English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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Wahey! Come on Spurs, beat the rentboys of Chelski! How calm was Berbatov taking that pen! Incredible really. Hopefully we'll be set up for a good finish now.
Come on Chelsea. How anyone can ever want Spurs to win astonishes me. They have the most annoying fans in the world. At least Liverpool fans actually have a team with history to be annoying about. Spurs are just pathetic.
Come on Chelsea. How anyone can ever want Spurs to win astonishes me. They have the most annoying fans in the world. At least Liverpool fans actually have a team with history to be annoying about. Spurs are just pathetic.

As an Everton fan, what exactly do you have against Spurs? All you seem to go on about is "no one likes them" (crap), "they have fickle fans" (crap) and "they're not very good" (crap). Those comments are more suitable to Chelsea.
As an Everton fan, what exactly do you have against Spurs? All you seem to go on about is "no one likes them" (crap), "they have fickle fans" (crap) and "they're not very good" (crap). Those comments are more suitable to Chelsea.

I don't see how you can call Chelsea crap...

How could Grant take off Essien? And why has ne not played Cole?
As an Everton fan, what exactly do you have against Spurs? All you seem to go on about is "no one likes them" (crap), "they have fickle fans" (crap) and "they're not very good" (crap). Those comments are more suitable to Chelsea.

They are very much like Newcastle fans. They think they have some divine right to be considered a big club and to win things left right and centre when they actually have very little to back their bizarre claims up. I actually prefer Liverpool fans to Spurs fans and when an Evertonian admits that then you know it's really something.
I don't see how you can call Chelsea crap...

How could Grant take off Essien? And why has ne not played Cole?

I didn't call them crap, I said the opinions are crap. The last one isn't true though, they are a good side, but they don't play good football.
The tottenham-hate thing is a bandwagon, loads of people jump on. I dont actually mind Spurs, they hate Arsenal, which is fine by me. I'd say Chelski fans are more annoying:

A) They've only been fans since May 05.
B) They also dont have any history
C) They've only got where they are now because of Abramovich.

Wahey, 2-1 Spuds:D. Its been well deserved to be honest, they've been much the better team.
I hate everyone apart from united :p Anyway spurs today for me and they deserve it. Chelsea will probably win anyway knowing them. good goal by Drogba but poor by Robinson and it was a good call by the lino too.
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