English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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well i can't believe i am saying this but england actually played really well...the bossed the midfield, the defence was tight and the forwards, well they were exceptional (especially theo) as the scoreline suggests...rooney wasn't bad today either grabbing a goal and setting theo up several times as well...

British sports are on a real up...first the cricket team smashing SA 4-0 (with rain preventing the whitewash), than the exceptional performance in the olympics, not forgetting the brilliant tennis played by murray, hamilton grabbing the headlines aswell (maybe not for the right reasons lately) and now the football team playing well...it seems like the world has ended and it's all a big dream:p

the only disappointment being the shock loss (OK HAMMERING) of poor amir khan...
Expects The Sun newspaper to go with something like "Three-o Walcott" as the headline, but then massive praises for England in the main article, speculating how they can win the World Cup and go unbeaten in the qualifiers.
Exactly, one excellent result against ten men doesn't disguise the fact that England have been playing awfully average football for the last two years.

Yeah, Lee is right about the England highlights, Setanta is free to air from half 11 tonight for the England highlights.
I've just woken up without remembering that I fell asleep. I missed tne second half! England palyed well and I missed the second half! We beat Croatia 4-1 and I fell asleep. Walcott scored a hattrick and I missed it!
Best performance since the 5-1 win over Germany. Walcott certainly re-paid Capello's faith in him. We deserved the win, and Croatia deserved the defeat. They were dirty tonight. Kovac's sending off, and Simunic should have had a 2nd yellow for blocking Rooney in the exact same way he blocked Walcott. I'm glad Joe Cole is alright, the way he'd gone down suggested something very serious.
Exactly, one excellent result against ten men doesn't disguise the fact that England have been playing awfully average football for the last two years.

Yeah, Lee is right about the England highlights, Setanta is free to air from half 11 tonight for the England highlights.

Do you think they'll do that with all England matches?

Anyway, I see your point, Phil and we mustn't get carried away. But the fact is we went over to someone who'd never lost a competitive home match before and comprehensively stuffed them! I think Capello is the right man to keep the players' feet on the ground though. How does Stevie G get back in that side now? And I can't wait for Rooney to team up with Berbatov against 'Pool now!

Let's complete the job now guys and knock those gits out of SA 2010! Wouldn't that be sweet?

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 59 Seconds later...

I've just woken up without remembering that I fell asleep. I missed tne second half! England palyed well and I missed the second half! We beat Croatia 4-1 and I fell asleep. Walcott scored a hattrick and I missed it!

I was supposed to go round my mate's house tonight to watch it! Bloody typical, first time in ages an England game is worth watching and I have to get ill!

MasterBlaster76 added 0 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...

Best performance since the 5-1 win over Germany. Walcott certainly re-paid Capello's faith in him. We deserved the win, and Croatia deserved the defeat. They were dirty tonight. Kovac's sending off, and Simunic should have had a 2nd yellow for blocking Rooney in the exact same way he blocked Walcott. I'm glad Joe Cole is alright, the way he'd gone down suggested something very serious.

I couldn't believe that there were some Scottish comments on ITV text that Joe Cole was play acting! Excellent fake blood if that was the case (!) :rolleyes:

MasterBlaster76 added 3 Minutes and 6 Seconds later...

We were rubbish, should have been more :p

Expects The Sun newspaper to go with something like "Three-o Walcott" as the headline, but then massive praises for England in the main article, speculating how they can win the World Cup and go unbeaten in the qualifiers.

I really hope they don't start going on about winning SA 2010 just yet. But it's a good thing that there's a while before the next game. After the 1-5 in Munich, I felt the next game came a bit quickly and England weren't really on it, I don't think they'd had a chance to let the previous result sink in.

Everyone is praising Walcott and rightly so, but Rooney's goal, his first in absolutely ages was just as important, as I can really see him going on from this! Watch out WC Qualifying group and Premiership!
Play Rooney behind Tevez and Berbatov then. It'll be harsh on one of the midfielders, but that's one hell of a strike trio right there.
I hope Chelsea just batter City on Saturday and their half filled stadium looks even more pathetic. I also hope someone like Terry or Ballack just completely does Robinho. The money grubbing little excuse for a footballer.

Gah, City. They make Spurs seem likeable. And no one likes Spurs.
They might forget to wear their blue seat fancy dress costumes for a few months, but when they're playing Fulham at home on a midweek night in January, they will quickly remember to put them back on.
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