Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

I dont understand how you can bluff someone in IC 2010 by mixing up Yorkers and Bouncers because Yorkers could be easily hooked for 6 just like bouncers. :D

My mates were not quite as aware of the games faults as we as it was my game, we still had some great 20/50 over games though and never underestimate the power of a last minute short outswinger!!!LOL


I slightly disagree with IC 2010 being boring with AI. If you have the skills edited in games' player editor(for instance, by default - bowlers are very balanced between pace & cut deliveries. For a genuine pacer, decrease the cut & increase the inswing/out swing parameters & likewise batting ones ), I felt AI bit more challenging. It eats up more time to edit every parameter of every player though. With batter/bowler view cricket games look even more better than default camera view.

Oh well, it's not about IC 2010, I better stop :p

Yeah won't go on about it after this but yeah I spent hours tweaking that game and reckon I got it about as good as it could be, but it always seemed that the AI team would have a couple of reasonable partnerships but that would be it. I did manage to get a few 5 day tests out of it but there was no real excitement factor I felt.

From what we have seen so far from DBC this is going to be the next level, I cannot wait to get my mitts on it. The only problem is that I'm going to have to wait longer than most as I'm currently travelling around S.E. Asia :(
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I suggest people watch this video - MLB: The Show 13

For years, baseball games have been designed so that players use the camera behind the batter. It is simply not possible to bat from a 'broadcast' camera. And it doesn't impact on the immersion at all. Gameplay is more important than a broadcast camera, and The Show is an example of this.

Indeed we should give it a try, personally I have always tried differing camera options for sports games and never tend to like them I'm a massive whore for things looking "authentic" regardless of gameplay being improved or not.
Indeed we should give it a try, personally I have always tried differing camera options for sports games and never tend to like them I'm a massive whore for things looking "authentic" regardless of gameplay being improved or not.

the thing is, there is an argument that the broadcast cam isn't "authentic", in the sense that when you watch tv, you have no control over the action. in the game you do, so it's really not like watching tv at all. that's why i don;t understand some people getting het up on the broadcast view.

now the pro-cam view is semi authentic, though doesn't seem to allow you to "watch" the ball on to the bat - it may be my bad vision, but there seems to be a bit of a blind point.

the "behind the batter" isn't really authentic in terms of being either like tv, or like playing, but from what i saw of the videos, looks as if it might be the most immersive angle, if not as uber-challenging as pro-cam.
the thing is, there is an argument that the broadcast cam isn't "authentic", in the sense that when you watch tv, you have no control over the action. in the game you do, so it's really not like watching tv at all. that's why i don;t understand some people getting het up on the broadcast view.

now the pro-cam view is semi authentic, though doesn't seem to allow you to "watch" the ball on to the bat - it may be my bad vision, but there seems to be a bit of a blind point.

the "behind the batter" isn't really authentic in terms of being either like tv, or like playing, but from what i saw of the videos, looks as if it might be the most immersive angle, if not as uber-challenging as pro-cam.

Yeah that's true but it's a game so of course you're going to have control over the action. I meant aside from the fact that it's a game I like having it on broadcast as that's how I'm used to seeing it on tv and how I like seeing it. For example I get turned on when I see a nick going to the slips or the keeper from broadcast cam whereas when I see it on other camera modes it just looks like a mess/ugly to me.
Yeah that's true but it's a game so of course you're going to have control over the action. I meant aside from the fact that it's a game I like having it on broadcast as that's how I'm used to seeing it on tv and how I like seeing it. For example I get turned on when I see a nick going to the slips or the keeper from broadcast cam whereas when I see it on other camera modes it just looks like a mess/ugly to me.

if anything has ever qualified as too much information, you know i think that is it! ;)
if anything has ever qualified as too much information, you know i think that is it! ;)


Hey man it's the truth I've got some weird "fetishes" if you like when playing games, especially sports games.

On a side note, you know the video where matt nicked it behind and it wasn't given out? Is this what ross meant when he said there will be instances where you think you've heard a noise or there was a noise but ump got it wrong or was it a bug?

I've been under the impression it's the former but didn't get the impression from the video if it was or if it was a bug. If it is the former that's awesome!
I think that one was so obvious it must be a bug? Wasn't Darryl Harper umpiring!!!
Ross also said to trust nothing on that build...
I think that one was so obvious it must be a bug? Wasn't Darryl Harper umpiring!!!
Ross also said to trust nothing on that build...

Maybe, I did have to watch it a few times and you see those not given sometimes in matches.

Would be good to get some clarification though!
I dont remember whether we have to appeal for every dismissal. But if we did then it would lead to some awesome situations. Imagine playing with your friend and you nick a ball. Its a very fine nick with no visible change in trajectory. You got it by the faint vibration in your controller. Your friend somehow missed the faint sound of the edge and decided not to appeal. When the 1o second BARS window has passed, you'd admit the nick with a grin and your friend would rush back to instant replay and check the hotspot. The expression on his face and the satisfaction you'd get would be priceless ;)
He'd use the "walk" button wouldn't he? Being a gentleman.... :)
Someone did have a video of a bouncer, not sure which one it was, it shaved just past his head.

Yeah i accidently ducked a shortish ball which almost killed me, cant remember how i did it, i think i panic'ed and try to put the ball out of the park and ended up ducking into it almost!!

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