Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

It has been said that the bowlers speeds will be much faster on higher difficulty levels.

Are you sure about that? So you mean to say a 160kmph delivey in easy mode will be slower than a 160kmph delivery on, say, legendary?
Just as an aside, the worst feature ever to be in a cricket game would have to be the requirement to shine the ball in Ashes Cricket on the Wii - every single ball you had to use the Wiimote and move it up and down to pretend to shine the ball before aiming.

Implementation of features matters.

You didn't *have* to shine the ball: it was completely optional. And, personally, I felt it was one of the Wii version's stronger features. ;)

Worst feature in a cricket game for me was the "spectator" mode, which was cut from BLIC 2007 near completion. (Public record here: Brian Lara Cricket 2007 - Discussion -
One of the most baffling features ever. :)
Just as an aside, the worst feature ever to be in a cricket game would have to be the requirement to shine the ball in Ashes Cricket on the Wii - every single ball you had to use the Wiimote and move it up and down to pretend to shine the ball before aiming.

Implementation of features matters.

Are we playing the wait and watch game here because Ross has confirmed how effectively we shine the ball will have a relation to how much the ball swings. Anyway, I was more trying to bring to attention the authenticity of the animation, it will become a feature when it gets you the result as well :)
You didn't *have* to shine the ball: it was completely optional. And, personally, I felt it was one of the Wii version's stronger features.
Really? It's been a while since I've played it, but I can't remember being able to skip past it. Perhaps it just timed out or something - it's not like it's a game that is worth sitting through to find out much more.
Are you sure about that? So you mean to say a 160kmph delivey in easy mode will be slower than a 160kmph delivery on, say, legendary?

I am pretty sure Ross mentioned faster bowling speeds on higher difficulty levels. It surely cannot mean that Mitchell Johnson would bowl at 120 kmph on easy level and 150+ on higher ones.
I am pretty sure Ross mentioned faster bowling speeds on higher difficulty levels. It surely cannot mean that Mitchell Johnson would bowl at 120 kmph on easy level and 150+ on higher ones.

to me it will be like cricket 07 in a way where you could turn up game speed so you would have less time to hit the ball so i think in hard it will be faster and harder to time but bowling speed will be the same like 150 ks easy and 150ks on hard. the user will just have less time to hit it i think.
in future iterations, there should be a multi-faceted difficulty. so you adjust speed and ai differently...

just because my timing isn't great doesn't mean i would a stupid ai, in fact that sort of thing is more likely to stop me putting in the time to get better at the timing.

so they could have:

bowling speed
bowling intelligence
field placing

all having separate difficulty settings so you can really customise your own experience to where you're at.
to me it will be like cricket 07 in a way where you could turn up game speed so you would have less time to hit the ball so i think in hard it will be faster and harder to time but bowling speed will be the same like 150 ks easy and 150ks on hard. the user will just have less time to hit it i think.

This is what I would hope for, at the lower setting the real ball speed would be slower than the higher settings although they would both register at 85mph for example. That's how it should be done i reckon, or the option to turn the real speed up or down to your personal preference.

It's a shame there is no footage so far of someone peppering the batsman with a barrage of bouncers to show how the batsman reacted or to try and force an injury. The one clip of the short ball going through just missing the bat and helmet looked great. Just would have liked to see a few more :)


in future iterations, there should be a multi-faceted difficulty. so you adjust speed and ai differently...

just because my timing isn't great doesn't mean i would a stupid ai, in fact that sort of thing is more likely to stop me putting in the time to get better at the timing.

so they could have:

bowling speed
bowling intelligence
field placing

all having separate difficulty settings so you can really customise your own experience to where you're at.

An individual bowling aggression attribute for the academy would be a great addition also
This is what I would hope for, at the lower setting the real ball speed would be slower than the higher settings although they would both register at 85mph for example. That's how it should be done i reckon, or the option to turn the real speed up or down to your personal preference.

I agree with this. The team you are playing against takes care of the rest surely?

