English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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The only thing that bothered me about last night is that Chelsea got slated for playing defensive after going a goal up against Wigan on Sunday yet United did the same thing yesterday and nothing's said of it. I've no problem with any team playing defensive away from home, but I find it strange that United fans have sort of mythical 'ABU' belief when the British media has blatant bias towards Mancester United and Liverpool.

It doesn't matter how much of a spin you put on it Phil, there are an insane amount of penalties turned down at Old Trafford for visting teams. Newcastle could have easily had 2 or 3 last week with at least 1 of them being stonewall.
How did United play defensively? We had chances and we completely controlled the game.

Spin? I put down facts yet this mythical argument comes out. 6 in the last 2 years is a fair amount! More time now so will go through the other 3 teams out of the supposed 'big four'.

Chelsea first:


No penalties


Villa get a penalty

Therefore, Chelski got 1 penalty given against them in 2 seasons compared to United's 6. Still think its not a myth? Lets go on to Arsenal then:


Blackburn get a penalty at the emirates


Spurs get a penalty at the emirates

So I was wrong before, there was one penalty against Arsenal at home this season. However, that's 2 in the last 2 years against United's 6. Still not think it's a myth? Lets try the scousers:


Arsenal get a penalty at anfield


Chelsea get a penalty at anfield

Thats it. 2 penalties at Anfield in the last two seasons, against the 6 at Old Trafford. That should purely prove that its a myth, of course the media won't see it that way, because they are ABU, willing on a Portsmouth goal last night, most of them southern-based, with a jealousy of United and a dislike of Ferie.

I'll prove the myth about Manchester being blue wrong soon.
Thats it. 2 penalties at Anfield in the last two seasons, against the 6 at Old Trafford. That should purely prove that its a myth, of course the media won't see it that way, because they are ABU, willing on a Portsmouth goal last night, most of them southern-based, with a jealousy of United and a dislike of Ferie.

I'll prove the myth about Manchester being blue wrong soon.

I take it that you couldn't find a better word to use? :p
I take it that you couldn't find a better word to use? :p
What lol:p. I mean jealousy in the way that the media is made up of around 3 or 4 different types.

1. West Ham fans - living on their win in the World Cup in 1966:rolleyes:. They are the architypal (sp?) ABU's. Always had a small time grudge against us.

2. Liverpool fans - majority of the media is covered in this, or if not fans, then admirers, what a special atmosphere the kop has?:rolleyes: It's just like any other football stand with the Far East happy snappers about. At least we don't need a song from the tannoy, or a bell (Portsmouth) to create an atmosphere.

3. Little ingurlander's - the ones who love football as it is today and don't like the yesteryear's of the 70's and 80's. Also think football started in 1992 (Martin Tyler, you know who you are)

4. Decent journalists (minority here) - who don't go about making false stories to sell papers, there's a decent one in the express (not Harry Harris - who is awful), Bill Bradshaw, who seems decent and honest, and a couple of others around the place.

As to ABU, if you think the media isn't ABU why isn't my previous point about penalties made about those teams.

Best media related person around - Jeff Stelling. Legend.
Once you went a goal up you never busted a gut to try and get the second, just as Chelsea didn't on Sunday. Now as i've said i've absolutely no problem with teams doing that and i'm not being critical of it, i'm just being critical of the fact that the United-loving media are quick to slag Chelsea off for doing it yet United don't get anything said about them.
Why should we bust a gut to score? Wigan had the better of the chances the other day and deserved a point whereas 1-0 flattered Pompey last night.

As for United loving media. How much did Britain find out about Ronaldo's father dying, or Brown's father and then sister dying? Then compare it to poor Pat, who had a state funeral which lasted for weeks.

The national media generally represent ingurland fans unfortunately.

You gonna stop with the myth of penalties at OT now?
Did you read my post? I said I didn't have a problem with how they played. Of course they shouldn't have busted a gut to score. My gripe is that Chelsea get slated for playing like that and United don't.

I've already stopped Phil. I'll tell you why Lampard got more coverage of his mother and it's because he's English and he's one of the most well known footballers in England. Brown isn't, and although Ronaldo is well known he isn't English so the papers couldn't give a toss about his father. That's the way the press works.

