Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

Do people in the uk need to worry? In that ign article it says the game will also release in the uk, but there is no distribution or release date information for this area!

anyone expecting a 3/4/14 release in UK is placing hope over experience... do you really think a distributor has said "yes we will distribute your game but we don't want you to tell anyone"? The implication is surely there is no distributor signed up yet.
anyone expecting a 3/4/14 release in UK is placing hope over experience... do you really think a distributor has said "yes we will distribute your game but we don't want you to tell anyone"? The implication is surely there is no distributor signed up yet.

You're like the spock of planetcricket! But sometimes excitement is better than logic. Don't ruin it for me, I just ordered 10 packs of jelly for my don bradman 14 release party.
You're like the spock of planetcricket! But sometimes excitement is better than logic. Don't ruin it for me, I just ordered 10 packs of jelly for my don bradman 14 release party.

just a bit disappointed. and i don't buy the "couldn't get approval" line, because a)the announcement wasn't decided this morning, everyone knew it was coming, b)as i said above, who signs up to distribute and doesn't let the publisher say, and c)for the supposedly second biggest market, if it was just a matter of waiting for someone to say approve a release, they'd wait rather than put TBA in the press release.

my guess is that certainly as of this morning, they do not have a UK distributor signed up. doesn't mean they're not close to doing a deal, or that they won't manage to get it out by 3 April, but better to expect it not to happen until confirmed otherwise,
just a bit disappointed. and i don't buy the "couldn't get approval" line, because a)the announcement wasn't decided this morning, everyone knew it was coming, b)as i said above, who signs up to distribute and doesn't let the publisher say, and c)for the supposedly second biggest market, if it was just a matter of waiting for someone to say approve a release, they'd wait rather than put TBA in the press release.

my guess is that certainly as of this morning, they do not have a UK distributor signed up. doesn't mean they're not close to doing a deal, or that they won't manage to get it out by 3 April, but better to expect it not to happen until confirmed otherwise,

Its confirmed, you're NOT invited to my don bradman party! :p
just a bit disappointed. and i don't buy the "couldn't get approval" line, because a)the announcement wasn't decided this morning, everyone knew it was coming, b)as i said above, who signs up to distribute and doesn't let the publisher say, and c)for the supposedly second biggest market, if it was just a matter of waiting for someone to say approve a release, they'd wait rather than put TBA in the press release.

my guess is that certainly as of this morning, they do not have a UK distributor signed up. doesn't mean they're not close to doing a deal, or that they won't manage to get it out by 3 April, but better to expect it not to happen until confirmed otherwise,

You are just too negetive about it.
you just have your head up your own arse in the sand.

Give me a solid reason for ross to lie ? If those retailers are saying dates of may and april who is giving them info if there is no dealer yet decided in UK.

Announcement was made at early hours in uk and not all approvals were there hence the delay happens many a time in professional enviorment.
Im sure they do have retailers in place just didn't get the confirmation through in time for the press release. So they can't name them, it's no biggy really. Rest assured they will be working hard to get this sorted as soon as physically possible.

#InRossWeTrust :)
Give me a solid reason for ross to lie ? If those retailers are saying dates of may and april who is giving them info if there is no dealer yet decided in UK.

Announcement was made at early hours in uk and not all approvals were there hence the delay happens many a time in professional enviorment.

so in your world, tru blu woke up today, thought we'll announce this morning, no worries we can't get approval of the uk distributor in advance, we'll just put TBA on distributor and date for the uk, no way anyone is gonna read anything in to that.

mate, ross has been trailing this announcement for 48 hours, and the announcement has likely been planned longer. if there was anyone to approve it with, it would have been done.
so in your world, tru blu woke up today, thought we'll announce this morning, no worries we can't get approval of the uk distributor in advance, we'll just put TBA on distributor and date for the uk, no way anyone is gonna read anything in to that.

mate, ross has been trailing this announcement for 48 hours, and the announcement has likely been planned longer. if there was anyone to approve it with, it would have been done.

There are hundreds of legal matters before you publish something with your name on it and it is not nessesary that one release is also legally fitting for every country. In my opinion these things can take more time then expected and we all know things are done here in a hurry as game is already too late from its orignal date.

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