Chappell wants Ganguly out

I missed this thread of 5 pages & don't have time to go through them ...sorry
So I'll post my views here.

Ganguly should quit.

Do u guys know that it was Dalmiya who leaked Chappel's e-mail to the press.

On NDTV,they were saying that he leaked the mail to make the public get a bad openion about Chappel..& to save his closest friend Ganguly.
Also it was said that it was a political the BCCI elections were nearing & Dalmiya wanted the elections to get as delayed as possible(don't know why)


I feel this is an insult to the great Greg Chappel.
I feel ashamed.

To any Bengali guys out here...r u people mad?u still want a player who has consistantly performed badly & who is still in the team due to his past records & political influence?
Insult to Greg.His effigies were burnt at Kolkata.

and in banglore...see this pic beleow:


ps. I'm not being racial or anti bengali.
If Badani or Ramesh had been in this position too,I'd have wanted them to quit.
bharat said:
I missed this thread of 5 pages & don't have time to go through them ...sorry
So I'll post my views here.

Ganguly should quit.

Do u guys know that it was Dalmiya who leaked Chappel's e-mail to the press.

On NDTV,they were saying that he leaked the mail to make the public get a bad openion about Chappel..& to save his closest friend Ganguly.
Also it was said that it was a political the BCCI elections were nearing & Dalmiya wanted the elections to get as delayed as possible(don't know why)

I feel this is an insult to the great Greg Chappel.
I feel ashamed.

To any Bengali guys out here...r u people mad?u still want a player who has consistantly performed badly & who is still in the team due to his past records & political influence?
Insult to Greg.His effigies were burnt at Kolkata.

and in banglore...see this pic beleow:


ps. I'm not being racial or anti bengali.
If Badani or Ramesh had been in this position too,I'd have wanted them to quit.

I think you're right Bharat! Ganguly doesnt deserve a place in the team! But Dalmiya leaked it to the press? My goodness!! Why did Chappell send a copy of the mail to Dalmiya? Since Dalmiya is never a part of the BCCI, why did Chappell send the e-mail to Dalmiya? All sounds too conspicious!

I dont think you're being racist or anti-Bengali. We have bore the brunt of this torture that Ganguly has given us. He has not performed and has let so many Indian fans down. I am waiting for the day when he retires from cricket (he will never be sacked, mind you!).
saisrini80 said:
Its now official! Chappell and Ganguly have assured the board to keep their differences aside and work together for a common goal! Ganguly has also been reprimanded and the board has said that performance would be the criterion!

Not a bad decision in my opinion! At least now, let this controversy recede to the dumps!
expected this..sourav has too much clout in the ways he was gonna be sacked immediately..

but i think after this really bad shake sourav's performance wud definitely see an upswing,as he wud now be knowing that the axe is not too far...

guess this episode might be a blessing in disguise for indian cricket and hopefully for sourav's batting as well....
Well Ganguly knows that he is going to be under the scanner seriously now, so he must perform. And he doesn't really perform that well under pressure so......
sohummisra said:
Well Ganguly knows that he is going to be under the scanner seriously now, so he must perform. And he doesn't really perform that well under pressure so......

but under extreme pressure, he has performed (that 144 was under extreme pressure!).

lets wish he performs! importantly, i hope he gets into the good books of chappell becoz he is not going to be sacked easily so its important he has a good combination with greg!
saisrini80 said:
lets wish he performs! importantly, i hope he gets into the good books of chappell becoz he is not going to be sacked easily so its important he has a good combination with greg!

Come on guys how can Ganguly perform. Technically he doesn't appear to be a batter. As I mentioned Indian cricket has gone to sewers. Now just watching Ganguly on the field will make most of the public sick and disgusted. And now Ganguly will get boos from crowd when he comes out to bat not just when he gets out( I hope it happens).
Honestly those dumb @@s Bengalis always messing things up. Eden gardens is famous for notorious things and now these two in BCCI. :onpc
Also check out this blog at Indiatimes - some nice healthy comments. Only for 18+. :)
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siddharth2002 said:
Come on guys how can Ganguly perform. Technically he doesn't appear to be a batter. As I mentioned Indian cricket has gone to sewers. Now just watching Ganguly on the field will make most of the public sick and disgusted. And now Ganguly will get boos from crowd when he comes out to bat not just when he gets out( I hope it happens).
Honestly those dumb @@s Bengalis always messing things up. Eden gardens is famous for notorious things and now these two in BCCI. :onpc
Also check out this blog at Indiatimes - some nice healthy comments. Only for 18+. :)

we have hope on indian cricket and just the presence of ganguly wont dampen our spirits. we also agree ganguly should be sacked. but what to do? he has escaped. just for the sake of our country's welfare, he has to do well in the upcoming tournaments!
saisrini80 said:
But Dalmiya leaked it to the press? My goodness!! Why did Chappell send a copy of the mail to Dalmiya? Since Dalmiya is never a part of the BCCI, why did Chappell send the e-mail to Dalmiya? All sounds too conspicious!

