English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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England can't say its all down to the manager I dont think, however useless McClaren was, and he was.

England dont have as good a squad as some fans think we do. As much as it pains me to say it, Wes Brown isn't first choice standard, neither is Stewart Downing, neither is Glen Johnson and although he played well against Estonia and Russia, Gareth Barry hasn't done much for club or country since. Downing's been given plenty of chances before and hasn't done it.

However, I can't see why United's best central midfielder since the turn of the year, Michael Carrick, wasn't even in the original 30, whereas Hargreaves, who although a good player, hasn't been playing much for us, gets into the team.

On the Beckham issue, it was best getting his 100th cap out of the way in a meaningless friendly like tonight than have the hysteria hanging over competitive matches in September.

I see the ABU england fans (virtually all of em) have being complaining about Rio getting the captains armband, calling him a cheat and the like. He made one mistake, and the drugs test shortly afterwards showed he was negative. He's been captain for United a lot this year when Giggys been rested and 2 weeks has been out and like I said on Sunday or Monday, I feel he's the best centre-back in the world at the moment. He's had the so-called world-class striker Torres in his back pocket on both occasions this season. But England fans will complain as he's a United player, and its always our fault apparently. Club > Country, United > England.
I've said this before and I am saying this again - England dont quite have as many quality players as some of the other European nations like Italy, France etc. And even their star players arent able to replicate their club form in the international scene.

What Capello is trying to do is find the best system for England and it is crucial that he continues picking players on the basis of their current form atleast in these beginning games before being able to decide on that system.

The EPL teams are doing well in Europe, but that has a lot to do with their foreign players. It does not necessarily mean that the country's domestic talent is the best. Infact in this case it can be said that there a lot of players who far below international standard but are able to make it to the national side.

Club should never be greater than country in any sport.
Club should never be greater than country in any sport.
Maybe because you have several clubs, they dont seem so special.

I'm actually really not that bothered about England, being a United fan is special, like you're part of a group with a siege mentality, its all about the local area, the traditions of the club. International football doesn't excite me one bit. I can't stand the typical England fan either, flags out of car windows, "we're gonna win it this year" said in a cockney accent, while everybody's going on about this "golden generation". Then, they get knocked out and they have to make a scapegoat even though its not there. It tends to be a United player, Beckham, Phil Neville, Rooney, Ronaldo etc.

They are the Newcastle of international football (sorry stu:p), ie. thinking they have a divine right to win a trophy.
Maybe because you have several clubs, they dont seem so special.

I'm actually really not that bothered about England, being a United fan is special, like you're part of a group with a siege mentality, its all about the local area, the traditions of the club. International football doesn't excite me one bit. I can't stand the typical England fan either, flags out of car windows, "we're gonna win it this year" said in a cockney accent, while everybody's going on about this "golden generation". Then, they get knocked out and they have to make a scapegoat even though its not there. It tends to be a United player, Beckham, Phil Neville, Rooney, Ronaldo etc.

They are the Newcastle of international football (sorry stu:p), ie. thinking they have a divine right to win a trophy.

Whatever it is, nothing is greater than national pride. I guess your opinion would be much different were England the defending World Champions and one of the best teams in the world.
Who cares about England, we're crap, not news. Until capello realises that Gerrard has never done naything in an England shirt and the whole team needs building around Rooney we'll never stand a chance.

Anyway united :D :D Arsenal :D 2-0 down to Bolton, you've got to love it.

Arsenal back winning, still don't give them a chance of the title but it might give them some momentum for the champions league.
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What a performance from united. Rooneys on fire, Ronaldos on fire, Carricks playing extremely well, the defence is a solid as ever, we can chuck Kuzcak in because Fosters not registered for the CL and everything looks good.

This is my thread tonight :p Shocking tackle from Diaby, will be interested to see if Fabregas says that ones deliberate too.
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Whatever it is, nothing is greater than national pride. I guess your opinion would be much different were England the defending World Champions and one of the best teams in the world.
Nope, I'm a Mancunian more than an Englishman. It wouldn't change one bit, you see, I'm not a glory hunter unlike some who support Chelski, Real Madrid and I'm guessing Inter in the Italian leagues as they're at the top at the moment. Pity you couldn't beat the scousers, oh well, you'll get another chance with Chelski, eh? I'm just not too bothered how England do, if England lose, I'm fine with it, it takes me a lot longer to get over a United loss than an England loss. I actually said that way before we got knocked out of the euros.

