Don Bradman Cricket 14 - World Premiere Discussion

Tell us about fatigue and confidence is it visible was it getting effected by something and where is it visible ???
One of the videos I was batting and was fatigued by using the sprint button for running too much - has a visible impact on running between the wickets.
One of the videos I was batting and was fatigued by using the sprint button for running too much - has a visible impact on running between the wickets.

Is it just visible by the actions or there is an indicator for this as well also for bowler do we know of any effect...lack of pace,line and length ??
Is it just visible by the actions or there is an indicator for this
I think it's the second career mode video, Mikey was pointing it out to me - there is a line on your batting/bowling marker as well as an option to view it in the menus.

I don't know the impact on bowling, but that guess sounds right.
Is it just visible by the actions or there is an indicator for this as well also for bowler do we know of any effect...lack of pace,line and length ??

I think it was Ross explaining to Matt in one of the videos that the circle you see around the batsman when he is taking guard is an indicator of the fatigue levels of your player.

Sorry...too late :p!
I think it's the second career mode video, Mikey was pointing it out to me - there is a line on your batting/bowling marker as well as an option to view it in the menus.

I don't know the impact on bowling, but that guess sounds right.

Thanks... It will be cool if fast bowlers cannot ball 8 9 overs without break in a test like in games before DBC.
Lets hope we get to see Bad Michelle and good Michelle kind of days for some bowlers which is not at all dependent on fatigue ;)
Any idea of the soundtrack for this game ? I saw in one of the pictures that there is a steel book edition of Don Bradman Cricket 14, what will this include ?
I hit my first 6 in the game with Biggs

A good and Bad feeling all at once as i didnt want biggs bobble head getting any bigger!!

no pun intended...

Can you share your review of the game? What you liked, what could have been better, first impressions and all...
@madman Hmmm we weren't going to speak of that... I distinctly remember seeing the wheel with a six on it from Biggs and MattW deciding it didn't need to be captured nor shown :p
My Review of the game:

So all in all I played the game probaly for a good 30-45 minutes. I didnt get to do 2 things that i really wanted to do due to time shortage on my behalf, the wife was wondering where i was and i didnt have the heart to totally explain what i was doing, but alas, lets move on

Bowling: I found it really hard to generate speed, and also to direct the line of the ball, after thinking about it more i now realise it was due to the players and difficulty level. Bowling will be harder to master than batting, the best bit about it is you wont be able to put it on a dime everytime especially when just starting in career mode, this is a good thing, you need to play more to get better. I assume if i was using mitchell johnson for australia whilst bowling i would of been able to generate speed and swing with a better line, yet im pretty sure i was using big ant players so hence i was spraying the ball everywhere.

Spin bowling will be alot of fun to master, since playing the game i have decided to change my career mode player to a batting allrounder who bowls leg spin, this will be alot of fun!!

Batting: Well where to begin!! Once again i didnt get a chance to bat in career mode which is what i really wanted to do, but playing the games i did and batting on rookie mode which im pretty sure it was it still took awhile to get the hang of it, then i got the hang of it and bang, Sixes galore with Biggs!! In no way will this game be easy to master trust me!! I remember trying to pre mediatate my shots before the ball was bowled and i was all over the shop!! Once i stopped and waited to see where the ball was pitching and what line it was taking things got a lot easier. The timing, and placement will take hours and hours to master which is exactly what i wanted

Batting in pro mode cam can only be real difficult which is perfect, even after playing for a while i know im going to be spending hours in the nets.

Menus/General: I do remember Mike saying at one point " We spent all this time on developing replays and no one watches them! They just skip them" Mike, thats the way it is, having a replay after every ball will be pointless, having an option to replay every ball yep, no problems, but i wont watch every replay, only when i do something good maybe, but even then we will just skip it and move on, sorry mike!

Navigating through the menus, from what i seen, was real easy, not a problem at all, there were options and menus galore, trust me, every wish will be your desire in this game!!

Conclusion: Really, I cant wait, i noticed a few little bugs and crashes, but from what I can tell it was all hardware, nothing to do with the DBC software, Seriously this game right now is absolute gold, with a day 1 patch it will be fantastic, and no doubt it will continue to improve

I got some videaos off my iphone but tried to upload to planet cricket and it wouldnt let me, if anyone wants to let me know the best way to do it please feel free to let me know.

All your excitement about this game is justified guys, trust me, its going to be a great summer when this gets released, lets just hope its soon, because after playing the game i cant see why we dont already have it!!

Also a massive thanks to Ross and Mike, it was fantastic putting a face to the names, and they were real accomodating, if i had more time no doubt i wouldve had a go at career mode but i had to get home to go out to dinner.

so yeah, any questions please feel free to ask away
cheers madman that sounds awesome.

did you play with any historic teams or using the sepia filter? would love to know how that looks.

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