Don Bradman Cricket 14 - Issues and Anomalies

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I don't know if I'm the only one here, but it's annoying looking at the MCG for every game. I'm playing as Queensland and 90% of my games are in the MCG and the rest in the SCG
Queensland pulled the ol' Douglas Jardine on me last night...

Mode: Career Mode
Match Type: Australian County, 4 days
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): Between 10-20
Ground: SCG
Teams: SA vs. Queensland
Get Best: No
Description of Issue:

After getting a few away to fine leg, Queensland obviously decided I was batting like the great Don himself and decided to bodyline me by putting three behind square on the leg side, a very fine fine leg, a man at about 45, and a backward square leg. The umpire didn't call no-ball and let them get away this nonsense!

It only lasted a few overs so not a huge issue, thought it might be a somewhat easy fix though (maybe there aren't any restrictions as to where the field can be set in a shield match in career mode, so the AI used a field that is in the game for 1930's matches?)
Mode: Competition (ODI WC structure)
Match type: Custom (4 innings, 15 overs each, 8 ball overs.)
Over count: Don't know
Ground: I think that it was Lords, AKA Lancashire Oval. Could have been away though.
Teams: England vs New Zealand
Get best: No
Description of issue: Batsman gets an inside edge. I think it carried (video attached), but I appealed before the catch was taken because I thought he had already caught it. Umpire gives it not out. I use one of my 3 reviews, but the decision wasn't overturned despite conclusive evidence.

Perhaps they were checking for LBW because I appealed too early?

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Mode: N/A
Match Type: N/A
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): N/A
Ground: N/A
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

A few other people seem to have had this problem, but I couldn't see any solutions posted; please point me to it if I just missed it. Anyway, after turning off the game and starting it again later (as in, the next day) all of my downloaded teams vanish from my profile. This has happened a couple of times - I've downloaded all the teams again but they just disappear again.
Mode: N/A
Match Type: N/A
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): N/A
Ground: N/A
Get Best: yes
Description of Issue:

A few other people seem to have had this problem, but I couldn't see any solutions posted; please point me to it if I just missed it. Anyway, after turning off the game and starting it again later (as in, the next day) all of my downloaded teams vanish from my profile. This has happened a couple of times - I've downloaded all the teams again but they just disappear again.

Are you using multiple profiles on PS3 to play the game?
Loving the game - my thoughts.

First off congratulations on getting the game out the door! :-) I've played about 30 games since release day (now playing through Season 1 of Career mode) and have have enjoying it greatly. I understand Cricket is a difficult sport to replicate into video games, but I believe you've mostly cracked it? just a little tweaking required ;-) I've been writing this for a few days, I haven't read all the posts on here and understand the 1st patch is on the way - so apologies if things I mention have been covered/fixed already.


1. During a test (when still being played) the main scorecard overview says 'Match drawn' at the top.

2. Career mode: when skipping to players part, you shouldn't have to choose skip after every over if you've been bowling? have options to skip AI bowling automatically.

3. The graphic displaying a batters shots after a 50 etc, disappears before you can get a proper look at it.

4. Running between wickets - grounding the bat, etc? well known issue I guess :-)

5. When playing career mode in a four day game there is no acknowledgment of the days changing.

6. When coming into bat in career mode you have no idea who is bowling apart from looking at the scoreboard - but the bowler type is unknown. You should see your player walk out to the pitch - show stats, get an idea of how your team is going, find out about the bowler (but be able to skip this if wanted). When I come in now I quickly pause, check the scoreboard to figure out what's going on?

7. Career bowling: start of the over at the bottom of the screen it displays the teams playing and venue - would rather see which batters are there and whose facing (i.e. so I can bowl differently to someone who's 'in' or someone that's 'set') like the rest of the over.

8. AI fielders slide over the ropes too often while attempting to stop a boundary? needs tweaking.


1. Alter in-game stats page to have more detail. i.e. strike rate, four & sixes hit. Bowlers to have maidens, economy rate and extras listed. Cricket (and most sports - but Cricket especially I believe) games benefit from having tons of stats! All of these stats are obviously being recorded - they just need displaying during the game.

