English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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That Pool-Chelski game was the worst televised game in any league in any country and in any competition all season. Absolutly awful. The amount of stick Everton and Reading got yesterday for their poor football was immense, yet this poor meeting between two of the countries elite teams will of course just be passed off as a 'tense top of the table clash'.
That Pool-Chelski game was the worst televised game in any league in any country and in any competition all season. Absolutly awful. The amount of stick Everton and Reading got yesterday for their poor football was immense, yet this poor meeting between two of the countries elite teams will of course just be passed off as a 'tense top of the table clash'.

Liverpool Chelsea is always going to be the most boring game of the season.
I watched the Man U/ City game. Great game of free-flowing football. City were immense and showed a real threat going forward. they could have and should ahve scored more. Man U could have scored more but they lacked intuition in the final 5th of the pitch.

I didn't watch Pool/Chelsea because any game involving Chelsea against the top 4 is a bore-fest. Plus, Pool are in horrendous form. The closest anyone came to scoring was when Riise headed it back to Reina.

That Pool-Chelski game was the worst televised game in any league in any country and in any competition all season. Absolutly awful. The amount of stick Everton and Reading got yesterday for their poor football was immense, yet this poor meeting between two of the countries elite teams will of course just be passed off as a 'tense top of the table clash'.

Considering Liverpool were 7th at the top of the League, it can't really be classed as 'top of the table' ;)
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we looked a totally different team with benjani up front, he has excellent movement, id like to see him up front with young sturrage because sturrage has good movement as well and with elano in midfeild with johnson we will be a much better team.

everyone was saying how much man utd missed rooney today and that gave city a chance, but we were missing are 2 best attacking players in johnson and elano and no one even commented, man utd really need to improve if they want to win the title
sunderland to win the title with liverpool second.
Chelsea and Fulham round up the top 4.
Reading, Bolton and spurs for Uefa Cup places.
pompy, Middlesbrough and man city fighting for an Interto place.
Manure,scumcatsel Wigan to go down for me.
sunderland to win the title with liverpool second.
Chelsea and Fulham round up the top 4.
Reading, Bolton and spurs for Uefa Cup places.
pompy, Middlesbrough and man city fighting for an Interto place.
Manure,scumcatsel Wigan to go down for me.

You know nothing about football do you? Or are you just joking? I hope so.

Sunderland are as likely to win the title as I am to represent England at cricket. Fulham are currently in the bottom 3, as are Reading and Bolton in the lower half. Middlesbrough are also struggling.

Man Utd and Newcastle, although in poor form, are not going down!
Disgrace, absolute disgrace. Its the most gutless, passionless and the most lacking of skill performance I've seen in my 5 years of having a season ticket and in my 10 years of supporting United, especially as it came on a day of so much importance.

Every time we tried to go forward, in first and second half, we pumped it up with the long ball, now tell me where is that in the Busby way of playing. City deserved the win, give credit to them they played well, but we were hopeless and we didn't even put up a fight. If we'd have really tried and hit the post a couple of times and had loads of chances it wouldn't hurt so much but it really does.

Tevez played well, and it says something that our best player in a Manchester derby comes from South America. Anderson was ok, and Vidic had a decent game apart from his mistake for the first goal. Now onto the negatives, Giggs looks to have totally lost his pace and just doesn't seem good enough, he was awful. Nani was giving the ball away left right and centre and was also awful. Ferdinand had a shocker, there just seemed to be something wrong with him, he gave away simple passes to Citeh players on countless occasions. O'Shea was crap and he's not good enough, we really missed Evra's drive down the left hand side. Ronaldo didn't turn up in a big game and thats the thing he needs to do to be the best player in the world, no doubt he's got the talent. He got booed by United fans after sitting around on the floor sulking for about 10 minutes after he overplayed a cross and trudged back slowly. We missed Rooney's passion so much, its no coincidence that Rooney hasn't played in any of the games we've lost this season.

