Console Patch 3 Release?

I (personally) would y'know... Run with the CEO of the company that made your game vs "guy on Internet" but that's just me. I'm the crazy asshole, so go about your business guy-who-buys-games-for-features-that-aren't-there...

If you want people to actually listen to what you're saying maybe don't fill your posts with snarky comments and an overwhelming sense of superiority over everyone else

Yeah, I'm truly despised around here for that... Lighten up?
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I have been patiently waiting for patch 3, looking forward to the huge list of improvements etc, and I bought the game knowing it didn't have co-op, which I wasnt that bothered about anyway, so I could be one of those having a good moan at big ant. However, I'm an adult, I'm grateful for the ongoing support, I believe the game is pretty damn good now already on Xbox 360, I hope the patch arrives soon so we can shut this thread down and look forward to decent conversations about DB16 rather than page after page of childish, ungrateful whingeing
I don't care about patch 3. Would love an update on playing co-op with the cat?
I can think of several games where they've promised features for the game (and actually advertised them pre-released), dropped them from the original release and been like "we'll add them in patches!!!", before then stopping supporting the game before adding that feature. This is more the case in sports games where you have annual or near-annual release cycles where companies may well decide to delay feature additions in order to strengthen the following release - I'm grateful that didn't happen here and that Ross kept his word on a feature that was apparently a lot harder to add than expected.

The amount of support that this game has had post-release has been remarkable for a sports game - significant features being added and gameplay being almost transformed since the original release doesn't really happen in sports games because they have such a short release cycle. I haven't been playing the game lately much (been playing a bunch of iRacing and Age of Empires; two games that are the best of their kind ever IMO although there haven't been that many car racing MMOs in the world...) but the reason I have is mostly because of the post-release support since I don't see myself sticking with the Day 1-patch version of the game for the best part of eighteen months because it had serious flaws that were fixed very quickly. I don't think we'll see this amount of post-release stuff in the future: mostly because lots of the tweaking were to game fundamental things which should carry over to future releases and that eliminates lots of the patch work that we've seen, and Ross is probably less likely to say "oh we'll definitely add that to the game!" to a significant feature again ;)
I'm utterly baffled by the evolution of the argument now. It's apparently "you should have given us a broken co-op instead of fixing bugs and other improvements" because apparently months ago there was the rabid demand for co-op on consoles that we all totally missed in all those threads and stuff... Oh and, nobody would complain about broken co-op being pushed into consoles and that totally wouldn't have caused issues months on from the community... and apparently it's cool to make things up, buy versions of the game that don't have features at all and blame others for that.

This is the strangest thread of all time.

I was not implying ever that they should have given us a broken co-op, rather they could have got co-op completely ready and not addressed some of the smaller bugs for patch 2.5. Ross has addressed this and I now reluctantly understand that it really was an 'either or' situation.

I (personally) would y'know... Run with the CEO of the company that made your game vs "guy on Internet" but that's just me. I'm the crazy asshole, so go about your business guy-who-buys-games-for-features-that-aren't-there...

Setting aside my comments about potentially prioritising co-op more, Ross' say in how valid or understandable my logic is has no more weight than any other person. Why would it?

I have been patiently waiting for patch 3, looking forward to the huge list of improvements etc, and I bought the game knowing it didn't have co-op, which I wasnt that bothered about anyway, so I could be one of those having a good moan at big ant. However, I'm an adult, I'm grateful for the ongoing support, I believe the game is pretty damn good now already on Xbox 360, I hope the patch arrives soon so we can shut this thread down and look forward to decent conversations about DB16 rather than page after page of childish, ungrateful whingeing

It sounds like a whinge because I have had to repeat and clarify my arguments many times in response to people. I'm glad you have such great patience though, hopefully I can improve in this regard to properly be considered an adult.
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Well the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, good luck and welcome to the club
I respect Ross and bigant for everything they have done... sure the patch has taken longer than expected but atleast we are getting updates and new features added on even after 15 odd months from the games release and not as DLC but rather free... I really hope the next iteration will bring you profit and more people buying this game as I want bigant to succeed and keep making more cricket games as we have been deprived of great cricket games for a long time now since this game hit the shelves and it's great to see a developer communicating with fans on third party forums and putting up woth our demands thus making it one of the best cricket games. I hope you guys don't stop making cricket games in future after the next one. * fingers crossed* for better sales in the next iteration ☺

Btw are you guys gonna start taking suggestions soon for what we would like added in the next game?
I respect Ross and bigant for everything they have done... sure the patch has taken longer than expected but atleast we are getting updates and new features added on even after 15 odd months from the games release and not as DLC but rather free... I really hope the next iteration will bring you profit and more people buying this game as I want bigant to succeed and keep making more cricket games as we have been deprived of great cricket games for a long time now since this game hit the shelves and it's great to see a developer communicating with fans on third party forums and putting up woth our demands thus making it one of the best cricket games. I hope you guys don't stop making cricket games in future after the next one. * fingers crossed* for better sales in the next iteration ☺

Btw are you guys gonna start taking suggestions soon for what we would like added in the next game?
MattW said that they have been keeping an open eye on the features for next iteration thread and that they would like to keep all the ideas and suggestions in one place rather than scattered around threads...
tampon is unhappy that you made any improvements at all... so you can be very satisfied on a job well done!

p.s. this is intended as a joke, not an insult
p.p.s no, that isn't an autocorrect
The Planet Cricket 12 Step Program.

"My name's Tampon, and I'm a co-opaholic"

Intended as a joke again, obviously? So we can frame anything as a joke here and it'll slide? This is good news.

I actually disagree with most of the recent content of tazzron's posts in this thread. I would never have wanted co-op unfinished or unready and totally understand that it was not ready to go out in any previous patch.
Intended as a joke again, obviously? So we can frame anything as a joke here and it'll slide? This is good news.

I actually disagree with most of the recent content of tazzron's posts in this thread. I would never have wanted co-op unfinished or unready and totally understand that it was not ready to go out in any previous patch.

it was the bit aimed at Ross that wasn't an insult.
I would never have wanted co-op unfinished or unready and totally understand that it was not ready to go out in any previous patch.

I too wouldn't have wanted co-op unfinished and understand that it was an either or situation.
We have totally moved on, the patches have been in the "bank" for a long while - anyone thinking about the Steam version being finished quite a while ago would understand this. Events beyond our control mean that you don't have them yet.

So, yes, we are far more interested in reading the posts about what you'd like to see in Cricket "Next"... it's a shame that Bourke Street shall be a totally "safe place" during development and sadly it looks like Early Septembering is a thing of the past too - let the next ride begin!

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