2. Can we have a mini-map option? It's too hard to pick the fielders out from the crowd/surroundings. While this is 'immersive' not having the mini-map makes it too difficult to know where all the fielders are - in the real world the batter would be see them easier and have a better idea where the gaps are. This would also aid in running between wickets which can be hit and miss at times re fielders in unexpected spots!

3. Test Match - when a new day starts there was no commentary to reflect this? a good morning, welcome to day 'X' of the match etc would be nice :-)

4. During Practice match batting - bowling team shouldn't go through the review process. Also when reviewing the pitch of the ball etc, you should be able to skip once the player can see wether it's out or not? it takes too long to go through the animations.

5. Looking a little further forward - I'd love to see DLC for extra stadiums (especially NZ & AUS ones to host next years world cup) and other features you dream up. I would be prepared to pay $10? for a 'Stadium Pack' or similar??


1. What does the XP and levels do if anything apart from online rankings?

2. Does the batting get easier in career mode as the player builds his stats? The jump from Rookie to Pro for the batting is significant - but if we know our players improve as the seasons progress that would be helpful? maybe just a fraction more time to adjust to either front foot or back foot would be great!

Thanks again to Big Ant for the best Cricket game in a very long time!
Wicket keeper, claiming a catch by itself after well pitched on the ground. I was the bowler( leg spinner ) & I did not trigger any appeal button, wicket keeper started appealing and umpire gave it out. Video is posted below for reference.

You know there's a slow motion button for replays eh ;)

Niggly point - I can't actually see the ball hit the ground in the replay. Is it possible it bounced up off the keepers gloves rather than the ground?
Are you using multiple profiles on PS3 to play the game?

Playing on the Xbox, but yes it's with multiple profiles. For each profile the same thing is happening though - downloaded players have disappeared across the board.
Playing on the Xbox, but yes it's with multiple profiles. For each profile the same thing is happening though - downloaded players have disappeared across the board.

Looks like this might be an issue with multiple profiles. There was another person who had a similar problem on PS3 as he and his buddy used the same PS3 for playing DBC 14 but apparently only one profile had updated teams from the academy despite both of them downloading it.
Another issue, and there are lots of them, playing a t20 match and the bowling team has 4 players outside the ring in powerplay overs. A very basic bug, should'nt have been.
Several issues, all with the same setup

Mode: Career
Match Type: 4 day
Over Count (Match Overs + When Occured): final innings, around 20 overs in
Ground: Lancashire stadium
Teams: Sussex v Yorkshire
Get Best: No

Description of Issue: Two of my partners have advanced down the wicket, blocked and failed to return to their crease. Run out.

Description of Issue: The running between the wickets indicator seems to not update the 'WK' position between overs. Sometimes it is the WK, but the next over it is the bowler's end.

Description of Issue: I went off for rain. When they resumed, it was still raining and after one ball they went off again.

Description of Issue: I played a back foot shot and got front foot skill points. On a related note, I've occasionally got skill points when I got out.

Description of Issue: I actually managed to run four, but I didn't get the 5xp for running three (or anything higher).
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Another issue, and there are lots of them, playing a t20 match and the bowling team has 4 players outside the ring in powerplay overs. A very basic bug, should'nt have been.

Have seen more than 2 outside the circle in odis as well and the commentators comment something like "Australia are 27/1 after the power-play" after the first 5 overs are over instead of 10.
Issue: MLB The Show just turned up in the mail... Starting to get intensly into DBC14 and kind of feel like i'm cheating on it if i take it out of my PS3 for The Show.

There is my "first world problem" for the day.:(
Can Ross confirm if this has been fixed in the first patch? The AI not following any fielding restrictions and setting way too attacking fields in T20s and way too defensive ones in tests??
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I would say batting doesn't need fixing... only the AI batting needs to be fixed along with the fast bowler fatigue & pace issue.

Talking about the fast bowler fatigue and pace drop, we do not know yet if its in the first patch.
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