English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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I hate having to check the results for teams like Derby, Reading and Fulham but I have to. I can seriously see us going down this season. We're shaping up very much like the Leed's side that went down a few years ago.

GG; please take that sig out. I can't bear to look at it and you're obviously not sincere about the comment.

I hope you go down, none of your nonsense is needed in the premiership Stuart :p maybe you should take your bird to the games.
Bow down!

Can I have permission to try and put this as my avatar?
Too big probably anyway. Carragher arrested and cautioned! Proper scouser there, really is one of the people, could keep Joey Barton company in a cell.
So far, so good. Been watching United on the internet (sorry joe:p) and we've played well and dominated the game. They've had a couple of chances, but Scholes, whose played well, could have had 3 on his own. Lovely free kick from Hargreaves, into the left corner and then the header from Park.

He shoots, he scores,
He'll eat your labradors,
Ji sung park, ji sung park!:p

Our fans sound immense today, on Red Issue they've been planning to get the tickets for Fulham's neutral end. No sound from Fulham fans, but United have been incredibly loud throughout. Nice to hear the Anderson agadoo song and the adebayor song getting an airing.

Going well at the new library as well. Nice one Senderos:p. Anyone who said the title was over after Arsenal beat Blackburn should take a look at the live table, United top on goal difference. Although, there's still a long way to go in the Arsenal match, and I imagine they'll throw everything at Villa in the second half. Chelski have really won now, being 3-0 up, but Fat Franks been sent off:D.
I order everyone to listen to Terry Christian on Talksport now. He's on his best scouser, citeh and cockney winding up mood.:p.

"If there's a swirling wind at the Wastelands, does that mean Ireland is running around with one hand on his head":p.

"Now off to the City of Manchester Stadium, it always looks good when its full - which is normally about 1 game every season":p

In response to Wenger's interview:
"I dont get why everyone's against Arsenal, its just me and Wrighty that like them:p. How dare them nasty players score against them! Come on, lets change that negativity around and hope Arsenal win something.":p

"You live in Dewsbury? Shouldn't you be supporting Huddersfield or Leeds. Or are you just an ABU":p.

Anyway, good win today, 1 point behind and Arsenal look to be cracking. Disappointed that they got a late equaliser, but I'd have taken that result before the game.

Rubbish game at Citeh, but they're a massive team with a massive ground so they'll fight back with massive proportions next week. They even paid for fancy dress today to look like empty blue seats.:p And, how about this for big-time supporters, they have made mugs to celebrate winning the double over us, massive.
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Well done phil. :p in nearly ever paragraph!

Brilliant day, we're really starting to come into form when it matters whilst Arsenal seem quite the obvious, hope they beat Milan though, think it will give us a better chance in the league. Mr Benitez should take a look at today on how to rotate.
Today epitomised why Arsenal have the mental capacity to win the league. When you're on a bad run, Villa are not the team you want to play. They are a top team and I'm delighted about the last gasp goal. It shows the commitment and fight we've developed this season and 1 point makes all the difference.

If we do actually beat Milan, that could start us on a mini run and we should beat Wigan.
Today epitomised why Arsenal have the mental capacity to win the league.
Last week opitimised why you don't.

You dropped 2 points at home, thats not whats needed at this time of the season at all. If you'd have won at Birmingham last week, you'd have been 8 points clear, albeit only for a couple of hours. That would have been a big lead. However, one point with 10 or so games to go is absolutely nothing.

Seriously though, Arsenal fans are going scouse if they think that a point at home to Villa is a great result, they're a decent team ok, but they're the type of games you need to win to win the league.

I can't believe Mr Haribo's come out and said that the country doesn't like Arsenal, after everyone that isn't a United, Chelski or Spurs fan has joined the bandwagon this season and got moist about Arsenal.

Even the dippers won at Wigan:p.

Joe, a year ago today:D "O'sheaaaaaaaaa, he's won it. And thats the hallmark of champions":D:D:D:p
Phil, I've made it a rule to ignore your opinion about Arsenal since all you do is go on about how you hate us and our manager and why we're not good enough to wi the league even though we're 1 point ahead, won one less game than you and the only reason we're not 5 or so points ahead is because of a terrible month. Forgive me for being optimistic and looking at the plus points!
We've had a worse month than you have so it can hardly be the reason you're not 5 points ahead of us :p

Glad we've kept to many players fit too, Rooney an Ronaldo should be fit enough for us to turn over Lyon provided sir alex doesn't muck about like he always does in Europe. I wouldn't have played Evra for 90 as he was doubtful though but apart from that good team. The next 2 games we've got to win really, Bolton at home and Derby away although there will be no pressure for Derby and Bolton are never easy. Then the scousers at home which i'm not looking forward to before a very tough run in. We have both have very similar run ins, 5 aways left for each of us although ones at derby so anyone who drops points there really isn't doing themselves any favours :p
Will, I'm actually being serious. It wasn't a dig, I'm just saying what I think. Dear me, Arsenal fans really are scouse if they come out with that defensive reply everytime:p.

Oh and I dont hate Arsenal. I dont like their petulant attitude whenever goes something wrong for them and the manager who doesn't see anything, unless its for his team. You hate us more than we hate you. Every Arsenal fan's comments I've seen it goes, Spurs then United, or even the other way around in the odd case. For us its always, Liverpool, then Leeds and City. As a matter of fact as a club, we dislike Chelski more than you. So dont play the everyone hates us card.

Joe, get on MSN!:p
I dont like the things they stand for now though. Bunch of glory hunting supporters, and a club who only have success because of a Russian billionaire. They dont play good football.
Phil, I've never played the 'everyone hates us' card. I've played the 'Phil hates us and won't stop going on about it' card.

Plus, you've lost 4 times. Not the stuff of champions but it doesn't matter.

Chelsea fans are a whole different species. They're leeches on the cup.

Joe, if we'd beaten you 4-0 and lost the next 5, it would still have been a great month. ;)
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