FM Studios? |

Good news turned into bad news.I completed all my work which was to be included in this patch but 2 days back my operating system caused some problem i tried to reinstall the windows but was facing some unknown errors time by time while installing so i took my PC to the computer shop and there he installed the windows for me but the bad thing that he did was that he completely formatted my Hard drive so now i don't have any stuff.All needs to be redone.Hope i soon get time to do so.
Thats good dedication the thing I could not show. Thanks and its a good news
Sounds good.Will download for sure.
Many of the stuff is done like adboards,logos etc but the problem is i am not finding time to import them into fsh so can anyone here willing to help me.It will make my work easy.
guys.... when is the patch releasing????
sounds exiting.... will download for sure....
and whats the progress so far?:yes
please guys,now this patch should be released asap ,whether its completed or not.
What happened Shaharyar? where is the rebound studios team?

Out team consist of 6 members as shown in the patch info.

1.Shaharyar (Doing my work which is almost completed but need someone to import adboards to the English stadiums.)
2.Ahad (We are using his kits which are with me)
3.Ankit (He was making gameplay but did get succeeded let's see will he be able to make one for our patch.)
4.Harish (He need to make roster but he is not coming online these days.)
5.Varun (We will use his logo but i need someone to assign them.)
6.RPHKR (He has left PC for 1 year.)

I want a logos assigner & a adboard assigner.Anyone who will help me??

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