English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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Well it's not really a major thing to look into it's just the way people say it, but I do feel part of the club, the club can't exist without fans, the players will move on and everyhting will change but we'll still be here. I wouldn't say real football fans would be out playing tomorrow, you can play football any time, you can't go watch united play Arsenal anytime but then I guess you want to be yet another one of these football fans who thinks they're better than everyone else, just like the championship fans do, the lower league fans do and now we're getting it from people who play football on Sundays lol.
Duded64 said:
"We'll win the league", sorry what? You play for united now do you, lets get an autograph. The real football fans and players alike will be out crappy pitches slogging it out tomorrow. Not sitting in a big stadium food in hand shouting some crap about how good 'you' are. Im a united fan but come on you dont need to act like you play for them.

Woah, calm down!

I'm not saying that at all, by we I mean United, despite the Glazers, I still feel I am part of the club. If we (United) win tomorrow, then I feel that even if we lose at Chelsea, we would win the championship if we won the games against Blackburn, West Ham and Wigan. Although they are tough games, they're the type of games that if you win you deserve to be champions.

I'm not the person sat with 'food in hand'. Kev made a good point in his answer to my question in his interview when he said his club picked me, its similar in my case, I live in Manchester, my family are United supporters, its in my blood.

'Real football fans' are those that go and support their team passionately, and I dont think that matters which league they are playing in.

EDIT: Well said Joe!
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"We'll win the league", sorry what? You play for united now do you, lets get an autograph. The real football fans and players alike will be out crappy pitches slogging it out tomorrow. Not sitting in a big stadium food in hand shouting some crap about how good 'you' are. Im a united fan but come on you dont need to act like you play for them.
Seen this by any chance

Very funny!
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"We'll win the league", sorry what? You play for united now do you, lets get an autograph. The real football fans and players alike will be out crappy pitches slogging it out tomorrow. Not sitting in a big stadium food in hand shouting some crap about how good 'you' are. Im a united fan but come on you dont need to act like you play for them.

When I talk about my favourite teams in any sport I use the term "we"
I hope Anderson scores today as i've been waiting ages for him to score
I still think that Chelsea are in the title hunt still if Man Utd somehow manage to lose to Arsenal then chelsea will be level on points with United but Arsenal and Liverpool are almost out of it.

Poor old Derby
Which ones Webb and which ones Mitchell, never remember. Anyway one of them actually sounds like Motty.

Great win today :D :D Anderson was class taking the **** out of Lehmann whilst the kick was taken and his little fake duck. Don't know why Gilberto would put his foot so high outside the box too. I was praying on the peno :D Didn't realise it was handball by Adebayor till afterwards too.
well we were unlucky again...hit the post twice i think when it could have gone in (when rio nearly scored an o.g.) and overall were the better side...gilberto is too old for me and should retire...gave away that F.K which resulted in the second goal...if flamini was playin i am sure it would have been much different...it's not an excuse but a fact

so our season is finally over...a season the promised so much yet gave nothing...mr wenger needs to buy some classy experienced players...and he's sayin that he's only gna buy 1 in the summer...not good enough for me...sell all the crappy ones like eboue (dunno why he played him AGAIN today), hoyte, gilberto and the liked and buy some good ones that cost over £10mil...

oh and lehmann was pretty good in net today...made some decent saves...but for me van der sar played a HUGE part in manutds win today making some cruical saves at cruical times...one which would have put us 2-0 infront...great reaction save and than again right at the end saving a header from bendtner...
What a day! The greatest team ever to play football beaten by United. The country will be in mourning tomorrow I'm sure of it.

In fairness to Arsenal, first half they were the better side. We were poor and looked off the pace and nervy, it showed through in the atmosphere, which also became nervous.

The Arsenal goal changed the game completely, I, like Joe, didn't see the handball until I watched the match back when I got home. You cant complain about luck and referee's decisions, I forgot to mention last week, but remember toure's foul on the boro player in the lead up to your equaliser in that game. It was a definite penalty as Gallas moved towards the ball. Calmness personified by Ronny after having to re-take the pen.

Then the free kick, I'm glad Joe's mentioned it, and from where I was it was so funny, you could see Anderson just winding Lehmann up and standing in his way, facing him and blocking his view. Brilliant free kick by Hargreaves but I think that had something to do with it.

The atmosphere in the second half was electric, I'm sure Joe will back me up here, I looked out for you by the way:p. It reminded me of the Blackburn game last season where in a big game towards the end of the season, we turned it around from 1-0 down to win 4-1. The players reactions both after we scored and when they were walking off with most of the fans staying to clapped them off said everything about how big a day today was.

Wenger's turning into Keegan!:p You gotta laugh at this conspiracy theory thing, I mean the funny thing is he actually believes its true:p. Maybe he needs to take a look at the handball.

Will, remember on the night of the Birmingham game, I told you, if you didn't win the league, that would be a key turning point, well I think it was to be fair, as well as the cup game. And I know your fans aren't the most inventive when it comes to new chants, but why have you nicked the "It's so quiet *insert name of stadium* from Chelsea, its painful enough having to listen to that drivel when they come to OT. Other Arsenal favourites sang today included, "60 faaasand mappets" and "USA", how original.
I can't believe that Adeboyor's goal counted. Adebayor the African Maradona
I can't believe that Adeboyor's goal counted. Adebayor the African Maradona

Whats with the random posts??

Anyways just saw the highlights of the game and must admit it was a good to watch. Thought the Gunners were unlucky in the end though as they were probably the better side. Makes it a little bit more harder for us now, but we'll fight till the end.
It's not random it's an opinion but what a game it was I felt sick at times.
I missed the game since I was dragged to Newquay (a 6-hour drive while I had to stay in the back cramped under the 40,000 bags) to stay in a caravan for 3 days.

How the hell did VDS prevent both own goals?

I told you Lehmann was better than Almunia. Nothing he could do for either goals. I can't comment much as I didn't see it.

What I can say, though, is I've changed my opinion on Senderos. He's strong but he's slow and dopey. Adebayor doesn't make his own goals. He can't dribble and we could have won more games had his finishing been better. Still, 20 goals. You can't ask for much more.

Gallas is a poor captain. He made a stupid mistake and is no kind of role model. He's not mature and doesn't direct the team as he should.

The wheels have truely come off.

(No, they ruddy bloody haven't. We weren't miles off the league. We showed that we can compete with United. We outplayed them yesterday and maybe a couple defenders, a keeper, a midfielder (not necessary) and a striker, we will be right up there challenging. Seriously, our frailties are in holding a lead. We just need a solid defender to partner Toure (who should be skipper). Plus, Gilberto was brill yesterday.

BTW, I'm pretty sure by this huge gap in text, you've realised that I've added this paragraph.

Phil, we can't complain about the reffing in this game as it was a defo pen and Bayor handballed it so we were lucky but we can complain about our recent run of decisions. As for Toure's foul, we wouldn't have needed an equaliser had Adebayor's goal not been wrongly disallowed.
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