Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

Wow... I thought you'd descended as low as you could go... you've outdone yourself - BD Limbo, how low can you go!
I found this on the link below-:

Don Bradman Cricket 14 delayed to 2014, fans offered net practice instead |

Big ant?pffft!!!
Purchased their Rugby League Live 2 on the PS3, as expected plenty of bugs but none game breaking, just the usual annoying little ones like too many intercepts or big, beefy forwards out running speedier backs.
Over 12 months we got about 2 patches plus some DLC, valued at about $5. The problem is that the patches fixed nothing except they dumbed down the game to make it easier!!!!
WTF?!?! Why make a game easier when it has 4 or 5 levels of difficulty??
To make the game fun, I play on the hardest difficulty with a under 18?s team against the NRL elites?.and I won the grand final, losing only 2 games all year.
Big Ant rep, Ross admitted to dumbing the game down for the masses, but wouldnt answer my question as to whats the purpose of difficulty levels if the devs make the game easier.
Dont waste your money on these hacks, in game the AI never miss a conversion, intercepts still happen & big forwards still out sprint fast backs?.But they have pumped out a World Cup version with all these problems fixed?.problem is it will cost you another $50+.
Cough?money grab?cough
No loyalty, no proper fixes?kiss my furry, white ass Bigant!!!!!!!

Someone posted this on wondering how idiotic some people can be..

The whole time I was reading this I thought you were saying it! Having read posts from you earlier supporting Big Ant, I was slightly confused to say the least!
Well come on I didn't have to play AC13 to know it would be shite, there were several red flags. That being said agree DBC14 is whole other kettle of fish - you don't show off so much if you're not confident of standing up to the scrutiny.

Never played any previous Big Ant title, but what I have read of the other titles left me feeling this should be a good game. What I have seen since coming on this forum, and now played since getting the nets, only confirms that and whets the appetite more for whole game.

In fairness most other 'trolls' - I use the quotes advisedly because I think it's often misapplied in this forum - have since playing the nets either disappeared or at least acknowledge the quality if the batting experience even if still complaining about release or something else.

Pomers is a bit different. I assume Ross bullied him at school, or shagged his sister, or killed his dog; maybe even all three, wouldn't surprise me as vegetarians are evil.
Lol I that wasn't directed at you, but definitely agree that you only had to look at screenshots or the trailer and other videos of Ashes to see that it was gonna be 100% crap.
I've played both AFL Live games and the initial release version of RLL2. I admit I have my qualms about each of them (but nothing major). But DBC 14 definitely looks like its Big Ants best release yet (a good sign that things can only get better from here). I'm really excited to get the game and launch straight into career mode (maybe after a little bowling practice first).
Yeah that's one thing I've noticed as well, once they've gotten a taste all the trolls (haven't really seen much to suggest that you're one tbh) have shut up.
Haha, I still firmly believe that fonz or whatever his username was, was the biggest troll ever.
fonz's posts were the epitome of 'mindless' trolling.

pomers appears a bit more personal.

Not personal for me, troll is a troll.

I think it might be personal for him because he made himself look like an idiot and never recovered.

#1 Law of Pomoronic Physics, It is decreed that a ball cannot not leave the bat faster than it was travelling before it hit the bat.
Not sure if you have had contact with the ABC Ross,
But i know that Bajo and Hex review games on
A Program called 'Spawn Point' (Depending on when this game is releleased would be a factor if they would get to see it, seeing everyone is on holidays)
Yes, know them all, it's a small industry down here :)
^^^ seems very positive and honest, hope this gets DB14 to a far wider audience!
From the last week playing in the nets, this game is going to rock for gamplay. Just need to see how the AI is in the end. Hoping for MattW visit early Jan 2014.:spy

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