Republic of Mancunia ftw.

Yep, brilliant from United tonight, Viva Ronaldo indeed. Absolute genius for the first goal, superb and he had a hand in the other 3 as well. Tevez, Rooney and Ronaldo look unstoppable and the celebrations for the goals just said so much, everybody together and I'm starting to believe now. Good to see Rooney get a couple of goals after a drought at OT and his finishing was a bit better today, its still something he's gotta work on though. The atmosphere was good and the Viva Ronaldo song just sounds immense.

Disappointed about the Arsenal result, as I really don't want to write them off just yet, as they've still got to come to OT, but it'll be very tough for them. Shocking challenge by Diaby and you'd have thought he would have had more common sense really after what happened to his team-mate. How can Bolton screw-up from the situation they were in? I already wanted them to go down, but now I want them to go down because of a contraversial injury time goal on the last day of the season. Come on Keanooooo! Good result for Sunderland, I think he'll keep em up now:D.

Come on Boro!!!!!!!

**** me! I was ready to give it up at half time but I amost hit the ceiling at 1-2, almost killed the cat at 2-2 and nearly fell down the stairs at 3-2.

Bring it oooooooooooooooooon!!!
I actually said that way before we got knocked out of the euros.

That's cuz England were crap before that as well. Ok maybe not crap, but definately they are far far behind some of the other major European and South American teams.

Okay enough of this, I am going officially end this international talk now. I think Arsenal deserved to win really, because they dominated most of the game. Dint see the Manure-Villa game yet but I think I can imagine what happened there as well. We need to win today, and I dont think that would be too difficult.

P.S - I support Fiorentina in Italy and tracked their progress in the C2 and Serie-B. Started supporting them cuz Batistuta, who at that time was my favourite player was playing for them. I am really confident of winning the UEFA Cup as well, although Bayern are the team to beat.
Here's the thing with International vs Club.

In England we have a very competitive league and have lots of access to matches on tv week in week out. Whereas internationals are few and far between and lets face it unless its a major tournament the matches aren't usually all that interesting.

If I'm honest I'd say I like club football more, but I would rather see England win a world cup than see any domestic game.
That's cuz England were crap before that as well. Ok maybe not crap, but definately they are far far behind some of the other major European and South American teams.
You conviently didnt mention the rest of my post, it wouldn't matter how well England did, I love United and I'm not really bothered whether England win or lose. I think this is the difference in the north of England, I feel that sometimes we feel detached from the England national side, the press are in London, the stadium is in London, and basically everything seems to be based in London. Therefore, England fans just constantly go on at United players, we get blamed for their failure, everything Arsenal and Chelski do is sublime and before the England roadshow with Wembley being rebuilt, we couldn't get to games anyway. The support for England is frankly embarrassing, for example booing the national anthem. If I had a choice between United winning the Champions League and England winning the World Cup, I'd go for the Champions League every single time. I shouldn't have expected to get some sense out of the person that suggested that the United Liverpool game is purely sporting.

Well, m_vaughan, to be fair, one of your teams is probably going to win a trophy, you've hedged your bets enough.
Good to see with the race between united and chelsea for the title really reaching a critical stage Chelsea still can't sell the stadium out :D
The fact of the matter is that in England we have an incredibly strong top division, which features some of the best talents from around the globe. Therefore the standard of football is top draw. We have free flowing attacking football, with strong defences, battling midfields and huge flair players which make the games entertaining. The fact is that our national side cannot entertain to the same level. We have some incredibly talented individuals but the current mid to late 20s and 30s players generation have very little ability to play together. Obviously it a natural human trait that people will feel more strongly towards something that entertains them. Ergo Club > Country is a natural human reaction towards increased entertainment.
Its nothing to do with entertainment or any of that shite. Its nothing to do with the players, or the manager, its to do with what United stands for, and the traditions in the club. Players and managers will move on, United will never die. United means more to me than country and so is much more important for me. Of course I hope England do well, but I'm not too bothered if they dont.
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