Cricket Reads!

I'm not going to read through this whole thing but Steve Waugh's autobiography was a brilliant read, 'Out of my comfort zone.' Definitely worth reading.
"Best of Bevan" and Darren Lehmans autobipgraphys are damn good!
But Ricky pontings 3 diarys beat them both!

I've got the "Best of Bevan". Pretty good read. Quite enjoyed it.

I'm not going to read through this whole thing but Steve Waugh's autobiography was a brilliant read, 'Out of my comfort zone.' Definitely worth reading.

I've read 'Out of my comfory zone' twice now. A really enjoyable book. It just goes to show even the best cricketers didn't hit the big time straight away.
There was a decent review of Indian Summers in the Wisden Cricketer. Might have to get me a copy.
Shane Warne's Illustrated Autobiography is really good, especially for those who dont paricualry like reading paes upon pages...
I have read many.

Steve Waugh's Out of my comfort Zone is a huge book, but so damn good.

Ive read a Shane Warne Biography called "Bold Warnie" which is like 8 years old! I want to get his newest one!

Ummm, that Michael Bevan one, which wasn't that good.

Mark Waugh biography by someone Knight. That was probably the best "biography" I've ever read.
I read Shane Warne's and I would say a 7/10. It was a let down because it only went up to 2002 so missed some important events.
Richie Benaud's My Spin on Cricket was another good read as was Atherton's autobiography.
But by far the best one I have read is Nasser Hussain's. A fascinating read and it was after his career ended. I prefer not to read anybody's who is still playing as I feel they hold back opinions and everything is dragged out to fill a book.

Just out of interest have any of the younger members read the 'Glory Gardens' series or 'Hurricane Hamish' series. I read these when I was a bit younger and I thought they were fantastic.
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Read both - and I still love them...

The story lines are good and were quite realistic.

Yeah Hurricane's character was a little farfetched but the storyline in the Test series book was clever and quite complex for cricket fiction.
Agree 100% - the first Hurricane Hamish was the best one. Which other cricket books incorporate match fixing, drugging, press manipulation and a 13 year old fast bowler who no-one knows where he's come from?

On a side note, got Penguins Stopped Play out of the library today - look forward to reading it...
Has anyone read the book by Richie Benaud? My Spin on Cricket?

I saw it today at my school library and was wondering if I should give it a go.
Almost cried when I got to the end of Penguins Stopped Play, I didn't realise that the author was dead! Now want to read Marcus Berkmann's side of the story in Zimmer Men.

@Hooper: Yeah, it's good - lots of Richie's stories, standard kind of stuff from him really...
Hooper - Plenty of people here have read it, just look back through the thread.

Next on my list cricket wize is John Major's book, buying it was more embarrassing than buying porn mind!
I got two cricket Books, which i've read 2 times each book.

Andrew Flintoff - "My Story so Far"
Activators - Cricket "all you need to know" - Clive Gifford

and I want some more cricket books, I have no credit card to order online :(, and I’m in Sweden where they don't know cricket.. lol. crapp

buying it was more embarrassing than buying porn mind!

why?? is that so?? aren?t English people proud of cricket as a National sport.
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Has anyone got the Nathan Astle book thats just come out.
Im about to go get my copy which he will personally sign:)

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