English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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For God's sake, leave our Premiership alone. It's a bit unfair on English fans really. Why should they have to go all the way to China to watch their team?
Why the hell are our teams going over to China to play in the EPL!?

It's all about money. How does Richard Scudamore plan to improve the quality of English talent in another country!?
Apparently when he was asked whether they'd considered the fans views Richard Scubatwat laughed at the reporter. Some chairmen like Niall Quinn aren't really looking forward to it but just need the money, others like at the top clubs don't need it and are just greedy money grabbing thoughtless twats.
Yeah, I'm really pissed off by this idea. Its the English Premier League for feck sake! Ie. English teams, played in English grounds! We're changing everything around putting an extra game in, just for people who know nothing about English football. The problem is, we go on about player burnout then the Premier League do this. I'd like to say that I'm shocked that the clubs have agreed to this, but I'm not, they get more money and they're happy with that, so greedy twats like Glazer will do well out of it. Unfortunately, football just seems to be about the money now, not about fans. Not everyone has the money to go across to the other side of the world to follow their team in their own country's league. Premier League, stop trying to compete with the NFL! Rant over.
Rafa Benitez doesn't like the idea. I think this is the only time i'll ever call him a legend just for disagreeing with this pure twat of an idea.
That poll is rubbish!!! Who is voting? Liverpool to come out on top? Has everyone gone mad? Coventry have more chance of winning the Champions League than Liverpool have at winning the Prem!

BTW!!!!! My story is going very well! Its a great story about me taking a football league side to the top! I have already done loads, but your votes in Story of the Month are much appreciated!

My Story: http://www.planetcricket.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=39875

Vote here! : http://www.planetcricket.org/forums/showthread.php?t=39966

Anyone who votes for me will be repped!!!! (Thats not cheating is it? Nah! :p)

Madman! You'll love it!!!
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So basically its goes like this??

Whinge, Moan

Too Many Games

Boo Hoo :( :(

Whinge, Moan

Player burnout

Whinge, Moan

(Repeat for several years and all the sodding time)

Let's all go abroad and rake in the cash :D You mean we'll have to play more games - Meh I'm not bothered.

Go get jobs in the real world you bunch of money grabbing work-shy pricks.
On aother thing Possebom has got a squad number at united, our latest Brazillian signing, probably better than Kaka, Ronaldhino and Pele put together.

Oh and after seeing those cocks who interupt the silence repeatedtoday I'm not sure I want to support England anymore, and I've never really liked the whole anti-England thing but the idea of supporting the same team as them makes me feel sick.

Kev if Liverpool miss out on the champions league because they have to play a good team and Everton don't I doubt you'll think its a good idea.
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Oh sorry I misread your post! I thought it was a bit crazy that someone could be for it in the uk
Oh and after seeing those cocks who interupt the silence repeatedtoday I'm not sure I want to support England anymore, and I've never really liked the whole anti-England thing but the idea of supporting the same team as them makes me feel sick.
Yep, to be honest, I've never been that big a fan of England and club has always been over country for me. I've just got no time for England or the hardcore England fans, whats booing the opposition's national anthem all about? Give a bit of respect there at least and then the idiots who shouted through the minutes silence and cut it short also showed a major lack of respect.

Yeah, I thought you were backing it at first Kev! Had to read it a couple of times through and then I realised.
Everyone in China supports Man U anyway so they can sod off.
The EPL's fine the way it is. There's coverage of it all around the world. That's about as close as foreigners should get to watching the Premier League if they're not in England. If you can't produce a country with proper football players, a proper league and the backing of money, then don't take your frustration out on the EPL. It was fine the way it was, the way it is, and that's way it should remain.
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