See this:

Dalmiya seems like a Bengali fanatic.
He was the ICC chief when Bangladesh was given test status.
At that time Bangladesh was worse than what they are now & Kenya was a far better side.
they must have got it & not Bangladesh & also Dalmiya crapped up the whole TV rights issue.

So Ganguly is going to be safe as long as Dalmiya is there. :(


Found this on another forum posted by a Bengali guy:

Indyan said:
bendre it is not just the board.Even the manager clearly stated that chappel's accusitions are not true.Ganguly showed them proof.
Chappell, it may be recalled, took Sourav apart in an e-mail (which, obviously, was supposed to be confidential) to Mahendra.

The captain hit back as hard, if not harder, in his rebuttal which was placed before the six-member review panel.

The panel, comprising three officials Jagmohan Dalmiya, Mahendra and S.K. Nair and as many former captains (Srinivas Venkatraghavan, Sunil Gavaskar and Ravi Shastri) met for over four hours at the Taj Mahal hotel.

Chappell was called first and his interaction lasted over an hour. Next, manager Amitabh Choudhary was questioned for around 25 minutes. Sourav, too, spent over an hour in the room overlooking the Gateway of India.

Once the depositions were over, the panel met on its own and proposed a patch-up. Chappell again got called first; Sourav came later.

In the first round itself, Sourav was asked whether he had reservations over working with Chappell. Apparently, he asked for his name to be cleared. That done, he wouldnt have a problem.

Chappells view couldnt be ascertained.

The joint meeting lasted about 20 minutes. Sourav and Chappell shook hands, but given the tone of their allegations, nobody suggested they pose for photographs. Just as well as a repeat of Harare, when both even played pool for the benefit of lensmen, would have been nauseating.

Choudhary, whod rejected a couple of Chappells allegations on the very day he returned (Sunday), again spoke up for Sourav on the issue of dividing the team and skipping training sessions.

Most of the questions from the panel, it seems, were fired by Shastri who isnt known to be favourably disposed towards Sourav.

Gavaskar, as expected, backed the captain. As for Venkat, his stand wasnt clear.

The officials, of course, had one agenda: encourage the captain and coach to come together and end the negative publicity bleeding Indian cricket.

Its fingers crossed now.


Dadas six-page reply to BCCI rips apart Chappells accusations

First came the e-mail. Now, here's the rebuttal.

In a damning reply to Greg Chappell's leaked mail, captain Sourav Ganguly reportedly told the review committee how the coach had purposely misrepresented facts to make him look bad.

Ganguly, in a six-page report, said Chappell was trying to be "boss" of the team and gave numerous incidents describing his "controlling nature". Details of the note that saved Ganguly, tilting the Review Committee against the coach, were revealed to Mumbai Mirror by a BCCI source.

The report clearly shows that there is definitely no truce between the two. The board has managed to buy time but this is sure to escalate in a big crisis in the near future.

Ganguly told the committee that Chappell tried to undermine his authority right through the Zimbabwe series and even went out to toss with the opposing captain without Ganguly's knowledge during a warm-up game while the team was practising in the nets.

In his note, Ganguly called it a "huge humiliation for any captain". But, he wrote, he let the incident pass as a joke because he did not want to make a scene and create an "unhealthy dressing-room environment".

In his e-mail, Chappell had denied directly telling Ganguly that he should quit. But the skipper told the committee that Chappell had come to him on the eve of the first test and categorically asked him to step down as captain and "go back home to play domestic cricket".

He said Rahul Dravid explained to Chappell that his suggestion could have huge repercussions in India since Ganguly had been appointed captain for the whole tour by the selectors, and the coach was in no position to tell the captain to sit out. Chappell then "pleaded sorry that his timing was wrong".

Chappell had alleged in his mail that Ganguly was destroying the morale of the side by changing the team repeatedly on the morning of the match. But the skipper pointed out that they played the same 11 for almost the series, and only discussed some minor changes.

Accusing Chappell of misrepreseting facts to prove he had faked a tennis elbow in the warm-up game, Ganguly explained the exact nature of his injury and said he couldn't get scans done because there was no facility in Mutare or Bulawayo. Both physiotherapist John Gloster and manager Amitabh Choudhary supported Ganguly on this. Even Ranbir Mahendra, when he addressed the media, called Chappell's injury allegation "far from the truth". Ganguly also submitted trainer Greg King's fitness report, which shows he had actually completed more training sessions than he had been prescribed.

