Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

If I didn't attract Trolls then I'd know I wasn't doing it right.... I'd like to accept your opinion however your skin colour, location, and IP address do not allow me to do so.

The lack of seeing you on any charts leads me to believe that you're a pretty piss poor musician, you should stick to air guitar, won't be buying any of your stuff. Sorry.

We have a bite!

Reel him in boys! I dont pretend to be a good musician, but my amazing album is going to come out in 2014 at the time which most suits profitabilty and long term success. It is, I swear, and it wont have those duff notes, thats just umm a scratch on the cd
As an update, the third machine has been confirmed this morning to have an old build on it. The guy that copied the wrong build onto the HDD is conveniently sick today and not in the office :mad

So it wasn't just the TV with the red pre-order sign on it with the old build? Because that would make sense with some of the other clips we saw.
Yup, I would say that about nails it, Snowy.

As an update, the third machine has been confirmed this morning to have an old build on it...



This might help:

As an update, the third machine has been confirmed this morning to have an old build on it. The guy that copied the wrong build onto the HDD is conveniently sick today and not in the office :mad

For a guy who ripped it into the competition all along for their lack of organisation this must leave you a bit red in the face... Elipses

Watched the vids. Read the posts. Kept an eye on twitter.

Haven't played it though so I'm reserving final judgements. Just seems the sensible thing to do. Graphically, looks good. Sounds, pretty impressive. Glitches, a few and animations seemed dodgy in places.

According to those who have played it though, these don't seem to detract from playing the game. Possibly do for spectators but I'm not planning on watching the missus bat out a test match.

Looking forward to the finished article. Not too fussed about stadiums either as long as pitches react differently in each one. Thanks for the work from those attending.

Bring it on!!
We have a bite!

Reel him in boys! I dont pretend to be a good musician, but my amazing album is going to come out in 2014 at the time which most suits profitabilty and long term success. It is, I swear, and it wont have those duff notes, thats just umm a scratch on the cd

Some do others talk - care share an mp3? Lets hear your "genius".... I think its time to put up or shut up.


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Wasn't it past your bed time...?
and not because it's a Saturday....
We have a bite!

Reel him in boys! I dont pretend to be a good musician, but my amazing album is going to come out in 2014 at the time which most suits profitabilty and long term success. It is, I swear, and it wont have those duff notes, thats just umm a scratch on the cd

I will also be releasing a book based on my forum experiences with 200 fun packed pages. This will honestly be out when I so choose.

Trolls may criticise the book but remember it is a pre release version and all facts in the book can be altered in the release version to suit the reader! Every reader will praise the book or be called a troll and an a$$hole.
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Obviously not... staying up to share another pearl of wisdom? Such a pity I'll miss it...

btw when you talk to your mate please let him know that all the cool music that the kids are into comes from Seattle or Japan
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I will also be releasing a book based on my forum experiences with 200 fun packed pages. This will honestly be out when I so choose.

Trolls may criticise the book but remember it is a pre release version and all facts in the book can be altered in the release version to suit the reader.l Every reader will praise the book or be called a troll and an a$$hole.

Is this Martyn Moxon? And are you acting like this because you're still bitter about not being good enough to play test cricket?
Almost out of Troll food - please send mp3 link...
Sleep tight guys, i really do hope this game does well for you but all the ass kissing has never sat well with me. Ultimately if i end up saying that the game is actually decent then maybe just maybe it will end up with you rather smug with yourself... But thats unlikely because its never going to be released ;)

Have a great day/night all. God bless x
It's almost like... a stupid thing to do when you type...

...and then realise that...'s already been covered off by the man in the room at the time.

Who then allowed a private recording session back at their office.

But y'know. Don't read the thread you're posting in. That's the smart thing to do in these scenarios.

I voiced my dissatisfaction but that's as far as it goes, I'm not a cop, I was pretty reasonable in my protest. Any trolls who ignore the FACT that there were two other machines there not exhibiting the issues are just ignorant a$$holes.

It is not a massive opportunity lost, everyone had fun with the game and it has been proved to be real - job done.

Biggs - I'd read enough to see that Ross had voiced his dissatisfaction. I'm not trolling by the way - quite the opposite. I'm disappointed that trolls like Martyn have been given ammo by not showcasing the actual finished build. I would be so frustrated if I were from Big Ant as, when the game isn't in the public domain or there are no independent reviews, all we have is their word that the glitches don't exist (which I believe by the way) and this can be dismissed by trolls like Martyn easily (especially after the antics surrounding Ashes 2013). With a little more organisation, none of the nonsense in this thread would have been necessary.

I'm up to date on the thread by the way now Biggs.

Just to clarify - I think the game looks great, and I'm super excited about its release. So Biggs can calm down with the condescending posts now. I'm on your team mate.

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