Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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someone might have posted this before but I noticed in the field categories leg spin bowling fields are in the "fast" category and such like. it's leading to fast bowlers taking leg spin fields as default, wondered why teams were rarely putting many slips in when they were bowling their first overs.

on the brief career I played as a fast bowler, yes, it's been almost entirely LBW or bowled. I've had a few caught in close too but for all the times I have the batsman playing and missing I've only ever taken one edge, which didn't carry.
This is an update post,

My career player is now 23 and his skill traits have not increased for the last 2 & 1/2 seasons although I have been accumulating a lot of points.
Sorry if this has been mentioned.
I have twice now lost all my XP points. And both times i just happened to do the same things. So its one or the other:
Played a 2 player game and when i restarted after the game my points where gone.
Added players the cricket academy.
So it seems either of these 2 might be causing it. I was at 2 star just before it defaulted to 0 again the second time.
Sorry if this has been mentioned.
I have twice now lost all my XP points. And both times i just happened to do the same things. So its one or the other:
Played a 2 player game and when i restarted after the game my points where gone.
Added players the cricket academy.
So it seems either of these 2 might be causing it. I was at 2 star just before it defaulted to 0 again the second time.

HBK will PM you to follow up tomorrow. Sorry you lost your XP :(
One slight issue for me is that you don't know if there's a field change when batting as your career player. I check the field a lot but have been caught a few times where a fielder has been moved to where I played the previous shot without me knowing. Generally point/square leg/behind square as those are the positions you have to use R2 to see.
I also find I just can't react quick enough to pick length so I have to premeditate it. This means I'm either getting out on the front foot to short balls or on the back foot to full balls. I've tried pulling out the shot but it seems that you have to play the stroke so early for quick bowlers there just isn't time.
One slight issue for me is that you don't know if there's a field change when batting as your career player. I check the field a lot but have been caught a few times where a fielder has been moved to where I played the previous shot without me knowing. Generally point/square leg/behind square as those are the positions you have to use R2 to see.
I also find I just can't react quick enough to pick length so I have to premeditate it. This means I'm either getting out on the front foot to short balls or on the back foot to full balls. I've tried pulling out the shot but it seems that you have to play the stroke so early for quick bowlers there just isn't time.

Believe the patch will notify you when there is a field change.

Regarding premeditated shots, can't say anything. Still waiting to receive the game. But in nets unless I am trying to block or leave I generally do not have to premeditate
In nets select pitch marker at short of good length, play front foot off drive or straight drive and keep shifting marker towards full length after every shot. You will see in former situation the ball will go to air more often than in latter situation. So footwork selection by correct judgement of length is crucial for grounded strokes.
I also find I just can't react quick enough to pick length so I have to premeditate it. This means I'm either getting out on the front foot to short balls or on the back foot to full balls. I've tried pulling out the shot but it seems that you have to play the stroke so early for quick bowlers there just isn't time.

I have the same problem however I'm not sure if it is my bad reflexes or an intentional design decision!
One slight issue for me is that you don't know if there's a field change when batting as your career player. I check the field a lot but have been caught a few times where a fielder has been moved to where I played the previous shot without me knowing. Generally point/square leg/behind square as those are the positions you have to use R2 to see.
I also find I just can't react quick enough to pick length so I have to premeditate it. This means I'm either getting out on the front foot to short balls or on the back foot to full balls. I've tried pulling out the shot but it seems that you have to play the stroke so early for quick bowlers there just isn't time.

Does the game not cut to a helicpoter shot screen when there is a field change.
The same as it does when you are bowling and there is a change between left hander and right handed batsmen. Thats usually when i notice it has changed.


HBK will PM you to follow up tomorrow. Sorry you lost your XP :(

No Worries. I am so brilliant i build it up again in a handfull of games :noway:noway:noway:noway
Its only XP. No fuss, but others might not feel the same if it happened, so just informing :yes
Hello,I don't like bowling much so I used to simulate bowling and when ever I simulate they used to score nearly 200 all the time and its really frustrating when I hardly scored 185 and simulated 15 overs and they completed in 15 overs :(.Why cont it changed randomly some times even 150s and 160s too,and is it always easy to score 200 in 20 overs even in future when you mastered in batting ?.Hope some one understand what I mean.
Not sure if it's been mentioned before (apologies if it has)...

Mode: Casual
Match Type: T20
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Always (every delivery)
Ground: Lords
Teams: England (user) vs Australia (AI)
Get Best: Yes
Description of Issue: When batting, my batsmen leave every delivery. I've tried timing the shot earlier and late but to no avail. Have also turned my PS3 off then on, started a new game and again my batsmen refuse to play shots.
What's the benefit of gaining XP in the game?

I posted the same question in an other thread I am at level 5 but still don't understand what these XPs are used for what is the us of lveling up.

@Ross Could you please explain the XP concept
This is an annoying one. Had just reached the 30s for the second innings in a row when was given out runout when at no point did I leave the crease. Foot was planted and not in the air.


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