Don Bradman Cricket in the Press

If I am not wrong aren't those images in the review from initial stages of DBC development? Is it really that hard for reviewers to take a screenshot of them playing the game and post in their own review?
If I am not wrong aren't those images in the review from initial stages of DBC development? Is it really that hard for reviewers to take a screenshot of them playing the game and post in their own review?

Reviewers generally use the digital "assets" (as our dear old friend Mike F used to say) provided or made available by the publisher. They seldom use or create their own content for the same.
Reviewers generally use the digital "assets" (as our dear old friend Mike F used to say) provided or made available by the publisher. They seldom use or create their own content for the same.

True dat. Sometimes you provide outlets with exclusive screens, but publishers generally prefer to provide screens so that they know the best possible ones will be used (IE: Not anything that makes the game look bad!). Your review code usually comes with an asset pack: feature list, key points of interest, screens etc.
True dat. Sometimes you provide outlets with exclusive screens, but publishers generally prefer to provide screens so that they know the best possible ones will be used (IE: Not anything that makes the game look bad!). Your review code usually comes with an asset pack: feature list, key points of interest, screens etc.

when you look at the UK PS3/Xbox 360 release; the US PS4 release; consistent (and oft-repeated) typos in press releases; old, poorly-chosen screenshots (why release a shot, even of an unlicensed game, with a team in kit that bears no relation to that worn by any side); very poor use of social media etc. & you have to conclude TruBlu/HES have been astonishingly amateur throughout the whole process.
when you look at the UK PS3/Xbox 360 release; the US PS4 release; consistent (and oft-repeated) typos in press releases; old, poorly-chosen screenshots (why release a shot, even of an unlicensed game, with a team in kit that bears no relation to that worn by any side); very poor use of social media etc. & you have to conclude TruBlu/HES have been astonishingly amateur throughout the whole process.

Sometimes I think Tru Blu/HES are stuck in a time warp in 90s and have no clue what social media is. I dare say the approach followed by Tru Blu/HES for DBC wouldn't be much different from the way how things used to work in 90s.
And Tru Blu's website isn't exactly good - Tru Blu Entertainment Pty Ltd - and given that's the main place press would have to look to find the screenshots to put in their articles it's no wonder they keep being filled with screenshots from the PS3/360 release.

The press shouldn't have to go googling to find screens. They should be provided via an FTP (or similar) from a link in the press release: to be fair there were 3 or 4 screens that went out via a release, but only 2 weeks after launch.
And Tru Blu's website isn't exactly good - Tru Blu Entertainment Pty Ltd - and given that's the main place press would have to look to find the screenshots to put in their articles it's no wonder they keep being filled with screenshots from the PS3/360 release.

i can't believe you click on the link for DBC14 there and still get the same old typo-infested press release that was announced ages ago.
About 2m - That's a lot of eyeballs. I'm assuming that, being the Sun, if it ends up online it will be behind a paywall, which is a bit of a shame, but those 2m copies get passed around a lot, left on trains/in bars etc... Lots of tertiary eyeballs.
Yeah because when someone picks up a copy of the sun they say to themselves "Oh boy i've got to check out the gaming section"...we all know what page they turn to first :rolleyes

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