Credit to the City fans for the minutes silence which was observed impeccably apart from what seemed like fireworks outside the ground. They sang throughout the Flowers of Manchester being played, and I mean all of them sang, but it was the minutes silence that was of bigger importance. The club have honoured the occasion really well I thought. We all got a red, white and black scarf, while City got a blue, white and black scarf. We also got a copy of the programme of the match against Sheffield Wednesday which was the first game after the Munich Air Disaster. Fergie and Eriksson placing a wreath down was a nice touch too. The atmosphere was really emotional.

Anyway, theres probably no better game to bounce back with than the cup tie against Arsenal next week, and I think we'd have it tomorrow if we could.
Anyway, theres probably no better game to bounce back with than the cup tie against Arsenal next week, and I think we'd have it tomorrow if we could.

Well, you can't cos we're playing! :p
Any chance we could sneak it in at 5 o'clock or so?:p

I couldn't believe it when two City fans a man and his son, who was about 7 or 8 came up after the minutes silence and took the two seats next to me. When they scored the lad stood up and started cheering, he just got a few funny looks, but if his dad had done it I think it would have been a little more. So many United fans wanted to get in today and yet two City fans were in the United end.
I've only got one thing to say about that game:


You know nothing about football do you? Or are you just joking? I hope so.

Sunderland are as likely to win the title as I am to represent England at cricket. Fulham are currently in the bottom 3, as are Reading and Bolton in the lower half. Middlesbrough are also struggling.

Man Utd and Newcastle, although in poor form, are not going down!

Oh I don't know...if the Geordies don't sort it out pretty sharpish, you never know...

Any chance we could sneak it in at 5 o'clock or so?:p

I couldn't believe it when two City fans a man and his son, who was about 7 or 8 came up after the minutes silence and took the two seats next to me. When they scored the lad stood up and started cheering, he just got a few funny looks, but if his dad had done it I think it would have been a little more. So many United fans wanted to get in today and yet two City fans were in the United end.

There was this 'popping' sound during the minute's silence, what was that? Was it just Sky's generators freaking out or something?

Otherwise, credit to the City fans, they held their scarves aloft together with the Utd fans to show a city truly united (for a bit, at least!) They didn't have to go and bloody win, though!
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There was this 'popping' sound during the minute's silence, what was that? Was it just Sky's generators freaking out or something?
It was fireworks outside the ground, you could hear then properly from inside the ground, at first I thought it was some salute but apparently they weren't planned and it seems like some City fans outside the ground have done it.
Yep, that's what I thought, some sort of salute. But it turns out it was some City fans eh?

Morons. :rolleyes:

All the City fans inside the ground showed the respect the occasion deserved, didn't they?
Cracking match of footy between city and utd and even better when ur a liverpool fan :p. The occasion wasnt going to be easy for city either but they forgot about that and played well. Ronaldo was dissapointing that shows how much utd rely on him just the same as we do with Gerrard. And i will put a face in- All 5 games utd have lost this season Rooney hasnt been playing.
Yesterday was going to be a boring game - Chelsea are pretty negative and went 1 up at home without their main striker. Liverpool aren't that creative and didn't have Torres so it was hard for each team to break through.
Rooneys class, anyway i'm not going to have a big rant like Phil because I think in the context of our season it's notgoing to play that big a part. I am pissed off because its city and because it's 50 years on from Munich but February was alwys our toughest month and if we come out of it still in all 3 competitions then I'll be pleased. 5 points isn't a big gap especially when Arsenal have to come to OT. 3 things really **** me off with Fergie

1) why the hell is Giggs playing? He's been past it for ages, I've been a bit harsh on him in the past and he is a legend but Fergies just obsessed with him getting hte most caps, having said that we didn't have many better options but I would have played Wellbeck, was right for the occasion.
2) Carricks been class and Fergies keeps not playing him. Scholes is coming back from injury and isn't playing his best but Carrick has been very good
3) How are we so reliant on Rooney, We should have played Carrick instead of Giggs and played Anderson up with Tevez imo because thats where he used to play. Oh well it will be sorted next year when Manuchos here and he looks class.

Anyway if we play like that aginst Arsenal we'll get hammered, I just hope fergie picks a better team, Rooney in for Giggs and Carrick in for Scholes. Anyway in our corporate bit we watched the tribute thing at the start of super sunday, Eric is a legend, I'd give anything to have him back, Ronaldo Rooney or Tevez.
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