English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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They seem to reckon Edurado's broken both his Tibia and Fibia in his left leg, both clean breaks going through the skin, and as such ripped his ankle ligaments as well. So if that has happened, his leg was probably hanging on by a couple of tendons. So if it what has happened, it's over for him.
oh man...feel really sorry for him...he was just starting to show his potential and from the initial reactions it looks like his career could possibly be over...

also arsenal were so comfortable in the second half and could have got 3-4 goal easy but they were too complacent and the stupidity by cichy lost us 2 points in the end...although it was a rash challenge he still got the ball so the pen. was actually debatable...
Strangely, I feel more comfortable with comparisons to Alan Smith's injury than to David Busst's. Busst's was horrific but at least Smith made a full recovery. I'd be surprised if we returned withing 15 months if he ever does return.
well he is gna undergo instant surgery...but yh...looks really bleak for him...he was still really young and Euro 2008 was his dream to be in...what a way to celebrate your birthday
Looks like Liverpool have won now though, a massive mix-up there by Schwarzer, shouldnt have come out that far. Was looking good at 1-0 boro.

Brilliant finish to the Brum vs Arsenal match, it's not been a good week for Arsenal and I think I'm right in saying they had a similarly nightmare week this time last year. This is why the title race is still on, but we must, must win at Newcastle.

From the angle that they showed the tackle at half time on sky, it didnt actually seem such a bad tackle. David Platt didnt even think it was a yellow. Obviously they only showed it at that angle as they didnt want to show the horrific pictures of Eduardo's leg, so another angle might show a worse side of the tackle.
Doesn't look good for the lad. I wasn't impressed with the early impression he made, but he was certainly improving, and showed what a good finisher he really is. I didn't actually see the tackle, but i've now seen a few pics, and the initial impact from Sky, and it really is a nasty injury for the lad. I desperately hope he comes back to professional football, it would be a massive loss for the game if he was forced to retire at such a young age. I know this will get looked down upon, but I know some people will have an interest, so here's a few pics of the horrific injury:

Leg-Break on impact- Not pleasant. Warning !!
Picture of initial impact
Close-up of leg-break

From those 3 images alone you can see the nature of the injury, and the severity of the injury. His ankle is completely bent the wrong way, with both bones of his lower leg (tibia and fibular) breaking. I really hope he makes a swift and full recovery, it's a nasty, nasty injury.
From the pics, it does look a bad challenge. Worse challenges have resulted in less but this time, he went straight into his leg.
It wasn't a malicious challenge though, just badly mis-timed. Taylor's not known as a dirty player by any means, and it was just a matter of Eduardo betting him for pace, and Taylor not being able to pull away from the tackle. Taylor should definetly not be regarded as a dirty player or recieve a long ban for the tackle, it was just a mis-timed accident. Taylor certainly didn't go in with the intention of breaking Eduardo's leg.
I have actually avoided looking at the pictures so far, I'm not sure I want to see it.

I know Will, I've only seen it from one angle, so I couldnt really say how malicious it was.
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The Arsenal players did not lunge in and start pushing Martin Taylor about either. I think that shows he did not go in with a malicious tackle. Arsene Wenger has said he should never be allowed to play football again, which is rubbish, Wenger has just drawn a match he should have won and lost one of his best strikers for a long time though so he will be hot under the collar.
I'm sick of the strikers I discard from my fantasty team scoring hat-tricks. Bloody Torres.

Unlucky Eduardo. That's horrible that. My mate had a similar injury in one of our games last year. It's not nice. You definitely know when they've broke their leg.
Yeah, it's just frustration. He is very protective of his players.
Wenger's obviously been to specsavers in midweek, he managed to see that one.

You gotta laugh at Gallas though, throwing his toys out of the pram on live TV and acting childish for the 2nd time this week. Our captains out for 2 weeks and our vice-captains playing crap, but at least he's not an immature sore-loser who embarasses his team.
On a brighter note:

Norwich 1-0 Barnsley :happy

I was worried about this match after we lost 4-0 to Leicester last week and Barnsley beat Liverpool but an efficient performance it seems closed the game out and a good strike from Jamie Cureton, just a few weeks after having his appendix removed, won it for us.
Its not a nice tackle. But as many have said he didnt go in with a malicious intent. He was suprised by Eduardo's pace so he got there quicker than expected. Im sure he felt rubbish for the whole game knowing he could have just ended somebody's career.
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