He vehemently fought the charge that he used a policy of "divide and rule". Ganguly stressed on how the Team India concept had emerged under his leadership and gave incidents of how he had backed players, even fought for them with the selectors on occasion. Secretary Karunakaran Nair, who sits in on selection meetings, backed Ganguly on this.

Ganguly also rubbished Chappell's claim that he was scared of the new ball, telling the committee how he had asked Rahul Dravid to retire in the Mutare warm-up match, where things really started going sour between captain and coach, so that he could face the new ball on the second morning. "If you like, you can check with Rahul," Ganguly wrote in his report.

A war is well and truly on. One of the two will definitely go in the next few months. If Ganguly gets his form back, Chappell could be looking at an early exit. Or vice versa for the skipper if he fails to score.

As per BCCI directions, both the coach and captain were unavailable to comment on the contents of the report and what went on in the meeting.

Sources say this is what Ganguly told the panel
Chappell wants to be boss of the team
He himself sleeps in the dressing-room, but expects total commitment from the team
He says one thing to your face and another behind your back
He did ask me to step down on the eve of the first Test
He passed a statement on my elbow injury without full knowledge
He only talks of selection, and not strategy, in team meetings
Players are scared to tell him their problems, because he uses that against them


Deep and others do you have anything to say about this?All of you are trusting Greg only because you want an excuse to be able to hate Ganguly.This is because of his recent form.But keep his recent form away and let us review the role of this HIGHLY PAID AND QUALIFIED COACH!
Greg Chapple is definitely doing this for power.According to The Telegraph Chappel used to spend most of the time in team meatings discussing about team selection rather than tactics.What right has he got to ask Ganguly to step down?He has been prooved a lier.Ganguly took 20 training sessions, i.e. he took two extra sessions.Ganguly has always been known as a hardworker.

I really think Chappel should have been sacked.

also see this thread
Both Ganguly and Chappell's arguments sound good to me! So cant chose between the two!

Whatever it is, a truce has been announced. Lets see how it goes. The next few months would decide who is right and who is wrong! If Chappell is wrong and he continues being wrong, he might be sacked (or asked to quit!). If Ganguly is wrong, he would be the one to quit!

Whatever it is, Indian cricket shouldnt suffer due to this stupid issue!
Well after seeing the pics and the reading the artical's Ganguly must perform and quickly( in the next 2 series's) if he doesent then he might aswell quit cricket for the better as pressure will grow on him, then grow more and more, and make way for a youngster proberley a allrounder into the team. It's up to Ganguly to show what he is capable, if he does not then we all know and he will know whats going to happen to him.
Indiangod said:
Well after seeing the pics and the reading the artical's Ganguly must perform and quickly( in the next 2 series's) if he doesent then he might aswell quit cricket for the better as pressure will grow on him, then grow more and more, and make way for a youngster proberley a allrounder into the team. It's up to Ganguly to show what he is capable, if he does not then we all know and he will know whats going to happen to him.

You're right. He has the two ODI series against Sri Lanka and South Africa to prove that he has it in him!

And one thing, in the article that Bharat posted (, it says if Ganguly finds back form, Chappell would have an early exit! How come?
saisrini80 said:
I think you're right Bharat! Ganguly doesnt deserve a place in the team! But Dalmiya leaked it to the press? My goodness!! Why did Chappell send a copy of the mail to Dalmiya? Since Dalmiya is never a part of the BCCI, why did Chappell send the e-mail to Dalmiya? All sounds too conspicious!

Chappell states that he sent the email to the BCCI chief Ranbir Singh Mahendra,Jagmohan Dalmiya,Kiran More (chairman of selectors) and board secretary S K Nair.
However the email that was sent to Dalmiya had bounced back.So it cannot have been Dalmiya who leaked out the contents.

I feel Chappell is wrong over here.
1.He walks out to the toss in the Mutare warm up match without Ganguly knowing it.
2.Does not help ganguly on his batting.
3.Insults ganguly and sends the email .

Even John Wright,a coach who never criticised anything in Indian cricket and never voiced his opinions out,says that Chappell is wrong.Wright never talked with the media about such things though we know that they took place.
I dont think Wright must have any hard feelings for the present coach ,but i have never seen him criticize anyone unless he's very angry over something.

Next Sunil Gavaskar,a memebr of the committee that chose Chappell supports ganguly.
Also , a south australian cricketer cricticizes Chappells method of coaching .

I think Chappell is thinking too much of himselfand maybe he really does not have
skill to coach a team .Also ,where is his vision India ? The one he presented at the time of his selection. If he were really interested in coaching and in the vision india , he should have coached all 3 teams at next month's challenger trophy.He is only going to coach India senoirs which is not at all fair.
Therefore he must go.

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