English Football Thread 2012/2013

Who will win the 2012/13 Premier League?

  • Manchester City

    Votes: 9 25.0%
  • Manchester Utd

    Votes: 19 52.8%
  • Arsenal

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Spurs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Newcastle

    Votes: 1 2.8%
  • Chelsea

    Votes: 6 16.7%
  • Everton

    Votes: 1 2.8%

  • Total voters
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I was actually incredibly positive leading into last season, we had some good signings in, like Pienaar, Mani Fernandes, Baines etc, but this season there's just something about the squad that doesn't look right. I'm normally incredibly optimistic, but I have just become annoyed with the club over the summer, due to their distinct lack of ambition and instinct in the transfer market. We ended up rushing 4 crappy signings, of players that probably aren't good enough to play for the team. Jacobsen, Saha, Fellatio and Nash are awful signings, the sort of players you see joining a newly promoted side. I'm just not confident going into the season, but hopefully I'll be proven wrong.
Saha is a top quality striker. Unfortunately, the next two words are the main point. If fit. I'm guessing you don't know much about Jacobsen and thats why you're saying he's an awful signing. You've got to trust Moyes if he's spent that amount of money on Fellatio. There's no argument over Nash though, he's been doing BBC radio manchester co-commentaries this season as he can't get into the Wigan first 16.
We're skint. Look at this way; Liverpool have paid a combined 28 million for a 28 year old mick who hasn't scored for them and a City reject. We've paid £15 million for a 20/21 year old who's a regular for his country and we've got Ecuador's vice captain, a proven Premiership goalscorer and a Dane who's another ever present for his country. And for all the stick Nash is getting, the fact is that he's only there for backup if Howard gets injured which is unlikely and Nash himself is a very reliable and experienced back up to have. Considering our finances, that's as good as we could have hoped for.
I called Saha **** on facebook. Then some Turkish guy said he was gonna stab me so I told him I'd have it out with him any time, any place. :D Everton will be fine. Probably.

I laughed when they said just now on SSN, there's never a dull moment on tyneside, there is, when they play :D
Benitez attacks Ferie for paying too much.:D Pot. Kettle. Black. Still trying to get over 20 million for Keane:D.
You wonder if Rada actually realizes the money he spends. Fair enough you lot did pay a fair bit for Berbatov, but he's a quality player and Spurs were being tight about it. Never mind Keane for now, the Riera signing is even more lollable. If you can't hack it at City you pretty much can't hack it anywhere.
There's a list somewhere of all the transfers that he's made since joining, it adds up to over 200 million now. Buying a city reject is the icing on the cake:D.
Guilleum Ballegue thinks he'll be a quality signing, and claims that on form he's the best left winger in the world. Big words, but it seems the guys got a lot of talent, I'd give him a chance before writing him off.

As for the Keane transfer, £18millions not much considering Bent cost £16million and Fellatio cost Everton £15million. Keane's a fantastic player. He's probably the most under-rated striker in the Premier League, and once he's settled into the Liverpool system, I'm sure him and Torres will form a really good partnership. Apart from possibly Tevez, Rooney and Berbatov I don't think there's a better strike partnership in the league. Keane and Torres are going to score a bagful of goals this year, mark my words. I have to say, I'm bloody jealous of the type of players Liverpool, Spurs, United, Chelski and City are getting in.
Spurs will get stuffed. Villa are a class team. Liverpool will get stuffed since Gerrard will be dealt with and they'll have no-one to get the ball to Torres. Although, they could rely on the refs.

I saw Babel dive again in the Olympics!
If Anderson plays then Gerrard better get ready to get in his pocket again. Rio and Vidic should have Torres in theirs like last season.

Keane's worth no more than 12 million, Fellatio is slightly different as he had to be bought at the end and so the price is always going to be driven up. The Bent transfer was a one off. Torres is class, but Keane isn't. There's only one Keano.

Oh and Joe, don't have the cheek to criticise Newcastle. According to those in the know, they have the best set of away fans in the premiership and nobody should ever challenge them!
it will be good to see some of the new guys in action tomorrow...the likes of robinho and berbatov for sure...

and as for arsenal...an easy win awaits (thats what i though for fulham also:p)
I hope Chelsea just batter City on Saturday and their half filled stadium looks even more pathetic. I also hope someone like Terry or Ballack just completely does Robinho. The money grubbing little excuse for a footballer.

Gah, City. They make Spurs seem likeable. And no one likes Spurs.

Lol, that'd shut the City fans up a bit!
Never mind Keane for now, the Riera signing is even more lollable. If you can't hack it at City you pretty much can't hack it anywhere.

I dont know about his City days, but he is actually a brilliant player. Problem is while he has the skill, pace and flair, I dont think he is physically strong enough for the game that is played in England.

Should have just stayed in Spain and tried to force his way into the national side. Now he will never make it.
That's right. Some players just can't make the grade in England. And if you can't look good in a City shirt and then the Premiership definitely isn't for you.
The City loan was 2 years ago. He'll be a better player now than he was then. Give the bloke a chance ffs. It'll only bite you in the arse if he does perform.

As for the Keane comments, completely ludicrous. He may have played for Spurs and now play for Liverpool, but he's a bloody good player. He scored almost a goal every other game for Spurs, which is regarded as the level for a quality striker. He's only played 3 times for Liverpool, but once he settles he'll be a brilliant signing. It may have been fairly expensive, but transfers are going that way now. Keane and Torres are both quality strikers, and will form an awesome partnership. Put the Spurs/Liverpool/City bias away, it's become incredibly boring, we know you don't like them, you've mentioned it enough.
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