Console Patch 3 Release?

For god's sake give it a break...;)

And getting back to topic..Is Co-op a promised feature or not?? :D

Yes coop ie a guaranteed feature of the third patch.

To keep it safe...expect the patch to release after 2 months (that's how I am looking at it to keep expectations in check)
Patience (or forbearing) is Good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence , the meaning says patience is " good-natured tolerance " then what your proverb Justifying here.
Yup. We're quoting the dictionary now.
Yup. We're quoting the dictionary now.

What is the world coming too? What is planet cricket coming to?

  1. The definition of a dictionary is an online or printed resource that lists words in alphabetical order, listing the meaning, pronunciation and part of speech for the word.

    1. An example of dictionary is
    2. An example of dictionary is Webster's New World College Dictionary.

  2. A dictionary is defined as a list of words or articles that refer to a specific subject.

    1. An example of dictionary is a book with English to Italian translations.
    2. An example of dictionary is a book with legal codes and regulations.
image.jpeg *twitches*​
If you want the dictionary definition of disappointment just think of a picture of Tazzron & his brother, controllers in hand, thinking maybe today is the day.

Oh their little faces!!

A better picture would be of blockerdave waiting for don bradman 2025 when they finally improve AI batting to the necessary level. Do you even play don bradman now considering how much you hate bowling?

Oh your little mid thirties face!!
you try and show genuine concern for someone (and their brother), and all you get is aggression.

I need to head over to C A Iversen's safe space for a while.[DOUBLEPOST=1445256088][/DOUBLEPOST]it was crap there... I'm back.

I wonder how Tazzron is enjoying patch 3. Anyone heard from him?
I wonder how Tazzron is enjoying patch 3. Anyone heard from him?
I am sure it wont be long........does anyone ever mod this place anymore? I miss the days of getting a bollocking from Matt for banning "too quickly", whatever that means...:p
I see some people are still reliving the past and attempting to drag up old arguments. At least some aren't really though and that's pretty cool.

On a different note, does anyone feel those poor Scottish were ripped off yesterday?
Jimminy crickets! I'm offended by your post about the Scottish having their kilts ripped off and I demand reparations be made to the good people of Scotland. This is no place for that kind of language.

Golly gosh, what has this place become?
Oh dear me, how easy it is to be misconstrued. I can see how all sorts of things are arrived at now. :lol

Actually, speaking about Patch 3, I do feel that the secret is to relax and play something else for a while. If using the creation tools on Rugby League Live 3 are any indicator, the DBC follow-up will be absolutely amazing.
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