DBC14 PC Version 1.14

I really fail to see how you can be "Damm sure" about the originality of my copy. You can however, be "Damm sure" about my frustration with the online check everytime I want to play the game.

If not then first register yourself with steam id in Planet cricket , I will take my words back after that
That being said, I would never have purchased the game if I did not first download, install, and try the game with a pirated copy first.

Ok. So you have a bad internet connection but you apparently downloaded 1.8 Gigs for the pirated game. And now you want Online DRM removed, why? Because you have a bad internet connection. :facepalm
So um, how do we bowl slower bowls (which was previously on LB) with regular quicks now? Pulling the left stick down seemed to produce no noticeable speed change. Is the key assigned to the one that was used for going around the wicket before the patch?
I'm not going to comment on piracy much, as it's been done to death a million times on here... But I can see the guy's point about the rules being changed after release, and it not being the same as when the money was handed over. If it were going to be done, it probably should've been done from the start.

Nobody likes DRM. It is a pain in the arse - consumers don't like it, devs don't like it (I'm sure BA didn't want to implement it) but to me it's the lesser of two evils if the alternative is the end of DBC on PC. In an ideal world, if everyone could behave themselves, everything would be DRM-free.
There are genuine points of discussion when it comes to the DRM though, which could be addressed rather than everyone taking an ad hominem approach.

I can understand the desire here to ostracise those who have pirated the game though.
1) If you did bought this game to play online then you won't complain about the checking thats required and incase BAS allowed you to play after one time verification this may result in supplying your activated copy to all your 12 or 100 friends and DRM has no point then.
2) If you are able to post one comment here you can login into game 1-2 times with the same kb or bytes, it requires that much less connectivity.
3) If you felt cheated ,then gladly take the offer Ross offered to you and leave this forum while playing with the pirated copy you got initially.
4) And we want this *ing game to be developed much more so don't create this much controversy.
5) Ross won't listen you, he ran away:D
There are genuine points of discussion when it comes to the DRM though, which could be addressed rather than everyone taking an ad hominem approach.

I can understand the desire here to ostracise those who have pirated the game though.

I agree, although I think the DRM was needed for this game specifically (generally, I am against DRM) :spy The problem with Redrubicon's post was a whole lot more than the DRM debate though. He claimed that he didnt condone piracy, yet did so anyway. He said he owned all his games, yet admitted to pirating them beforehand. He said he was of the 'try before you buy' philosophy and that he loved DBC14 as a game, however he pirated to try it and didnt even try the demo. Contradictions and double standards are what painted him into a corner. Coming to the forum to talk about DRM but instead starting off your posts with how you always pirate games and then complaining about the DRM requirement sure is a good way to handcuff yourself.
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When comes to the recent patch, i initially used to lose 2-3 wickets in test to slower balls from spinners and now thats increased to 7-8 and even worrying thing is 1 per over. I want my 1.13 patch back with all the addon's from 1.14 with exception of this tweaking:p.

And spinners writing S and even Z with their drift and turn


Edit : I am confidently posting this because all the top players(really) say that i am the one who is very good at spin that they have seen:D
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Ross Can we know the stats such as Most number of download DBC done in countries, DBC sales per country bases ... ,
There are genuine points of discussion when it comes to the DRM though, which could be addressed rather than everyone taking an ad hominem approach.

I can understand the desire here to ostracise those who have pirated the game though.

I don't believe there is any discussion to be had whatsoever. People have taken a dislike against clumsily implemented DRM such as Sim City and somehow extrapolated that into a dislike of DRM per se, which is nonsensical. I assume you lock your house/bike/car... Don't leave your iphone/ipad on the table in starbucks when you go to splash your boots?

Software developers have as much right to protect their IP as you do to protect your physical property. We all know that as things stand no future version of DBC will come on PC as the game is not worth the candle, this DRM is an attempt to change that and therefore there is literally no discussion to be had.

This isn't Candy Crush, it's a game requiring a controller and pretty good concentration, people aren't playing it on their commute. I'd wager 99.94% of game boots are in the player's home. It's a tiny amount of data pushed on boot, much less than would have been required to download the update that introduced the requirement, or the game initially (whether from Steam or a crack as in the case of @redrubicon). This is elegant, non-intrusive hoepfully effective DRM that should be encouraged, as it's the only way this franchise and others like it will have a future on PC.

Discussion over.
I do get where *some* of it is coming from. If it had been there at launch, and stated on the box, there would not even be a cause for disappointment, let alone some of the anger that's been displayed. That the requirements of the game have changed *is* a concern, but their offer of refunds to anyone who is affected (or offended) by the changes nullifies everything for me.

Of the people who own legitimate copies, it will be a small percentage of people who can genuinely find absolutely no way to run the game, to some it will be a minor inconvenience, and for the majority it will have no effect whatsoever.

The only real losers are the pirates. Who were real losers already.
I don't disagree that it could be a positive step for the sustainability of the PC releases, but there are definitely reasons for legitimate complaint with the introduction of this DRM.

It's not what people signed up for at the time of the release when they purchased the game, and there was no indication that there were plans for it. A minority of people may have decided against purchasing the game if they knew that it would be implemented at some point.

Also, while I hope the DRM is successful and doesn't get cracked, if they do manage to bypass it and play the game offline then I'd hope that BA would remove it in an update, so as not to give pirates a better experience.

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