English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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I didn't know that Wigan's equaliser came in injury time, all I heard was the final result, that makes it even more of a laugh! It'd take a major bad run from us to lose the title now and Chelski need to win at all costs at the 'Bridge, but I think it'll be a draw or we might even sneak it 1-0.
This Liverpool buissness between Rick Parry, George Gillette and Tom Hicks has got to end can't those dosy yanks have an agreement and put the Liverpool fans in a better frame of mind.

Simply the best GIF ever.
Dirty Mackems,
Dirty, mucky Mackems.
Dirty Mackems,
You're from Sunderland!

Prepare for a raping you bloody Mackems.
Simply the best GIF ever.
Glad you posted that, saw it the other day and it's brilliant!:p Yeah, Best. GIF. Ever.

Tough game tomorrow, I think we've only won once there in about 6 years, but that was last year. It would be a massive win as it would allow us to draw against either West Ham or Wigan and lose against Chelski and still win the league. Saha pulled his hammy in training this week, what a surprise. Vida's back though and Nani could be on the bench so thats good news.

Good to see that Rio, Carrick and Brown have agreed new deals, it took Brown long enough though. We need to get Evra signed up soon because he's quality.
Yeah, you're playing some good stuff in fairness today, I was gonna say you are playing Reading but then remembered our result against them.

Massive game today (Stop me Joe, I'm using Citeh terminology once again!), the atmosphere is going to be amazing, United have got 7,000 tickets and there'll be plenty more than that in the ground. People are taking their scarfs, just wish I was going.

Viva Ronaldo...

Anderson son son son...

EDIT about 3 hours later:p: United team news





Not too bad, Van Der Sar's got a groin strain so hopefully he'll be ok for Wednesday. Hargreaves and Anderson were doubts so I imagine they'll be ok for Wednesday. Anderson to score in the next three games, it won't be long now until he breaks his duck:D.
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Sorry for the double post, but I think a triple edit is too far.

Get a grip United!:mad: Why is it that every single team raises their game against United? It makes it 10 times harder for us to win this bloody league! Citeh, West Ham, Bolton, Boro, Pompey, Reading and now Blackburn, they all do it, even Arsenal last week, but we got out of that one with 3 points. The final ball just isn't there today, Hargreaves would have been a good bet had he not been injured, it's all just too pedestrian, and how did Tevez miss that chance.

Come on United, one last push for this league title!
Easy win. Pennant had a good game, Crouch the same. Voronin lolol flicked it up 35 yards out and stuck it in the Thames.
Football! Bloody Hell!


Massive point, absolutely incredible!

That match ranged from absolute agony to unseen jubilation!

We never make it easy for ourselves, but now we can afford to lose against Chelsea and win the other two games and still win the league. Blackburn played like all the times do against us, and as usual Friedel had one of his 2 annual belters. We could have had 3 penalties, but Styles was ref, so I guess I can't be suprised.


Who's that boy from Argentina!
Who's that boy we all adore!
Plays with Rooney, plays with Wes
He's our superstar Tevez
And forever at United he will score!

Carlos Tevez, Carlos Tevez, Carlos Tevez...

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That is the worst I have seen United play in absolutely years. Ryan Giggs is so past it its unbelievable.
Ryan Giggs is so past it its unbelievable.
Thats what we've been saying for the season, and Nani was brilliant when he came on today and he's been great when he's played since February. Giggs has been magnificent for United over the years, and a loyal servant, but I hope he doesn't taint his legacy by staying around too long to get the record.
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