Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

From the last week playing in the nets, this game is going to rock for gamplay. Just need to see how the AI is in the end. Hoping for MattW visit early Jan 2014.:spy
I agree. After playing the nets I truly believe that for the first time in a cricket game there would be a fair battle between bat and ball.
Found one showcasing games from 1996-2013.

Surprisingly, one game (if you call it a game) is missing from that list :spy

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Found one showcasing games from 1996-2013.

Surprisingly, one game (if you call it a game) is missing from that list :spy

Wow, you don't realize how good DBC looks until you watch that vid. I still thought Brian Lara 99 looked the best of the rest.
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I liked IC2010 to be honest, even played it recently, I know its piss easy and the commentary is terribly repetitive but it looks good( well it did before DB14) and if you take the slog button away its still good fun. I guess as I was easily pleased in the past, I'm gonna be one happy customer soon!!! DB14 has been a roller coaster ride, can't wait to play the game, with the little things being spot on like the new controls and ball physics I can't go back and play IC10 now!!! My Xbox has dust on it thick enough to write in!!
^^ I still play IC 2010. When you tweak the skills of each player in editor to max, it is definitely not a bad game at all. And other reason for playing it, I turned console only user for last 3 years & have no other options left for me to compensate the 'missing' feeling of the mind blowing CA of DBC. But with PS4 from thanks giving, I am only playing NBA most of the times.
Don bradman cricket 14 got mentioned in hindustan times sports column last page but with a negative headline 'why cricket doesn't take off' and mentioning ashes cricket 13 failure. They should have used ac13 picture instead.
Here is its online report
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Don bradman cricket 14 got mentioned in hindustan times sports column last page but with a negative headline 'why cricket doesn't take off' and mentioning ashes cricket 13 failure. They should have used ac13 picture instead.
DBC14 didn't get mentioned, it's just that beta photo of DBC14 is one of the first results for a google image search for Ashes Cricket 2013. The 'article' is about AC13.
DBC14 didn't get mentioned, it's just that beta photo of DBC14 is one of the first results for a google image search for Ashes Cricket 2013. The 'article' is about AC13.

It's in the photo courtesy of dbc14 written in newspaper but not in epaper.

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So if the source clearly says Don Bradman's Cricket 2014, why on earth would they include it when they only speak of Ashes 2013? Dumb.
yeah, the image and image name should be of ac13, might print an apology tommorow or may be not.
There was 2 page spread of a article of DBC14 in the new xbox one magazine I have taken the pictures of it and will upload it for you guys to read.
There was 2 page spread of a article of DBC14 in the new xbox one magazine I have taken the pictures of it and will upload it for you guys to read.

I would love to see it - been looking everywhere and can't find it.

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