English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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Disagree with Crouch's inclusion, i don't understand what he's done to warrant a place in the side. He barely plays for Liverpool and he only performs against crap teams for England. Gerrard should be on the right if Jenas plays, there's no point playing Jenas if he's playing out of position. As for Brown LOL, Woodgate is more deserving of a place in the side, and that's saying something ;P. Ashley Cole should be in the team whatever, he's still the best left back we've got, even if he is a complete knobber (who cheats on Cheryl Tweedy ffs).

You're right about Green though, he's the most in form, best keeper in England atm, and should definetly be in the team. Capello's messed up already, fails to give Becks his 100th cap and then picks Kirkland instead of Green. Muppet.
Green > Kirkland.

Beckham should not have been given his 100th cap yet though. He's not match fit.
He is. He's been working his ******** off with Arsenal since the MLS season finished. He may not have games under his belt, but in terms of his natural fitness he is definetly ready to play. I just feel with Beckham's previous relationship with Capello at Madrid could have been the factor in leaving him out, because frankly Beckham is schools ahead of Bentley and Downing.
I fully back Capello's decision to not pick Beckham. He's not played in ages and to be honest, he's way past his best. Ashley Young and SWP are better options than him on the right wing now. The Beckham ship has sailed and the sooner we realise that the better. Let him finish his career in LA.

Green is the best goalkeeper in England bar David James so I am baffled as to why he isn't even in the squad. Owen shouldn't be in the team and Crouch shouldn't be in the team.





That team will win games. Flair players on the wing, atatcking full backs, solid centre halfs, Barry is a quality holding midfilder, Gerrard playing behind the front two is bettered only by my tremendous midfield play, Rooney will sit just behind Agbonlaor in a sort of free role and Gabby himself will run any defender ragged.
He should have put Beckham on the subs bench then brought him on for the last 10 minutes, then Beckham could have retired from international football. Now, there will be a lingering thought about Beckham and whether he will be picked for the future squads, Capellos virtually said that himself.

Owen shouldn't be picked as he's not in form, Agbonlahor has lots of pace, but I'm not sure he's got ability as a finisher and Rooney isn't a goalscorer, so I've gone for someone treated badly at Liverpool and who generally scores when in plays in Crouch. Crouch and Rooney are a decent partnership.

Woodgate has played two games for Spurs, and wasn't playing for Boro all the time before that as he was injured. Brown has been a regular this season and has been excellent for United, I thought people were annoyed at McClaren not picking players on form. Jenas can play on the right, although yeah SWP would be another good option. Hargreaves has never let England down and has played really well for United when he has played this season. Barry doesn't make it for me as a holding player. Hargreaves would allow Gerrard the freedom to go forward, something which he isn't allowed when Lampard is playing.

If the Beckham boat has sailed, then so surely has the David James boat, we should be looking for World Cup 2010, and its unlikely that James will be there, so playing David James would be a step backward just as much as playing Beckham.

Ashley Cole only got his place back in the Chelski side yesterday and Bridge has kept that place at Chelski for ages, again, aren't we supposed to be picking players on form.
And I've heard United fans call themselves Man U.

Dan, you're being harsh on Crouch. He's more than an 8-foot giant who wins headers (albeit, he should score more headed goals), he has good feet and links up well with Rooney. He's been in good goalscoring form when he does get the chance to play for Liverpool and England.

I would have:

GK James

CB Richards
CB Ferdinand
LB Cole
RB Lescott

CM Gerrard
CM Hargreaves
LM Cole
RM Jenas

CF Agbonlahor
CF Rooney

I would have chosen Crouch had Beckham played. I reckon Jenas deserves a chance. He's been in great form for Spurs. owen is not match fit and out of form. James is the best keeper in England. He's tall, slim and athletic and he doesn't make the mistakes he used to.
GK James

CB Richards
CB Ferdinand
LB Cole
RB Lescott

CM Gerrard
CM Hargreaves
LM Cole
RM Young

CF Rooney
CF Owen
Well we can just about rule Agbonlahor out. Done a hammy in the game versus Fulham. Off at half time.
I'm absolutely delighted with Bullard's goal. Such a great man and a fantastic ambassador of football. Well done Jimmy.

Crouch and Rooney it is then. Oh and don't get me wrong Phil, I agree with you on James but he's the best out of those goalkeepers picked. I don't know what Robert Green has to do to get picked. He's outstanding.
I'm going to see man u next week phil, I hear there was something about Munich going on? What could this be? Anyway I hope the glazers come on so we can applaud them for being so brilliant.

:p I actually am going next week though, should be a very sad atmosphere but will be livened up by the fact I'm going to a party with 80 girls from a dancing school on the same day. I hope to test out their flexibilty. :D

Not sure whether to be happy with the point, we were due to drop some, didn't play that well and a point out of nothing is better than 0 I guess. We should beat City without Rooney, we should beat them with Dong on the pitch on a day like that, just hope fergie gets it across to players like Ronaldo how important a day in our history it is.
I dont care about the england game because its a friendly againist Switzland- i hope gerrard doesnt play hard or crouch everyone else i hope they get injured.
I'm going to see man u next week phil, I hear there was something about Munich going on? What could this be? Anyway I hope the glazers come on so we can applaud them for being so brilliant

Not sure whether to be happy with the point, we were due to drop some, didn't play that well and a point out of nothing is better than 0 I guess. We should beat City without Rooney, we should beat them with Dong on the pitch on a day like that, just hope fergie gets it across to players like Ronaldo how important a day in our history it is.
Yeah its a massive day on Sunday, Neville could be back for it, although I doubt he'd start. I think the players will have it drummed into them how much it means to the club and I hope they'll come up with something inspirational.

To be honest, I was happy with a point, Spurs are in a false position, and it almost feels like victory after being so close to defeat. 2 points seems a lot closer than 3.
The premier league has gone all twatty dick faced penis on us by selling out and allowing us to play a game abroad. It will never work, because someone like united will draw Derby, Arsenal will draw Villa, then Arsenal will drop points, we'll get all 3 and win the league by a point. Stpuid idea thought up by a bunch of stupid faggots. They can all get Aids and die. Oh and sky are gay too trying to make it seem like a really good idea.
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