Console Patch 3 Release?

As of now we are enjoying the game as it is. Just expecting the final patch to enhance the DBC 14 experience. We cant do anything by pressurising the people at @BigAntStudios. Its all in the hands of approvers now. We just have to wait until they approve.
Rightly said mate.. @BigAntStudios would want the patch to get it out ASAP, he would be the first person to be happy when patch reaches you guys...
We failed the submission, it has to go back in.

Well this is unfortunate but obviously there is nothing you could have done about it and I appreciate the update and not leaving us in the dark this must be pretty tough on you guys as well as us players. Hopefully it gets resubmitted and approved ASAP.
So basically on the 4th of September we were told that the console patches were within 2 weeks of release. This was clearly not the case however it's not the delay that's annoying rather the lack of communication. Myself, along with others I have seen have messaged Big Ant on Facebook and Twitter with no response. They have also gone pretty quiet in recent weeks on these forums regarding this issue. I appreciate that they are probably focused on the recent release of RLL3 but this isn't reason enough to cease communication with players of an older game.
I also acknowledge that once patches get put up for approval then it's essentially out of the hands of the developers however I don't believe this warrants a shut down in communication especially if there are more delays. We have been waiting for co-op in particular for a long time now and it's starting to drag out.

So basically I really don't want this to sound overly critical, I love DBC14 and really hope Big Ant work hard on the next one to improve on their very solid base they have established with this game. This is more a frustrated post seeking a bit more info and communication.

patch 3 might get released along with DBC 16..... :lol
Just one of those really technical fails that no one would have really minded.... but its what they call a MF (Must Fix).
Oh those shouldn't have included them :p
Quick Question : Does this mean that all 13 Regions have to be passed again ?

Or only the one that threw the spanner in the wheels.

I`m trying obviously to second guess the time it will take before it lands on our Consoles , if anyone could assist.
This all sounds like yet another conspiracy to deny console users co-op to me...

(...did I do it right?)
No, just the one.

That's interesting. Wouldn't that mean that this one region will have a different version of the game (though very slight difference) compared to the other ones? I didn't know Sony and MS allowed such a scenario unless it was due to censorship of certain content.

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