English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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I don't know. It's not as if the Premier League clubs need the money. There would be logistical problems though, two teams would play each other 3 times in a season instead of 2 like the rest which doesn't work out for me. There is already the problem of player burnout too, the players themselves won't want to have to play an extra match and the quality of football could suffer as a result.

You would get some die hard supporters travelling to the overseas match, but I think they are aimed more at the residents of the countries they play the game in. Not all of these people are glory supporters. It will be shown on TV anyway.

I don't think this is a good idea. I don't think it's a pointless, money grabbing venture though. It's unnecessary and it would be difficult to implement.
The problem is Lee that they are greedy, they want more money, going abroad will do this as their club will gain status across the world, meaning more merchandise would be sold. Thats the only reason their doing it, their not bothered about showing it to the world, they're just bothered about getting the money in. The Premier League are trying to compete with the NFL and its not right!

If the overseas fans want to see the Premier League, then they can come to England, we shouldn't go to then. It should be played in England as its the English Premier League! Even diehard fans cant afford a plane return ticket to Melbourne, they have jobs you know, and when flights to Australia take the best part of a day, one way, then its impossible. People haven't got a endless amount of money in their wallet.
so if man city play in australia and its classed as a home game, do i get a free ticket for it with my season ticket???

seriously, ive heard of some bad ideas in the past, solar powered street lighting, puting george bush in power, but this one takes the biscuit, hell it takes the whole biscuit tin!!!

english premier league = bunch of mindless tossers
I don't mind 7 subs, it will stop players getting upset, just aslong as you're only allowed to use 3, although I wouldn't mind an extra one allowed in the FA cup and CL for extra time.

The only reason everyones doing this is because united said they had the most fans, about 140 million fans are from China or something. According to wiki 5% of the world support us.

Even the people who genuinely show a bit of an interest in a premier league club won't get to see this anyway, it will be all corporate fans with big money. Apparently the idea was the glazers, well it will teach you all to laugh at us now won't it.
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Of the two ideas, the 7-subs rule is not just head and shoulders above the overseas games, its a whole body better.
I only support Ipswich, so it won't affect me for a couple of years ;)
The Busby Babes boasted not just a great side, but probably the best in the world at the time. Some of the players in their side could have been future England stars and in my opinion, if we had some of those players we could have won the World Cup more than just the once by now. Anyone who disrespects this deserves to be shot.
Why is there going to be another round of matches? Why isn't it one the 38th game day. Of course, that wouldn't be fair for a team only to play 18 matches at home or away but playing one team 3 times is...

Why is on the 39th match day. Why not mid season - 20 games, 21, 22, etc where it won't count as much as the very last game will.

They say they've thought this through but they haven't.

Plus, Keegan hoping to get Henry is brilliant. :D
Na Will, they've said its going to be in January, I still agree though its a disgrace.
Moving away from the ridiculous ridiculousness of this ridiculous situation, this weeked is a pivotal one in the race for 4th place. If Everton beat Reading and Chelsea do us a favour against Liverpool, we'll be 4 points clear with Liverpool still having to go to Old Trafford, White Hart Lane and the Emirates.
Yeah looking at it that way, it is pretty massive for the 4th spot.

Its pretty big for the title race as well, the game against City is a potential banana skin, although I think we'll win and Chelski could drop points against Liverpool. I'd expect Arsenal to beat Blackburn at home, but its still not an easy game.
If we don't win this weekend I think every united fan will be rightly pissed off, even if we were fighting for relegation we've got to win this weekend.
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