Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

I found this on the link below-:

Don Bradman Cricket 14 delayed to 2014, fans offered net practice instead |

Big ant?pffft!!!
Purchased their Rugby League Live 2 on the PS3, as expected plenty of bugs but none game breaking, just the usual annoying little ones like too many intercepts or big, beefy forwards out running speedier backs.
Over 12 months we got about 2 patches plus some DLC, valued at about $5. The problem is that the patches fixed nothing except they dumbed down the game to make it easier!!!!
WTF?!?! Why make a game easier when it has 4 or 5 levels of difficulty??
To make the game fun, I play on the hardest difficulty with a under 18?s team against the NRL elites?.and I won the grand final, losing only 2 games all year.
Big Ant rep, Ross admitted to dumbing the game down for the masses, but wouldnt answer my question as to whats the purpose of difficulty levels if the devs make the game easier.
Dont waste your money on these hacks, in game the AI never miss a conversion, intercepts still happen & big forwards still out sprint fast backs?.But they have pumped out a World Cup version with all these problems fixed?.problem is it will cost you another $50+.
Cough?money grab?cough
No loyalty, no proper fixes?kiss my furry, white ass Bigant!!!!!!!

Someone posted this on wondering how idiotic some people can be..

There are people who got s**k with this life .....they dont know what to do...but you can find there in the above place.....
If I liked Rugby League I'd be annoyed too that instead of a DLC update there's a $60 new edition - it massively screws over the people who paid full price for the game and supported them by buying the previous DLC.

But, it's Tru Blu and the licensing behind that sort of stuff happening, I doubt that would have been the path Big Ant would have taken if it was just their decision.
If I liked Rugby League I'd be annoyed too that instead of a DLC update there's a $60 new edition - it massively screws over the people who paid full price for the game and supported them by buying the previous DLC.

But, it's Tru Blu and the licensing behind that sort of stuff happening, I doubt that would have been the path Big Ant would have taken if it was just their decision.

Could that be the reason why BA are being over careful this time around.. Afterall BA is also one of the Game developers and things can always go wrong.. Even Rolls Royce engines failed on the A380 once.. Just an after thought..
Reality check Big Ant fanboys.

Rugby League 2 is far from a good game. Think the Earth to the Sun type of distance and you're on the right track.

And nope, not even the newly thought up "its a video game - its meant to be exaggerated!!!" excuse or "but hey its better than any other rugby league game made" cry of denial can justify the infuriating bugs in it which makes it pretty much an unplayable smashed crab, especially if you're a genuine fan of the sport and are looking for some form of accurate representation of it - which you think you'd get from reading the actual title of the game....:rolleyes

Players consistently over-run the ball, especially receiving the kick-off and from the play the ball. Dummy half runs are pointless and with no quick play the ball, you're forced to use the cut-out pass option every time. Turnovers can be frustrating as well, and unless you're super quick or lucky, you'll just kick the ball away each time.

Ross and the BA fanboys, below is a link to a review of Rugby League 2 you can use for practice. You can write some mock posts condemning the reviewer as wrong, not having any idea about the sport or being unqualified to make an opinion. You can ridicule them for giving an actual score (really how dare they!!!!). You can even use it to think about some names for in-jokes you can come up with to make you 'feel good' during your towel whipping sessions amongst yourselves. You can even use it to practice your self-denial monologues in time for the February release of DBC14 and it's subsequent hacking to pieces by the general media.

For example: "Yeah but its not meant to be simulation!!! Waahhhhhh" :noway
This message is hidden because Pomers is on your ignore list.

Please don't quote the professor, it's Christmas and his 15 minutes was up ages ago.


I found this on the link below-:

Don Bradman Cricket 14 delayed to 2014, fans offered net practice instead |

Big ant?pffft!!!
Purchased their Rugby League Live 2 on the PS3, as expected plenty of bugs but none game breaking, just the usual annoying little ones like too many intercepts or big, beefy forwards out running speedier backs.
Over 12 months we got about 2 patches plus some DLC, valued at about $5. The problem is that the patches fixed nothing except they dumbed down the game to make it easier!!!!
WTF?!?! Why make a game easier when it has 4 or 5 levels of difficulty??
To make the game fun, I play on the hardest difficulty with a under 18?s team against the NRL elites?.and I won the grand final, losing only 2 games all year.
Big Ant rep, Ross admitted to dumbing the game down for the masses, but wouldnt answer my question as to whats the purpose of difficulty levels if the devs make the game easier.
Dont waste your money on these hacks, in game the AI never miss a conversion, intercepts still happen & big forwards still out sprint fast backs?.But they have pumped out a World Cup version with all these problems fixed?.problem is it will cost you another $50+.
Cough?money grab?cough
No loyalty, no proper fixes?kiss my furry, white ass Bigant!!!!!!!

