pretty good. I don't use these often so a minor bug here doesn't matter to me
Windows 7 only shipped with 11,000 odd known bugs... we should be fine... can't seem to get this one out though:

This message is hidden because Supershtuffthat is on your ignore list.
I'm glad I haven't been around the last couple of hours.

Screenshots look very nice (in fact anything looks perfect compared to the pile of crap that is the AFL Live 2 trailer) The information we have directly from Ross/Mike, plus the media released is shaping up for an enjoyable experience.

For anyone complaining about DBC 14...have a look
I'd love someone to tell me why a fielder potentially stopping the ball just before the boundary is a "bug"... but whatever...

"This message is on your Awesome list because Biggs is Awesome"
I'm glad I haven't been around the last couple of hours.

Screenshots look very nice (in fact anything looks perfect compared to the pile of crap that is the AFL Live 2 trailer) The information we have directly from Ross/Mike, plus the media released is shaping up for an enjoyable experience.

For anyone complaining about DBC 14...have a look

AFL Live 2 Gameplay Trailer - YouTube

but you missed soooo much!
I'd love someone to tell me why a fielder potentially stopping the ball just before the boundary is bug... but whatever...

Because I'm a special unique snowflake and my game must be perfect
I'd love someone to tell me why a fielder potentially stopping the ball just before the boundary is a "bug"... but whatever...

Im still trying to figure that out as well, hasnt sureshy heard of a long off/on fielder?
I'd love someone to tell me why a fielder potentially stopping the ball just before the boundary is a "bug"... but whatever...

"This message is on your Awesome list because Biggs is Awesome"

This is what happens when people get hooked on the slide animations and have too much time on their hands - I am being serious - it's got to the point where the guys in QA try to save a ball as close to the line as possible without it going for four or touching the ball and rope at the same time... as in they track the ball without picking it up on purpose and then launch at it.
This is what happens when people get hooked on the slide animations and have too much time on their hands - I am being serious - it's got to the point where the guys in QA try to save a ball as close to the line as possible without it going for four or touching the ball and rope at the same time... as in they track the ball without picking it up on purpose and then launch at it.

Sorry but this can't be right. You've only played the game. We've seen screenshots and blur and colours and blah blah blah
Because I'm a special unique snowflake and my game must be perfect
Luckily someone recently made a fantastic game for people who demand perfection from their games, and a bug free experience.

A caution on language with that video by the way, but it's worth it.

I think Trickstar were hoping for the same QA guys who let that through.
Sorry but this can't be right. You've only played the game. We've seen screenshots and blur and colours and blah blah blah

This guy gets it, what the hell do these "Big Ant" guys know anyway, what kind of trust and authority do they bring to their presence here!? We're the bastards circling these damn previews pointing out glaringly obvious flaws like a ball clearly going for a boundary with no other possible explanation like they have really good fielding AI and animations to stop boundaries just like real cricket um... SCIENCE!

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