Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

i cant actually find the origins of cake , chris gayle or naveencc whats the link can someone post it

lol there goes this thread :d
btw we should add a sticky thread of long running stuff too, so it can get newcomers/occasional visitors to speed.
i cant actually find the origins of cake , chris gayle or naveencc whats the link can someone post it
Good old naveenncc (note: I had no idea who he was for about 4 months). He predicted the demise of Ashes Cricket 2013 before anyone else:

hello single foolish game will not success becoz of many reason ur game have no indian connection just put any indian ranji player is better than both who is on cover .
if everyone knows it, it's not an in-joke anymore, it's just a joke...

for example, cake and naveencc pre-date me, so i don't make jokes about them, although it's reasonably clear form context what they are... (cake is a desirable commodity, people will accept it for "favours"; naveencc was a prophet who the people here did not appreciate in their love for Chief/Fegan and their stellar work on Ashes13. He was crucified (banned)... but has not been resurrected so far, meaning he is not quite Jesus and CaptainOz/Kasabian21 can rest easy.)

Chris Gayle is this generation's Tom Hayward.
Speaking of cake, my fianc? has made me a cake for my birthday in the shape of a bat!! How do I upload a pic from my iPod? Biggs will be drooling!!
This single phrase was the cause of humour for many a month, just ask @Biggs
ya just finished reading the thread china pointed ROFl, but he is chanceless i like the way he gives a title to his posts, would vote for him to be unbanned if it werent for his piracy talks.
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The cake thing came from the AC13 launch event where I was plied with hospitality at Lord's...
To be honest I was more interested in the open bar than then free cake,
The cake thing came from the AC13 launch event where I was plied with hospitality at Lord's...
To be honest I was more interested in the open bar than then free cake,

Open bar... I think we are making some progress on what the hell happened to Ashes Cricket 13 :spy

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