Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

...which is not what you said. What you said was:

Good points to consider before you battle on:

  • DBC14 is not a AAA sports title
  • Ubisoft and Rockstar are both based outside of USA/Japan
  • Smaller studios and "outisde of the main studio" games are getting more and more support and money on major platforms
  • Cricket is never going to be a major sport in the games industry and is in all likelyhood ALWAYS going to be made by smaller studios in Australia or the UK. Possibly even in India in the future...

I meant the UK makes very few triple A titles. Triple A talent is mainly based in the USA and Japan, but Canada is developing a good scene.

You seem to think I want small studios to fail. That is just silly.

I want to see good games - I urged Ross to work with San Diego studio but that wasn't feasible. Now I urge Bigant to prioritise the animation issues in the game or i fear it will sink.

I'm helping to give you guys an idea of what gamers want from across the pond.
Maybe it's because I'm a cricket fan 1st and a gamer 2nd, maybe its because I'm old enough to remember playin cricket games on the spectrum 48k or maybe its because i dont know that much about technology or programming etc but this to me ticks all the boxes, if Ross feels the need to patch more stadiums etc then fair play to him, I would've been happy playing the game we saw today, dodgy or not. Maybe I'm easily pleased or whatever but I love the sport. If I'm not playing on a weekend I'm reading about it or watching it, and soon ill be able to play this and swear at the tv again!!!!
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Sorry, at this time I only read posts in Japanese or those posted from US IP addresses as they are the only ones who know how games are made.
I meant the UK makes very few triple A titles. Triple A talent is mainly based in the USA and Japan, but Canada is developing a good scene.

Your argument makes absolutely no sense. Cricket is never going to be made as one, or by a AAA studio. I have no idea what you're trying to get across here, but the fact remains there are a ton of studios outside of the US/Japan that make incredibly good games. Some work, some don't... and none of that has anything to do with DBC14! It's a start-up franchise on it's first legs, there's going to be growing pains but we've got a committed studio behind the project that you're ragging out because, what, you don't like Australians? That's literally all I can take away from about 80% of your posts. Taking all things into account objectively, the game looks absolutely incredible visually... we've had one play session of people playing it for the first time with resounding success. Now is the time to get behind the project, because real people are experiencing it and having quantifiable, positive reactions. Fact.

I'm helping to give you guys an idea of what gamers want from across the pond.

Citation required.
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Sorry, at this time I only read posts in Japanese or those posted from US IP addresses as they are the only ones who know how games are made.

12000 miles is not enough :lol
Also gotta agree with Biggs on the stadia issue, would be happy to have have loads of generic parks, smaller/ generic stadiums etc than demand real test match grounds, yea its nice to see SCG and the bradman oval was quality, but how it plays is better than where it's played.
Given you're able to "name" grounds yourself both in the commentary and "home stadium" sections, I don't see it as a huge deal at all. Sounds like there's a few updates planned as DLC anyway... Storm in a teacup, I want the game to be fun and feel like cricket first, pretty stadiums are very low on my list.
Your argument makes absolutely no sense. Cricket is never going to be made as one, or by a AAA studio. I have no idea what you're trying to get across here, but the fact remains there are a ton of studios outside of the US/Japan that make incredibly good games. Some work, some don't... and none of that has anything to do with DBC14! It's a start-up franchise on it's first legs, there's going to be growing pains but we've got a committed studio behind the project that you're ragging out because, what, you don't like Australians? That's literally all I can take away from about 80% of your posts. Taking all things into account objectively, the game looks absolutely incredible visually... we've had one play session of people playing it for the first time with resounding success. Now is the time to get behind the project, because real people are experiencing it and having quantifiable, positive reactions. Fact.

Citation required.

I love Australians just for the record - i'm just sad they like rugby so much (i don't like rugby union).

i'm not going to argue about the games industry any further as it is not relevant to this thread and it's 9.39pm.

i'll leave you and the...ahem...(whispering) fan club to it.
Given you're able to "name" grounds yourself both in the commentary and "home stadium" sections, I don't see it as a huge deal at all.

i'll leave you and the...ahem...(whispering) fan club to it.

Cheer up, have a badge...



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Your argument makes absolutely no sense. Cricket is never going to be made as one, or by a AAA studio. I have no idea what you're trying to get across here, but the fact remains there are a ton of studios outside of the US/Japan that make incredibly good games. Some work, some don't... and none of that has anything to do with DBC14! It's a start-up franchise on it's first legs, there's going to be growing pains but we've got a committed studio behind the project that you're ragging out because, what, you don't like Australians? That's literally all I can take away from about 80% of your posts. Taking all things into account objectively, the game looks absolutely incredible visually... we've had one play session of people playing it for the first time with resounding success. Now is the time to get behind the project, because real people are experiencing it and having quantifiable, positive reactions. Fact.

Citation required.

Yep agreed, we all need to get behind and support this developer... period, does look visually stunning, there's always going to be bugs and certain flaws but that's what the community is here for, play then report... developer patches = better gaming experience!! Cricket is a difficult game to programme I'd imagine (all games are difficult to program to me :facepalm) but DBC is the way forward!!

Steve S.
Cheer up, have a badge...


Ooooh how do I join??? If its cake the Missis does a great lemon drizzle cake!! Dunno if it'll survive the 12000 mile journey though.
I'll send my private jet*

*The BigAnt Jet courtesy of the TGGI licensing deal. Halfsies on fuel though...
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Sorry, at this time I only read posts in Japanese or those posted from US IP addresses as they are the only ones who know how games are made.

First of all Ross I'm from the UK so couldn't get to Australia to get to the play-test if ,however, you want to swap places just let me know :thumbs

Looking forward to both the release of World Cup (which I hope will still be released) and this which will hopefully get me through the (very) cold nights back here.

As for the gameplay I loved every single video, of course there were bugs but if you can name me a game where there isn't any at all then I'll name you a good UK or Australian game developer!
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