Someone posted this on wondering how idiotic some people can be..

I get as many people saying it's too easy as too hard, as many saying there are too many intercepts as there are saying it's not "hot potato"... the fan reviews are positive in the vast majority:

Rugby League Live 2 Review
This message is hidden because Pomers is on your ignore list.

Please don't quote the professor, it's Christmas and his 15 minutes was up ages ago.


I get as many people saying it's too easy as too hard, as many saying there are too many intercepts as there are saying it's not "hot potato"... the fan reviews are positive in the vast majority:

Rugby League Live 2 Review

I agree with you Ross but my point was that apart from the Ashes debacle was this also one of the reasons why BA wanted to be spot on DBC? My worry is those people who are raising toast to the the difficulty of nets might come back and say its too difficult and for playability it shall be easier on the legend mode and tougher on the easier mode.. I know a lot of people here would do the same..
There will never be 100% agreement on much in games, like music, tv, movies... We're doing our best for the majority.
It just takes some concentration to bat with these controls which is good, and if you are not interested in las then you can play with ras only in rookie and amateur mode.
There will never be 100% agreement on much in games, like music, tv, movies... We're doing our best for the majority.

Do count me in the Majority though.. Thanks for BA for the game and PC for having such a platform where we could discuss about it with the developers every single of our lives for the last year or so..

P.S-: I dont praise people for a living..
I'll say it once and only once, if you aren't happy with a games quality either trade it in or get a refund from the retailer instead of coming on here and whinging about it.
Always interests me how people resort to personal attacks on here instead of just saying something like "In future iterations/patches I believe that problems, x, y and z need to be dealt with". Or that they say "this game will be crap" without ever having played it. By all means if you have qualms about something put them forward, but don't go bringing the whole "I don't like these people so therefore the game will be terrible routine".
As my mother always says; if you don't have anything pleasant to say about or to someone, then don't say anything at all.
I'll say it once and only once, if you aren't happy with a games quality either trade it in or get a refund from the retailer instead of coming on here and whinging about it.
Always interests me how people resort to personal attacks on here instead of just saying something like "In future iterations/patches I believe that problems, x, y and z need to be dealt with". Or that they say "this game will be crap" without ever having played it. By all means if you have qualms about something put them forward, but don't go bringing the whole "I don't like these people so therefore the game will be terrible routine".
As my mother always says; if you don't have anything pleasant to say about or to someone, then don't say anything at all.

Well come on I didn't have to play AC13 to know it would be shite, there were several red flags. That being said agree DBC14 is whole other kettle of fish - you don't show off so much if you're not confident of standing up to the scrutiny.

Never played any previous Big Ant title, but what I have read of the other titles left me feeling this should be a good game. What I have seen since coming on this forum, and now played since getting the nets, only confirms that and whets the appetite more for whole game.

In fairness most other 'trolls' - I use the quotes advisedly because I think it's often misapplied in this forum - have since playing the nets either disappeared or at least acknowledge the quality if the batting experience even if still complaining about release or something else.

Pomers is a bit different. I assume Ross bullied him at school, or shagged his sister, or killed his dog; maybe even all three, wouldn't surprise me as vegetarians are evil.
I'm not a bully, I wouldn't kill a dog, nor would I go where The Professor has been.

I agree that vegetarians are evil, there's something just not quite right about them us....
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Pomers is a bit different. I assume Ross bullied him at school, or shagged his sister, or killed his dog; maybe even all three, wouldn't surprise me as vegetarians are evil.

I'm not a bully, I wouldn't kill a dog, nor would I go where The Professor has been.

I agree that vegetarians are evil, there's something just not quite right about them....

a lot of that about in Oz so I've heard...
Ok. Let's not be picky.... I wouldn't eat a dog...

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