English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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Again, that's too literal. Think of it aesthetically. Over the course of a 38 game season, Fulham have not deserved to stay up as much as Reading.

In that case, Newcastle should have been in League 2 by now.
Again, that's too literal. Think of it aesthetically. Over the course of a 38 game season, Fulham have not deserved to stay up as much as Reading.

You're wrong. Over a 38 game season Fulham have gained more points, hence them finishing above Reading and Birmingham. They're definitely deserving of staying up, mainly for 1 reason. Sir Jimmy Bullard. Legend.
I'm crying like a baby now! Ryan Giggs and Ronaldo took us there today! Shame about Reading and Birmingham though :( I was watching the split view and saw a little Birmingham supporter crying his eyes out :( Haha though at Chelsea and Middlesbrough 8-1 Man City lol.

The bad thing is I can't have a sig :(

Yep, well done to Man U, only one behind Liverpool now and the CL to come, which I think we'll win. The Chelsea players looked done in, their body language reflected that of a team who expected to win the league, not one who had been out of it really, but were just handed a lifeline in the last few weeks. So, Chelsea didn't even win in the end! After all that stuff about Wigan and no-one mentioning Bolton as well, I reckon that riled Bolton up a bit and they were up for the game. Felt really sorry for the Birmingham supporter, that's footy lad! It can be the best and the worst game in the world.

Man City: :rtfl :rtfl :rtfl :rtfl :rtfl

Full speed ahead Moscow! Let's get Chelski back for ruining our Double last year!!!

Edit: What time's that game kick-off by the way? Sounds as though it's going to be a fairly late one...
well all i can say is congrats to manu...they held their nerves and deserved the championship...the CL final is gonna be very close...i would say it would go to extra time and it will need something very special to break the deadlock
We had a bit of luck today but it was due and we should have had another peno although you could say Scholes shouldn't have been on the pitch :p

Anyway well good day, there was loads of reds in the Wigan stands and we had a whole stand :D Giggs you are a legend, I know he's a legend but I am probably a bit too harsh on him at times, I still don't think he's good enough to be a regular starter but what a legend :D Our players were brilliant celebrating, they were all joining in with their songs and top reds :D

Wigan were such a bunch of gayers, the fans were inging we support our local team, I find that a bit funny when the only reason they're actually there is because United are playing. Then they booed Ronny when he got his medal.

Off to Moscow now, Chelsea will come back strong no doubts but I think we might learn from last year and get the result this time round.

Anyway, best team in England again, champions :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

HE'S WON IT TEN TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

We won the football league again
This time at the JJB
This time at the JJB
This time at the JJB
We won the football league again
This time at the JJB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Brilliant end to an amazing league season, number 17 in the bag, we need to get one more to catch up to the scousers. Fitting way for Giggs to score the goal to seal it as he equaled the record. He may not have been great this season, but he's an absolute legend.

Giggs, Giggs will tear you apart, again!

Yeah, we rode our luck today, but we haven't had too much recently so it comes around. The pen that was given was a definite penalty, and we should have had the one where Scholes was taken down by Bramble. However, yeah, Wigan probably should have had one for the handball by Rio and Scholes was lucky to stay on the pitch.

All the ABU's have been out in force today, on here it seems and the likes of Andy Gray, but who cares, this group of players can go on and dominate for years!:D

Player of the year awards on MUTV for free now, Fergie's been interviewed, and he's absolutely out of his head:p. Just brilliant!:D Anderson, Nani and Ronaldo taking the mick out of Hargreaves:p.

Man United. Sorry to correct you, but I hate the term "Man U" being used.

As for relegation, Fulham away is supposed to be a great away to go to and its a decent old-fashioned ground, whereas Reading is just another one of these all rather soulless bowl stadiums around the country at the moment.

Oh, I nearly forgot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D:D Citeh!:p Just when I thought my day couldn't get any better, that MASSIVE club from down the road lose 8-1 to midtable mediocrity, turned over to setanta at the end of their coverage and it had that Mourinho sketch thingy, with Eriksson:p.

This is how it feels to be city
This is how it feels to be small
This is how it feels when your team wins nothing at all, nothing at all, nothing at all!

Btw Masterblaster, its normal time for kick off over here, 7:45, but in Russian local time it starts at 10:45.

Leicester Fox said:
they were all joining in with their songs and top reds
Agreed, I heard they were wearing "Gray and Tyler are ABU's so KTITC" labels:p.
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HE'S WON IT TEN TIMES!!!!!!!!!!!!

We won the football league again
This time at the JJB
This time at the JJB
This time at the JJB
We won the football league again
This time at the JJB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Brilliant end to an amazing league season, number 17 in the bag, we need to get one more to catch up to the scousers. Fitting way for Giggs to score the goal to seal it as he equaled the record. He may not have been great this season, but he's an absolute legend.

Giggs, Giggs will tear you apart, again!

Yeah, we rode our luck today, but we haven't had too much recently so it comes around. The pen that was given was a definite penalty, and we should have had the one where Scholes was taken down by Bramble. However, yeah, Wigan probably should have had one for the handball by Rio and Scholes was lucky to stay on the pitch.

All the ABU's have been out in force today, on here it seems and the likes of Andy Gray, but who cares, this group of players can go on and dominate for years!:D

Player of the year awards on MUTV for free now, Fergie's been interviewed, and he's absolutely out of his head:p. Just brilliant!:D Anderson, Nani and Ronaldo taking the mick out of Hargreaves:p.

Man United. Sorry to correct you, but I hate the term "Man U" being .

Euurgh, did I use the term Man U? Sorry, won't happen again!!!!! :happy
Did you see Fergie celebrating? He was like a little kid!! God bless you, Sir Alex!!!!

Yep. And we'll 'get lucky' again in around ten days when we beat Chelsea in the CL. :p

Gotta say again though: Man City: :rtfl :rtfl :rtfl :rtfl
Congratulations to United for winning the league in the end. But I am not really too disappointed considering how things went bad at the start of the season, and tbh, I was at one time, content with just making it to the Champions League.

But we did well, and did better than I expected, and took the best team in England, to the last day of the season to win the title. Gotta give the players credit for that.

I thought we have picked up our game in the last few months, and some of our big players have started to perform like what was expected of them. Which is why I am way more confident of winning the Champions League, because unlike yesterday, that game is totally in our hands. And we have the team to beat United as well.

But United were the best team this season in the Premiership, and deserve the title in the end. Ronaldo has been the world's best player as well and kudos to him for that.
Either way, it's going to be a good game. I don't expect a rerun of last year's FA Cup (let's hope not, that was so boring it was just not funny). I think we're going into it on the crest of a wave and I think we'll sneak it 2-1 (with Ronaldo scoring the winner in the 92nd minute or something like that!)

It's imperative you get Terry and Drogba back, your team is far weaker without those two in harness.

Let battle commence! :boxing :boxing
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