English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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A few things i'd like to say that i've noticed during my absence from PC;

- United are the best team in the world at this current moment in time (shut it m_vaughan, Madrid or any other of your suggestions don't even come close)

- Liverpool under better management would be genuine title contenders

- The England national team is a wast of space. Gareth Barry should be England captain and Capello is a dirty brothel-going granny shagger

- The Sun hates scousers, which is why it ran a ludicrous story about the crowd behaviour in Sunday's derby when much worse happens accross the country every week.

- Phil Neville is a legend

- Everton are nowhere near good enough to be considered top 4 until we can actually beat one of the current top 4.

- Drew wishes I had the internet back at home
A few things i'd like to say that i've noticed during my absence from PC;

- United are the best team in the world at this current moment in time (shut it m_vaughan, Madrid or any other of your suggestions don't even come close)

- Liverpool under better management would be genuine title contenders

- The England national team is a wast of space. Gareth Barry should be England captain and Capello is a dirty brothel-going granny shagger

- The Sun hates scousers, which is why it ran a ludicrous story about the crowd behaviour in Sunday's derby when much worse happens accross the country every week.

- Phil Neville is a legend

- Everton are nowhere near good enough to be considered top 4 until we can actually beat one of the current top 4.

- Drew wishes I had the internet back at home
- To your first point yeah, who's better? Certainly not Madrid or Barca, certainly not any one in the English league and certainly not anyone in the Italian leagues.

- Yep, the fat Spanish waiter is a big problem for them, but more so is who he's brought in. From their teamsheet, I would only take 2 players and put them in Uniteds, obviously Gerrard and Torres, and we've got an abudance of central midfielders already, so we wouldn't need the first one.

- I agree with your first point here, but Gareth Barry has done nothing for club and country since the Russia and Estonia games. Rio's been fantastic and deserved the captaincy. Carrick should have been picked ahead of Hargreaves though, he's been our best midfielder since the turn of the year.

- Yeah, the chanting that the Everton fans sung was what you'd hear at most games, thats banter. But what isn't is Liverpool fans spitting and punching Phil Neville on the back, friendly derby my arse.

- Yep, he and his brother.

- Two nice wins over Chelski and Arsewipes will do for me.:p
Yes! Vidic misses the Arsenal game.

At the risk of being accused of making up excuses, we have been on a run of some horrible decisions ever since the Birmingham game.
You had the penalty given for Birmingham, the offside at Chelsea and the penalty against Liverpool on Wednesday, so the luck hasn't been on your side. However, it doesn't disguise the fact that you couldn't beat a 10 man Birmingham, or Villa at home or Wigan away. Someone said the other day, I know it wasn't you Will, but it was another Arsenal fan on here, that United have been getting all the luck. I really dont think we have, we had no luck whatsoever against Pompey in the cup and the only other big decision for us was the Mascherano sending off, and that was no doubt a sending off.

Yep, Vida missing the game against you is a blow as he'd have handled Adebayor well, however, its not too long and Rio's been immense this season, so hopefully we can cope.
Forgetting the pen against Pool since that was a CL game, there's also the disallowed goal against Boro.

Yeah, we should have done better anyway but it is getting atrocious.
yup i have been saying this to my friends and they are like stop making excuses...we have been terribly unlucky this year where as manutd. seem to win even on their bad days as decisions seem to go for them most of the time...
yup i have been saying this to my friends and they are like stop making excuses...we have been terribly unlucky this year where as manutd. seem to win even on their bad days as decisions seem to go for them most of the time...
What!? This is what I meant when I said before, what have been these decisions that have gone our way? We've lost at City away and home, Bolton away and West Ham away when we haven't played well! In games like Derby, where we haven't played well, it hasn't been down to decisions, its generally been down to brilliance from the front 3.