I'm not trying to have a go at you Phil, but I hate the double standards that some United fans have.
I don't have a problem with anyone playing like that, not even Chelski. If you can see that the opposition have a bit of fight to them, it's wise to play cautiously, especially if you're away from home. Also, you have to remember, last time Man Utd and Chelsea played their respective opponents from last night, they both came unstuck.
Yeh but we controlled the game, chelsea didn't.

Na, it's southern biased, nothing more, nothing less. The country was in national mourning. Lampard pointed to the sky after scoring in pre-season.:rolleyes:
respective opponents from last night, they both came unstuck.

I know! I'm not slagging them off for how they played!

evertonfan added 1 Minutes and 56 Seconds later...

Na, it's southern biased, nothing more, nothing less. The country was in national mourning. Lampard pointed to the sky after scoring in pre-season.:rolleyes:

So you're now begrudging Lampard for saluting his dead mother? I dont understand.

Wes Brown isn't a dominant footballing figure. Lampard is.
Ronaldo isn't English. Lampard is.

That's why a big deal was made out of his mother's death. You can argue it all you want and blame it on the bias, but those are the reasons.
So you're now begrudging Lampard for saluting his dead mother? I dont understand.
In a pre-season friendly in the far east?:rolleyes:

I mean I know the scouse like grieving;) but surely you can see problems with that. Black armbands for every team this season.

It shouldn't matter how high profile he is, Wes Brown is an England international so to just virtually ignore what happened and talk about Lampard's mum like she was Florence Nightingale takes the biscuit.
Should be the same for all players, regardless of their nationality.

MasterBlaster76 added 1 Minutes and 19 Seconds later...

Yeh but we controlled the game, chelsea didn't.

Na, it's southern biased, nothing more, nothing less. The country was in national mourning. Lampard pointed to the sky after scoring in pre-season.:rolleyes:

That's true, we had Pompey at arm's length, whereas Chelski were lucky to get out of there without conceding a penalty. Wigan played well and Chelski were never comfortable. We had one early scare and a couple of long range shots to deal with and that's about it.

MasterBlaster76 added 5 Minutes and 35 Seconds later...

Why should we bust a gut to score? Wigan had the better of the chances the other day and deserved a point whereas 1-0 flattered Pompey last night.

As for United loving media. How much did Britain find out about Ronaldo's father dying, or Brown's father and then sister dying? Then compare it to poor Pat, who had a state funeral which lasted for weeks.

The national media generally represent ingurland fans unfortunately.

You gonna stop with the myth of penalties at OT now?

You know, until you mentioned it, I had no idea that Ronaldo's father and Brown's father & sister had died. I knew that Tevez had a family bereavement, but not about the other two.

My sympathies are with them all.
In a pre-season friendly in the far east?:rolleyes:

Sorry, but why the hell should it matter where Frank is? Just because he was in the far east doesn't mean he shouldn't salute his Mother. He doesn't salute his mother to get press, or to attract the attention of the Uk Tabloids. The salute to his mother is to dedicate every goal he scores to her. Are you saying that someone over here shouldn't mourn the death of a relative if they die on a different continent ? One of the most ludicrous posts I've ever read, and I've read posts by Usy.
That were a great game though. I wanna do Gutieeerrerez in the face though. Wish he'd have a name I could bloody well spell though. Feck it, i'll just call him Guti.
Aye was a superb game that, anyone know when the draw for the next round is?

Sorry, but why the hell should it matter where Frank is? Just because he was in the far east doesn't mean he shouldn't salute his Mother. He doesn't salute his mother to get press, or to attract the attention of the Uk Tabloids. The salute to his mother is to dedicate every goal he scores to her. Are you saying that someone over here shouldn't mourn the death of a relative if they die on a different continent ? One of the most ludicrous posts I've ever read, and I've read posts by Usy.
My point wasn't about where he was. My point was that it was a meaningless goal in a meaningless game, 4 months after she'd died. Where do you cross the line? If every player saluted dead relatives then every goal would be ridiculous. And as for not using it for press reasons, if I was cynical I might think otherwise...

On first name terms with Lampard are we?
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