I also agree with whoever said that turning off the HUD elements to make it more difficult was wrong: those are there to make up for things you WOULD have in the real world and are vital. They are there to replace the fact that your senses would automatically give you that information in real life, and in a game you cannot.
It would just be hampering the gameplay to remove them: Whoever said "this is a game, not real life" I think was bang on.
I agree with this. The team you are playing against takes care of the rest surely?

I also agree with whoever said that turning off the HUD elements to make it more difficult was wrong: those are there to make up for things you WOULD have in the real world and are vital. They are there to replace the fact that your senses would automatically give you that information in real life, and in a game you cannot.
It would just be hampering the gameplay to remove them: Whoever said "this is a game, not real life" I think was bang on.

This is why I agree with the comet I think its a good idea and not obtrusive. I'm not a fan of the ring although I'm aware it can either be switched off or is not there for the higher levels. Personally I would rather have the ring just flash for a second so you can still gather the information required ie: good length turning leg to off rather than following the ball constantly.
This is why I agree with the comet I think its a good idea and not obtrusive. I'm not a fan of the ring although I'm aware it can either be switched off or is not there for the higher levels. Personally I would rather have the ring just flash for a second so you can still gather the information required ie: good length turning leg to off rather than following the ball constantly.

Where I think this would come into its own is in multiplayer. Especially if, as a bowler, you can be deceptive with it... The mindgames are what have been mainly absent from cricket games thus far.
I also agree with whoever said that turning off the HUD elements to make it more difficult was wrong: those are there to make up for things you WOULD have in the real world and are vital. They are there to replace the fact that your senses would automatically give you that information in real life, and in a game you cannot.
It would just be hampering the gameplay to remove them: Whoever said "this is a game, not real life" I think was bang on.

We all know that it is a Game and not Real Life but that is not an excuse to not make it as realistic as possible. Minimizing the HUD and providing other Aural and Visual cues has beein in most of the better games. For instance, an F1 car breaking traction or locking up a wheel can be clearly anticipated by the gamer without any HUD in games as old as F1 2003.

The games of the new generation are more and more inclined towards Simulation as game developers continue to push boundaries by improving on their previous iterations and also by harnessing cutting edge technology.

However, this is only possible through Creative Thinking, Hardwork and a Passion for the game you are developing. License oriented Cash Grabbing excercises such as Ashes 13 cannot pull this off and will always come up with lame excuses. Anyone with half a brain can see through such childish justifications.

DBC 14 on the other hand seems to have done this fantastically well with the game designed with the No HUD Mantra which allows gamers to have a more authentic cricket gaming experience without having to premeditate your shots or pre publish your line and length before hand. Kudos to them and Sour Grapes to the losers.
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Where I think this would come into its own is in multiplayer. Especially if, as a bowler, you can be deceptive with it... The mindgames are what have been mainly absent from cricket games thus far.

Mainly absent possibly but not completely, one of the very few positives with IC2010 was playing against mates and you could really set each other up with bowling, a slight adjustment in line last second or pulling it back for a short ball when you had been lining up a yorker for example. It was the only fun that game gave tbh, playing against the AI was just so damn boring
Mainly absent possibly but not completely, one of the very few positives with IC2010 was playing against mates and you could really set each other up with bowling, a slight adjustment in line last second or pulling it back for a short ball when you had been lining up a yorker for example. It was the only fun that game gave tbh, playing against the AI was just so damn boring

I dont understand how you can bluff someone in IC 2010 by mixing up Yorkers and Bouncers because Yorkers could be easily hooked for 6 just like bouncers. :D
Mainly absent possibly but not completely, one of the very few positives with IC2010 was playing against mates and you could really set each other up with bowling, a slight adjustment in line last second or pulling it back for a short ball when you had been lining up a yorker for example. It was the only fun that game gave tbh, playing against the AI was just so damn boring

I slightly disagree with IC 2010 being boring with AI. If you have the skills edited in games' player editor(for instance, by default - bowlers are very balanced between pace & cut deliveries. For a genuine pacer, decrease the cut & increase the inswing/out swing parameters & likewise batting ones ), I felt AI bit more challenging. It eats up more time to edit every parameter of every player though. With batter/bowler view cricket games look even more better than default camera view.

Oh well, it's not about IC 2010, I better stop :p

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