I can see the vermin putting out a reserve side today:mad: Yep, just found out, no Torres or Gerrard!:(
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A good 3-1 win at home over Cheltenham to follow our midweek away win at Carlisle. Agogo got two and Chambers got the other yesterday. We will be going to Wembley.
We're playing rubbish, O'Shea's rubbish, Pique should be playing. Oh well I prefer to drop points the week before we play a big team and I think we'll beat Arsenal. Given Arsenal dropped points this week I think they blew a big chance to get back in the hunt. Chelsea will have their tails up now and our season seems to be going exactly the same as last time, Rio's just come off but tbh he's been rubbish so it was probably a fake limp out of embarrassment :p

Equaliser from Rooney :D takes it back to 3 points which effectively is 4, could be massive, that goal could well be the title winner. Still dropping points before the Arse game doesn't bother me, just as long as we drop O'Shea. Pique came on and stopped all the problems and Park was good. Hopefully Arsenal beat Liverpool now midweek and we get past Roma.
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For some reason and I said it before today, Middlesborough annoy me. Their existance is for no real reason, they have no fierce rivals (Newcastle and Sunderland hate each other a lot more than they do boro), their town is in the middle of an industrial wasteland and from all accounts, so is their ground. Then on top of that, they are nearly as small time as Citeh, only playing well against the top 4 sides. Then they come out with chants like "Who are ya" and "We support our local team". Then that song thats played when they score, ridiculous. Then booing Evra when he actually was injured and taken down. Oh and I forgot to mention their plastic lego-kit stadium.

Right, I've got that off my chest so onto the game. Really, really crucial point I think. Its a bit of a game where you dont know if its a good result until the end of the season but looking at it now, I dont think we'll have as difficult a game all season. The weather was horrendous and to Bilal91 who said United have been having luck, where was it today when we should have had a penalty for handball? Ronaldo just keeps getting better and better and I was impressed by Park today. Yeah Pique did well and I'd play him over O'shea, although it was good to hear United fans sing a loud rendition of "Jonny goes marching down the wing" today after the vermin have tried to nick it. Hopefully 2 weeks will be playing soon and if Rio's injury isn't too bad we should be ok, we missed Vida today though.

Credit to the United away support today, immense as always, we have the best away support in the Premiership and contrary to the ABU media myth, our home support is good as well. You could hear as I've already said the o'shea song, then Viva Ronaldo, "We are the pride of all europe...", the park song, then "Forever and ever...". Brilliant stuff.
Ba-ba-ba-ba-baaaa! I'm lovin' it!

3rd win on the bounce now and only two points behind the Spuds. The strikers are all performing and the defence seems to be holding up quite well, even with Taylor out yesterday. Forget our away game against Portsmouth next week, in 14 days we play Scumderland :D
I'm gonna get completely ribbed for this but...

Keegan Out.

Ba-ba-ba-ba-baaaa! I'm lovin' it!

3rd win on the bounce now and only two points behind the Spuds. The strikers are all performing and the defence seems to be holding up quite well, even with Taylor out yesterday. Forget our away game against Portsmouth next week, in 14 days we play Scumderland :D

You've changed your tune, Stu. ;)

We're back in it? :p

Thing is, unless we take our first chance, which we never do (except against Boro and that was disallowed), we won't win.

Unless we deal with the long ball to Rooney, we won't win.

If Hoyte or Traore play, we won't win.

Unless, we nullify Ronaldo, maybe with Toure at RB, we won't win. We usually do very well against Ronaldo but he still scores.

Unless, Hleb, Fabregas and Flamini outplay Scholes, Hargreaves and Anderson/ Carrick, Fletcher, we won't win.

If Eboue and Toure link up well on the right, we could win.

If Hleb and Fabregas link up, we could win.

If Flamini takes out Scholes, we could win.

If Adebayor is a usual threat, we could win.
Here you go gooners, no right to moan about decisions because we'd still be top
Rio's injury doesn't look too bad when you here Fergie talking about the possibility of him continuing, hopefully a liccle bruise. Looks like Pique could be starting which is fantastic news.
Well, to be honest Will, if Giggs plays, then you've got a one man advantage, he was shite today as he has been for most of the season. Will though, really the weekend hasn't been good for Arsenal, because its as we were, with one game down. I really dont want to write Arsenal off because it could come back to haunt me, but its very unlikely that they'll win it now.

Oh and you can play Toure at right back, cos Ronny will just go over to our right:p.
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