Fixtures Editor V0.99

hey ajit yur editor not working on my table top (laptop)
it was working in my pc dont knwo whats the problem it is saying some error run error 339 component comdlg32.ocx or one of its dependence not correctly plz help me whats the problem
afridi118 said:
hey ajit yur editor not working on my table top (laptop)
it was working in my pc dont knwo whats the problem it is saying some error run error 339 component comdlg32.ocx or one of its dependence not correctly plz help me whats the problem
Get that file from here
I have tried to use your Alfa version fixture but it don't change nothing. What I am trying to say is I tried to save a test match to create my own fixtures but when I go to upload the save game there is nothing saved in there pls help thank you.
No changes are made to the sav until and unless you click on "save to file" button.

What you need to do is
1.Open the sav with FE
2.Make all changes you wanna make
3.Click on "save to file", to save changes to the file.

I might be able to fix the issues tommorow, but if I can't then you'll need to wait till atleast 10th.
I might sound stupid........but.....
I see that ur editor is only alpha version.Why don't you release the final version with a better user interface.
Version 0.98

Made a few more changes,...

1.Fixed almost all noticed bugs.

2.Sub-Continent tour fully editable, but
You can't set "India" as user team as there is no way out to do so, may be sachinisgod knows,...

3.National League logos trouble can't be fixed by editing sav.

4.A new option to edit a cluster of matches has been added. You can now change the number of days and overs for a range of matches, e.g. you can set all matches from 5 to 12(if you select this range) as unlimited 5 day matches.
btw, option for venues still not added.(the button is displayed, but it doesn't work)

Features still not added.
1. That "home country" option for knockout, as Ste advised.
2. The venue one, anyone having any ideas?... one option is obviously to set all venues to the home of first team,(e.g automatically change venue for Ind vs Aus to Kolkatta), the other is stadiums of a country(e.g. Indian stadiums), anything else? some combinations, etc.

I see that ur editor is only alpha version.Why don't you release the final version with a better user interface.
Maybe because of a flutter, when I started this topic, I gave it the title "Fixtures Editor Alpha Version", it can't be changed thereafter(atleast I can't). Initially it could only edit World Series and then it was "alpha", after that when it was able to edit some 8 tourneys it was "beta"(read some earlier posts) but the title stayed the same, I didn't want to start a new topic titled "Fixtures Editor Beta Version". Then the newer one that edited all tourneys was "version 0.9"(meaning we're close to version 1.0), version 0.91 and 0.98(this one) are nothing but bug fixes so calling them as 1.0 is unfair(some more bugs maybe there, a few more features could be(and are to be) added,...).
I would start a new topic for version 1.0, but only when I've made it(or when I think it is good enough to be labelled v1.0). btw, you don't find any About, Thanks to, etc. in this editor coz is not final but, it can do more than just "testing".
Ajit said:
Made a few more changes,...

2.Sub-Continent tour fully editable, but
You can't set "India" as user team as there is no way out to do so, may be sachinisgod knows,...

3.National League logos trouble can't be fixed by editing sav.

4.A new option to edit a cluster of matches has been added. You can now change the number of days and overs for a range of matches, e.g. you can set all matches from 5 to 12(if you select this range) as unlimited 5 day matches.
btw, option for venues still not added.(the button is displayed, but it doesn't work)

Features still not added.
1. That "home country" option for knockout, as Ste advised.
2. The venue one, anyone having any ideas?... one option is obviously to set all venues to the home of first team,(e.g automatically change venue for Ind vs Aus to Kolkatta), the other is stadiums of a country(e.g. Indian stadiums), anything else? some combinations, etc.

Maybe because of a flutter, when I started this topic, I gave it the title "Fixtures Editor Alpha Version", it can't be changed thereafter(atleast I can't). Initially it could only edit World Series and then it was "alpha", after that when it was able to edit some 8 tourneys it was "beta"(read some earlier posts) but the title stayed the same, I didn't want to start a new topic titled "Fixtures Editor Beta Version". Then the newer one that edited all tourneys was "version 0.9"(meaning we're close to version 1.0), version 0.91 and 0.98(this one) are nothing but bug fixes so calling them as 1.0 is unfair(some more bugs maybe there, a few more features could be(and are to be) added,...).
I would start a new topic for version 1.0, but only when I've made it(or when I think it is good enough to be labelled v1.0). btw, you don't find any About, Thanks to, etc. in this editor coz is not final but, it can do more than just "testing".
congrats dude on this updated version...

about making India the user in B-G Trophy...its possible...the template i used was the default carribean tour...but with your editor's ability to suppress any fixture, in my view it can be any tour template...
In carribean tour sav, the value of 785988 byte changes to 0D for India as user...the main thing is to look for this string in any sav...
4CA9 7B00 2000 0000 0A00 0000 0A00 0000 0100 0000
10D6 4300
now as far as my experience goes the byte that is 20 bytes away from the second 0A byte in this string is the one that controls the u use this info in the editor - i donno but thats how i change the user...btw by changing user here I mean that the tour success percentage is also calculated for that team...

Yes I have fiddled around with National League thing and the bug remains...those nuts at EA made some arrangement in gob or exe for that...

your fourth option is cool

about ur features not added...can you reiterate the issues please? perhaps my raw research in the sav may be able to help...

keep up the good work
thanx ajit 4 providing wonderful FEv9.8, that may open lots of possibilities rather than boring EA schedule...

hi ajit.....there is a bit problem i'm facing.

originally i started sachin's international season with INDIA as user team.

now i wanna change my user team from INDIA to NZL. i oped ur editor, unchecked INDIA and checked NZL. clicked on "make changes to fixtures' and then "save to file". but when i loaded my sav, my user team was still INDIA, even when i started a new match, my user team was INDIA.

this was the problem with ur earlier editor also, i though it would have been fixed but i think u didn't knew about it.

plz help.
Hey Ajit, can we change the teams now after creating a tournament .sav file? With ru previous version, I couldnt change the teams even though I did all what I should do to save it to the file.
tutsipoppy2 said:
this was the problem with ur earlier editor also, i though it would have been fixed but i think u didn't knew about it.
plz help.
Actually I was not applying the correct method, that's why the trouble is there. It is only for International Season, I think. I would fix it later coz I am yet again busy(exams are over but now I've to go to my cousin's marriage and can't return before 9th).
Hey Ajit, can we change the teams now after creating a tournament .sav file? With ru previous version, I couldnt change the teams even though I did all what I should do to save it to the file.
Post a sav file, coz teams were changeable since the first version itself. You need to first change the teams, and then click on "make changes ..." Then click on edit fixtures to see the change. then save the file,... it should work
but i cant get rid of a match.
how do you do it?
Getting rid of match means having the game as over.
Now, you get rid of a match by playing it(winning,losing,or drawing).
if you are playing as 'aus' against 'ken'. If you want to win, click on "make aus win and get..." this will add a victory for aus and loss for ken. If you want to lose "make ken win ..." and if you want draw "ignore this ..."
by doing this when you save the file and load it in game, this aus ken match is treated as game over with aus win/ken win/ignored
you can't change the result if the game is over.
that is if u once click on make aus win, you then can't make ken win/...

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